I don't know about you, ferian, but I know for a fact Mami-kungotnoface Mami-kun has read some volumes after the current point of the show, so perhaps he can help elucidate that point about Mikado.
corva, I do hope you like it better now than after episode 1.
I do. It felt a bit mediocre all the way to the last episodes, but the last few episodes were golden. Still felt that the first season was better overal, even though more dissapointing at the ending.
Mikado is still by far the most interresting character in the series. Not that I don't like Shizuo for example but being normal compared to everyone else and still becomming someone who can influence the things that happen in the city is much more engaging then superhumans.
Well since the terrorist put me up to it...
I read up to 11th novel and Shou adpated volumes 4-6.
I spent 30 minutes trying to formulate a non-spoilerific response on Mikado...
Only to scrap that pathetic attempt at prose.
So let's make it quick and dirty:
The novels hang reasonably more shadows around him than anime does, making him very conspicuous from volume 3 onwards. His contact with supernatural and extraordinary fueled his obsession to become special. You can't call him ordinary, because he was never really right in the head (from what I could tell anyway). We know he is cunning and intelligent, but he lacks bastard qualities of Izaya. His obsession gradually takes toll on his morals and mind, twisting his sense of good and evil, making him resort to violence on more than one occassion. His goals (when finally explained) were pretty simple, but what mattered is the path he took. The part when he played with public/Dollars as if they were a weapon earlier in novels was very good indication of how far he'll be willing to go to further his plans later in the novels. He'll be in spotlight several more times as the story progresses and you'll see how far will his mental disorder (for lack of better term) take him.
Open this last spoiler if you want to be spoiled on what kind of characteristics he acquired by the end of 11th volume (at least from my perspective).
Yandere for both Anri and Kida. Villain protagonist. Power monger. Eversmiling psycho (even serene at times). AND you can feel him sneering and smiling like a madman even from written word.
I think he won't stop to entertain or dissapoint you for quite some time....
I still like the first season better, but it is very close and I dont want to rule out the reason is that it was better only because it came first and was something completely new.
This season had really great character development - in some cases they were really changing, some of them didnt change but we learned much more about them. Of course, some of them still remained mysterious, which is also good to keep viewers interested in watching further.
The end was really unconclusive, but thats about to be expected when the continuation was already announced.
post #161 by NekoNadia on 05.04.2015 12:53 (vote: hidden)
He's EVERYTHING good about this series.