African Vibes » All Replies Sun, 05 Jan 2025 02:32:26 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Reply To: “Christianity is destroying Africa.” Do you Agree? 🤔]]> Sat, 07 Sep 2024 03:09:57 +0000 karleedike Training for sure. The church has abused trust in so many ways. Churches in Africa need to be regulated. These days there are so many prophets and ‘man of God’. I reckon God himself is fed up with the lot of them.

/forums/feed/#post-348043 <![CDATA[Transforming Poultry Farming in Buea, Cameroon.]]> /forums/feed/#post-348043 Wed, 28 Jun 2023 14:16:33 +0000 fobekom-emmanuel Project Title: Transforming Poultry Farming in Buea, Southwest Region Cameroon

Problem Statement:

The poultry industry in Buea, Cameroon, is largely underdeveloped, and most small-scale farmers struggle with low productivity and low profitability. These farmers face several challenges, such as inadequate training, limited access to good quality feed and veterinary services, and high mortality rates among the birds. This has resulted in low-income levels for these farmers, which further perpetuates poverty and limits economic growth in the region.

Innovative Solution:

The innovative solution we propose is to establish a highly productive and sustainable model poultry farm in Buea, which will serve as a training center for small-scale farmers. The model farm will use best practices in poultry farming, such as improved breeds, quality feed, and proper vaccination programs, to produce high-quality poultry products.

Implementation Plan:

The implementation plan will be divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Establishing the Model Farm and Training Center

– Purchase of high-quality breeds of poultry

– Construction of suitable housing and feeding facilities

– Installation of necessary equipment for breeding and rearing

– Recruit and train skilled personnel in livestock management and poultry farming

– Launch community outreach programs to promote the project

Phase 2: Training of Small-Scale Farmers

– Organize training workshops to educate small-scale farmers on best practices in poultry farming

– Provide smaller quantities of improved breeds, feeds, and vaccines to small-scale farmers

– establish a support network for farmers after training

Phase 3: Market and Sell poultry products

– Actively market to the local community

– Participate in local markets and festivals

– Encourage feedback and incorporate it into the production and sales strategy


The total budget for this project will be $1000, with the breakdown as follows:

– Purchase of high-quality breeds of poultry: $300

– Construction of suitable housing and feeding facilities: $250

– Installation of necessary equipment for breeding and rearing: $150

– Recruitment and training of skilled personnel: $150

– Launch community outreach programs to promote the project: $50

– Miscellaneous costs: $100


Our niche is in providing high-quality breeds, feeds, and vaccines and training small-scale farmers in best practices in poultry farming.

Sustainability Plan:

The project’s sustainability plan consists of the following strategies:

– Sell high-quality poultry products at a competitive market price

– Provide consistent education and training to small-scale farmers

– Use locally available resources and production input

– Generate additional income through value addition such as poultry feathers, eggs and manure

Impact Evaluation:

The impact of the project will be evaluated through the following:

– Increased income levels for small-scale farmers

– Increase in the number of small-scale farmers engaging in poultry farming

– Improved nutritional status among the local community

– Sustainable economic growth and development for the region.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Africa’s Impact]]> Sun, 25 Jun 2023 08:23:48 +0000 sheikhtttt Hi

/forums/feed/#post-347988 <![CDATA[Africa’s Impact]]> /forums/feed/#post-347988 Sun, 25 Jun 2023 08:23:24 +0000 Community Manager Africa’s impact to the rest of the world

/forums/feed/#post-347985 <![CDATA[💥Modernization vs. Cultural Heritage: How can we balance the two?💥]]> /forums/feed/#post-347985 Fri, 23 Jun 2023 16:21:37 +0000 Community Manager 💥Traditional African beliefs and practices are facing increasing pressure from modernization. Some people believe that this is a threat to our cultural heritage, while others argue that it is a necessary step for progress.

How can we balance the need to preserve our cultural heritage with the desire to modernize? This is a complex question, but it is one that we need to answer if we want to ensure that our culture survives and thrives in the 21st century.💥

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: 🙄🤔Whose fault is it that Africans in Ukraine are affected by the crisis?🤔]]> Wed, 21 Jun 2023 11:43:15 +0000 boma-miranda-emmira African leaders should take the responsibility for the citizens nomatter where their citizens go.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To:]]> Sun, 04 Jun 2023 14:36:47 +0000 debra Sounds great ! I agree

/forums/feed/#post-338070 <![CDATA[💥Who is to be blamed for the loss of black lives in the Buffalo shooting?⭐]]> /forums/feed/#post-338070 Fri, 20 May 2022 09:02:52 +0000 Community Manager Dr Martin Luther King once said ” To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it” Who is to be blamed for the Buffalo shooting? The Mother who raised him, Teachers who taught him in school or Police for not arresting him after writing manifesto?🤔

]]> <![CDATA[💥Can technology help minimize corruption In Africa?⭐]]> Fri, 13 May 2022 16:51:51 +0000 African Vibes The World Economic Forum says “Across Africa, a lack of transparency in tender processes has driven up corruption” Can technology help minimize corruption In Africa?

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: If you are opportune to impact an African community what impact idea will it be?]]> Thu, 12 May 2022 06:08:33 +0000 African Vibes This is a brilliant idea. The highest cause of malaria in Africa is because of mosquitos caused by dirt and an unkept environment
