Oh fucking yes DVD source. I'll post details on this when I've downloaded the first ep.
edit: Downloaded and checked out the first ep. Overall very good release, sound and video quality is great, and they used styled subs - easy to read font, and their translation seems to be good.
My only complaint is that their seems to be a lot of frame-by-frame movement, which brings about slight jerkiness.
Not that major, but kind of annoying.
Aside from that, I can't complain. I'm glad a group is finally releasing decent subs for this.
R1 DVD-Source
Audio: Japanese, English (Ogg Vorbis,q4)
Subtitles (soft): English (Full, Karaoke Only)
Resolution: 640x480
Codec: x264
Container: matroska
Video: 10/10
Audio: 10/10
Subtitles: 10/10 - I don't understand Japanese (except few words). Seems good enough for me.
Karaoke: Yes (Changed a bit between E13-15. Was thiner than before, as well as the subtitles in these episodes. Everything was the same, except that it was thiner.)
Compared to Anime-Kissaten and AKU Fansubs this is a perfect release. So go and get them.
I hope that you guys will finish this series..
P.S. Check out their Hikaru no Go releases. They are extremely good as well.
Dvd quality, which is awesome compared to those old tv rips I've watched many times.
There's something to be said about the subtitle quality though. They seem to be straight sub rips, with very little editing or QC. While they are good, they're not great.
Some problems with these subs:
-silly grammar ("hafta","sorta")
-3 or even 4 lines of subs on one screen
-occasional typos
-some of the names are translated (Senritsu -> Melody, York Shin City -> Yorknew City, Deme-chan -> Blinky)
-some names are strange (Kuroro -> Chrollo)
-Feitans bad grammar shows on the subtitles ("I no like Hisoka", "We here to steal")
Video quality is way better than the old A-K and AKU release but it's far from perfect and anlike A-K and AKU it was released in the late '00 so 10/10 seams overrated in this area, the dark scenes are often pretty bad, on the other hand it's a relatively old show so it's hard to tell how many of it's problems derivate from the source and how many from the encode.
As for the translation, there are a few misses, like ep 18 17:05 Kurapika says munen and they translate revenge, it's regret (the rest of the phrase tl is also somewhat off). I noticed some more in earlier eps but I don't remember them, either the tl improved after the first 15 or so eps or it's just my impression. Also, in general the tl is hard to follow and sometimes get confusing. Also, I agree with defree remarks on the subs.
Overall, it's a good release, the best for this anime so far (watched A-K and AKU back when it was fist subbed). I find the 8.5+ rate a bit high but it's the best choice for this anime from those I watched (Z-Z and A~A also translated it but I didn't watch those).
I don't like the translation on ep5 20:19. They say soshite, which means "and then.." Shindou translates it to "You are...." I had to think about it and realize they were talking to Gon and it felt weird for me to think about subtitles. Subtitles should be more pronounced like how KAA did FMA.
In contrast, A-K specifically says "And Mr. Gon ..." Even though they never said the word Gon, I believe it was a better choice in translation.
post #1 by brangor on 26.12.2008 15:37 (vote: hidden)