Zen and the Art of Wearable Markup

Jeffrey muses on progressive enhancement and future-friendliness.

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Related links

HTML Web Components Can Have a Little Shadow DOM, As A Treat | Scott Jehl, Web Designer/Developer

This is an interesting thought from Scott: using Shadow DOM in HTML web components but only as a way of providing sort-of user-agent styles:

providing some default, low-specificity styles for our slotted light-dom HTML elements while allowing them to be easily overridden.

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HTML Web Components Make Progressive Enhancement And CSS Encapsulation Easier! | CSS-Tricks

Three great examples of HTML web components:

What I hope is that you now have the same sort of epiphany that I had when reading Jeremy Keith’s post: HTML Web Components are an HTML-first feature.

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But what about the shadow DOM? | Go Make Things

So many of the problems and challenges of working with Web Components just fall away when you ditch the shadow DOM and use them as a light wrapper for progressive enhancement.

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Web Components from early 2024 · Chris Burnell

Some lovely HTML web components—perfect for progressive enhancement!

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PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket: HTML web components with Chris Ferdinandi

I somehow missed this when it came out in January but Amber just pointed me to it—an interview with Chris about HTML web components, available for your huffduffing pleasure.

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You might want to use `display: contents` …maybe.

Pickin’ dates

HTML web components for augmenting date inputs.

HTML web components

Don’t replace. Augment.

Read-only web apps

It’s fine to require JavaScript for read/write functionality. But have you considered a read-only mode without JavaScript?