NET [draft] ITL: All <03605> the leaders <08269> of the priests <03548> and <01571> people <05971> became more <07235> unfaithful <04603> and committed <04603> the same <03605> horrible sins <08441> practiced by the nations <01471>. They defiled <02930> the Lord’s <03068> temple <01004> which <0834> he had consecrated <06942> in Jerusalem <03389>.
AYT: Selain itu, semua pemimpin para imam dan rakyat berdosa besar dengan mengikuti seluruh kekejian bangsa-bangsa lain. Mereka menajiskan bait TUHAN yang telah Dia kuduskan di Yerusalem.
TB: Juga semua pemimpin di antara para imam dan rakyat berkali-kali berubah setia dengan mengikuti segala kekejian bangsa-bangsa lain. Rumah yang dikuduskan TUHAN di Yerusalem itu dinajiskan mereka.
TL: Demikianpun segala penghulu imam dan orang banyakpun membuat kejahatan yang besar amat banyak, seperti segala perbuatan kebencian orang kafir, dan dinajiskannya rumah Tuhan yang telah disucikannya di Yeruzalem.
MILT: Juga semua pemimpin para imam, dan rakyat itu terus-menerus melakukan ketidaksetiaan dengan mengikuti segala berhala kekejian bangsa-bangsa itu; dan mereka menajiskan bait TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) yang telah Dia kuduskan di Yerusalem.
Shellabear 2010: Juga semua pemimpin di antara para imam dan rakyat berbuat banyak kemungkaran, mengikuti segala kekejian bangsa-bangsa lain. Mereka menajiskan Bait ALLAH yang telah disucikan-Nya di Yerusalem.
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Juga semua pemimpin di antara para imam dan rakyat berbuat banyak kemungkaran, mengikuti segala kekejian bangsa-bangsa lain. Mereka menajiskan Bait ALLAH yang telah disucikan-Nya di Yerusalem.
KSKK: Lebih jauh lagi, semua imam kepala, juga seluruh rakyat menjadi sangat tidak setia, mengikuti contoh yang memuakkan dari bangsa-bangsa sekitar mereka, dan dengan demikian mereka mencemarkan rumah yang telah dikuduskan Tuhan sendiri.
VMD: Bahkan seluruh pemimpin imam dan pemimpin umat Yehuda semakin berdosa dan semakin tidak setia kepada Tuhan. Mereka meniru perbuatan jahat dari bangsa-bangsa lain. Mereka merubuhkan Bait TUHAN yang telah dikuduskan oleh Tuhan di Yerusalem.
BIS: Selain itu, Rumah TUHAN yang telah dikhususkan oleh TUHAN sendiri bagi diri-Nya, dinajiskan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Yehuda, imam-imam, dan rakyat, karena mereka turut menyembah berhala dan mengikuti cara hidup yang berdosa dari bangsa-bangsa di sekitar mereka.
TMV: Selain itu, pemimpin-pemimpin Yehuda, para imam, dan rakyat mengikut cara hidup bangsa-bangsa jiran yang berdosa. Mereka menyembah berhala dan menajiskan Rumah TUHAN, yang telah dikhaskan oleh TUHAN sendiri bagi diri-Nya.
FAYH: Semua pemimpin bangsa, juga imam besar menyembah berhala bangsa-bangsa lain di sekitar mereka. Dengan demikian maka Bait Allah yang telah dikuduskan TUHAN di Yerusalem itu dinajiskan.
ENDE: Dan lagi semua penghulu imam dan rakjat memperbanjak ketidak-setiaan, jang mirip dengan kengerian2 kaum kafir. Mereka menadjiskan Rumah Jahwe, jang telah disutjikanNja di Jerusjalem.
Shellabear 1912: Dan lagi segala kepala-kepala imam dan orang kaum itu terlalu sangat dosanya seperti segala kehinaan orang bangsa asing maka dinajiskannya rumah Allah yang telah dikuduskannya di Yerusalem.
Leydekker Draft: Lagi segala Panghulu 'Imam-imam, dan khawm 'itu, ramej-ramej berlangkah-langkahan pada menurut segala kagilijan samowa CHalajikh: dan 'ija menedjiskan khobah Huwa, jang telah dekhuduskannja di-Jerusjalejm.
AVB: Juga semua pemimpin daripada kalangan imam dan rakyat berbuat banyak kemungkaran dengan mengikuti segala kekejian bangsa-bangsa lain. Mereka menajiskan Bait TUHAN yang telah disucikan-Nya di Yerusalem.
AYT ITL: Selain <01571> itu, semua <03605> pemimpin <08269> para imam <03548> dan rakyat <05971> berdosa <04603> <04603> besar <07235> dengan mengikuti seluruh <03605> kekejian <08441> bangsa-bangsa <01471> lain. Mereka menajiskan <02930> bait <01004> TUHAN <03068> yang <0834> telah Dia kuduskan <06942> di Yerusalem <03389>. [<0853>]
TB ITL: Juga <01571> semua <03605> pemimpin <08269> di antara para imam <03548> dan rakyat <05971> berkali-kali <07235> berubah setia <04603> dengan mengikuti segala <03605> kekejian <08441> bangsa-bangsa <01471> lain. Rumah <01004> yang <0834> dikuduskan <06942> TUHAN <03068> di Yerusalem <03389> itu dinajiskan <02930> mereka. [<04603>]
TL ITL: Demikianpun <01571> segala <03605> penghulu <08269> imam <03548> dan orang banyakpun <05971> membuat kejahatan yang besar <04603> <04603> amat banyak <07235>, seperti segala <03605> perbuatan kebencian <08441> orang kafir <01471>, dan dinajiskannya <02930> rumah <01004> Tuhan <03068> yang telah <0834> disucikannya <06942> di Yeruzalem <03389>.
AVB ITL: Juga <01571> semua <03605> pemimpin <08269> daripada kalangan imam <03548> dan rakyat <05971> berbuat <04603> <0> <04603> <0> banyak <07235> kemungkaran <0> <04603> <0> <04603> dengan mengikuti segala <03605> kekejian <08441> bangsa-bangsa lain <01471>. Mereka menajiskan <02930> Bait <01004> TUHAN <03068> yang <0834> telah disucikan-Nya <06942> di Yerusalem <03389>. [<0853>]
HEBREW: <03389> Mlswryb <06942> sydqh <0834> rsa <03068> hwhy <01004> tyb <0853> ta <02930> wamjyw <01471> Mywgh <08441> twbet <03605> lkk <04603> lem <04603> *leml {lweml} <07235> wbrh <05971> Mehw <03548> Mynhkh <08269> yrv <03605> lk <01571> Mg (36:14)
Jawa: Uga sakehe panggedhe ing antarane para imam lan rakyat padha bola-bali anggone ora setya kanthi patrap nindakake sakehe kanisthane bangsa-bangsa liya. Padaleman kang kasucekake dening Pangeran Yehuwah ana ing Yerusalem digawe najis.
Jawa 1994: Kejaba saka kuwi Pedalemané Allah sing wis disucèkaké kagem Allah piyambak, dinajisaké déning para pemimpin Yéhuda, para imam lan rakyat, merga padha mèlu nyembah brahala lan nganut kalakuan sing ditindakaké déning bangsa-bangsa ing sakiwa-tengené.
Sunda: Turug-turug para pamingpin Yuda, para imam jeung sakumna rahayat, lampahna teh narurutan kadorakaan bangsa-bangsa anu araya di sakurilingeunana, nyarembah ka arca-arca, jadi maranehna teh nganistakeun Bait Allah anu geus disucikeun ku PANGERAN ku manten.
Madura: Laen dhari jareya, Padalemman Socce se bi’ PANGERAN la eteptebbagi kaangguy Salerana malolo, epanajjis bi’ pin-pamimpinna Yehuda, bi’ mam-imamma ban ra’yadda, sabab reng-oreng jareya noro’ nyemba brahala ban nerowe cara odhi’na sa-bangsa se dusa e sabingkerra.
Bali: Samaliha parapamimpin Yehudane, parapandita miwah rakyate sami pada nulad laksanan bangsa-bangsane sane madosa, sane wenten ring kiwa tengennyane, malantaran ipun nyungsung arca-arca miwah ngletehin Perhyangan Agunge, sane sampun kasuciang antuk Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa ngraga.
Bugis: Rilainnaéro, Bolana PUWANGNGE iya puraé napallaing untu’ Aléna muto, napanajisi’i sining pamimpinna Yéhuda, sining imangngé sibawa ra’ya’é, nasaba maccowéi massompa barahala sibawa maccowériwi cara atuwo-tuwong iya madosaé polé ri bangsa-bangsaé ri seddéna mennang.
Makasar: Pantaranganna anjo, Balla’Na Batara le’baka Natangkasi Batara untu’ KalenNa, nira’massi ri pamimping-pamimpinna tu Yehuda, imang-imanga, siagang ra’yaka, lanri amminawang turu’na todong ke’nanga anynyomba barhala siagang naturuki panggaukanna bansa-bansa dorakaya ri tammulilina ke’nanga.
Toraja: Susi dukato tu mintu’ pangulu to minaa sia to buda umpalolang katangmarurusan, unturu’ penggauran megallianna mintu’ bangsa, sia naruttaki tu banuanNa PUANG, tu Napamarimbanganmo dio Yerusalem.
Karo: Rumah Tuhan si Badia pe icemarken peminpin-peminpin Juda, imam-imam, ras rayat, sabap ia pe ikut nembah dingen ngikutken dalan kalak perdosa bangsa-bangsa sekelewetna.
Simalungun: Sonai homa kopala-kopala ni malim ampa halak na mabuei ai, seng dong na bujur humbani sidea, ihorjahon sidea do hasamboron ni bangsa-bangsa sipajuh begu-begu, ibutaki sidea do Rumah ni Jahowa, na pinapansing-Ni i Jerusalem.
Toba: Nang sude induk ni angka malim dohot situan na torop i, godang situtu hajahaton diula, suman tu sandok biasbias angka na niulahon ni angka bangso parbegu, gari joro ni Jahowa na pinarbadiaanna di Jerusalem diramuni nasida do.
NETBible: All the leaders of the priests and people became more unfaithful and committed the same horrible sins practiced by the nations. They defiled the
NASB: Furthermore, all the officials of the priests and the people were very unfaithful following all the abominations of the nations; and they defiled the house of the LORD which He had sanctified in Jerusalem.
HCSB: All the leaders of the priests and the people multiplied their unfaithful deeds, imitating all the detestable practices of the nations, and they defiled the LORD's temple that He had consecrated in Jerusalem.
LEB: All the officials, the priests, and the people became increasingly unfaithful and followed all the disgusting practices of the nations. Although the LORD had made the temple in Jerusalem holy, they made the temple unclean.
NIV: Furthermore, all the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful, following all the detestable practices of the nations and defiling the temple of the LORD, which he had consecrated in Jerusalem.
ESV: All the officers of the priests and the people likewise were exceedingly unfaithful, following all the abominations of the nations. And they polluted the house of the LORD that he had made holy in Jerusalem.
NRSV: All the leading priests and the people also were exceedingly unfaithful, following all the abominations of the nations; and they polluted the house of the LORD that he had consecrated in Jerusalem.
REB: All the chiefs of Judah and the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful, following all the abominable practices of the other nations; and they defiled the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.
NKJV: Moreover all the leaders of the priests and the people transgressed more and more, according to all the abominations of the nations, and defiled the house of the LORD which He had consecrated in Jerusalem.
KJV: Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.
AMP: Also all the chiefs of the priests and the people trespassed greatly in accord with all the abominations of the heathen, and they polluted the house of the Lord which He had hallowed in Jerusalem.
NLT: All the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful. They followed the pagan practices of the surrounding nations, desecrating the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem.
GNB: In addition, the leaders of Judah, the priests, and the people followed the sinful example of the nations around them in worshiping idols, and so they defiled the Temple, which the LORD himself had made holy.
ERV: Also, all the leaders of the priests and the leaders of the people of Judah became unfaithful to the Lord, sinning more and more. They followed the evil example of the other nations. They ruined the Temple that the LORD had made holy in Jerusalem.
BBE: And more than this, all the great men of Judah and the priests and the people made their sin great, turning to all the disgusting ways of the nations; and they made unclean the house of the Lord which he had made holy in Jerusalem.
MSG: The evil mindset spread to the leaders and priests and filtered down to the people--it kicked off an epidemic of evil, repeating the abominations of the pagans and polluting The Temple of GOD so recently consecrated in Jerusalem.
CEV: The people of Judah and even the priests who were their leaders became more unfaithful. They followed the disgusting example of the nations around them and made the LORD's holy temple unfit for worship.
CEVUK: The people of Judah and even the priests who were their leaders became more unfaithful. They followed the disgusting example of the nations around them and made the Lord's holy temple unfit for worship.
GWV: All the officials, the priests, and the people became increasingly unfaithful and followed all the disgusting practices of the nations. Although the LORD had made the temple in Jerusalem holy, they made the temple unclean.
KJV: Moreover all the chief <08269> of the priests <03548>_, and the people <05971>_, transgressed <04603> (8800) very <04604> much <07235> (8689) after all the abominations <08441> of the heathen <01471>_; and polluted <02930> (8762) the house <01004> of the LORD <03068> which he had hallowed <06942> (8689) in Jerusalem <03389>_.
NASB: Furthermore<1571>, all<3605> the officials<8269> of the priests<3548> and the people<5971> were very<7235> unfaithful<4604> following all<3605> the abominations<8441> of the nations<1471>; and they defiled<2930> the house<1004> of the LORD<3068> which<834> He had sanctified<6942> in Jerusalem<3389>.
NET [draft] ITL: All <03605> the leaders <08269> of the priests <03548> and <01571> people <05971> became more <07235> unfaithful <04603> and committed <04603> the same <03605> horrible sins <08441> practiced by the nations <01471>. They defiled <02930> the Lord’s <03068> temple <01004> which <0834> he had consecrated <06942> in Jerusalem <03389>.