Special Section: Artificial Intelligence in IS Research (pp. 281-352)
Guest Editorial: Theories of Digital Transformation: A Progress Report
M. Lynne Markus and Frantz Rowe
Special Issue Editorial: Artificial Intelligence in Organizations: Implications for Information Systems Research
Hind Benbya, Stella Pachidi, and Sirkka Jarvenpaa
What Do I Do in a World of Artificial Intelligence? Investigating the Impact of Substitutive Decision-Making AI Systems on Employees’ Professional Role Identity
Franz Strich, Anne-Sophie Mayer, and Marina Fiedler
Sociotechnical Envelopment of Artificial Intelligence: An Approach to Organizational Deployment of Inscrutable Artificial Intelligence Systems
Aleksandre Asatiani, Pekka Malo, Per Rådberg Nagbøl, Esko Penttinen, Tapani Rinta-Kahila, and Antti Salovaara
Warm-Glow Giving, Hedonism, and Their Influence on Muslim User Engagement on Loan-Based Crowdfunding Platforms
Juliana Sutanto, Helena Wenninger, and Handre Duriana
How Does the Positioning of Information Technology Firms in Strategic Alliances Influence Returns to R&D Investments?
Pouya Rahmati, Ali Tafti, Sunil Mithas, and Vishal Sachdev
Value Co-Creation in Smart Services: A Functional Affordances Perspective on Smart Personal Assistants
Robin Knote, Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner, and Jan Marco Leimeister
Investigating the Effects of Dimension-Specific Sentiments on Product Sales: The Perspective of Sentiment Preferences
Cuiqing Jiang, Jianfei Wang, Qian TANG, and Xiaozhong Lyu
Knowledge Management System Use as a Key Driver of Professional and Organizational Cognitive Engagement
Kishen Iyengar and Ramiro Montealegre
Online Channels and Store Brands: Strategic Interactions
Xiaomeng Luo, Ling Ge, Liwen Chen, and Jianbin Li
Impact of Managerial Responses on Product Sales: Examining the Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity and Market Position
Yinli Huang, Yue Jin, and Jinghua Huang