We all grieve in different ways. We all find solace and comfort in different places.
There can be solace in walking. There can be comfort in music. Tears. Rage. Sadness. Whatever it takes.
Personally, I have found comfort in reading what others have written about Chloe …but I know Chloe would be really embarrassed. She never liked getting attention.
Chloe must have known that people would want to commemorate her in some way. She didn’t want a big ceremony. She didn’t want any fuss. She left specific instructions (her suicide was not a spur-of-the moment decision).
If you would like to mourn the death—and celebrate the life—of Chloe Weil, she asked that you contribute to one or both of these institutions:
- The Oregon Humane Society. This is where Chloe found FACE, her constant companion.
- The Internet Archive. Chloe cared deeply about the web and digital preservation.
If you choose to make a donation; thank you. It’s what Chloe wanted.
I still can’t believe she’s gone.
# Liked by Jeb Spengler on Friday, July 11th, 2014 at 9:29pm
# Liked by Rachel Shillcock on Friday, July 11th, 2014 at 10:12pm
# Liked by Geri Coady on Friday, July 11th, 2014 at 10:34pm
# Liked by Dan Rubin on Saturday, July 12th, 2014 at 12:27am
# Liked by Joschi Kuphal on Saturday, July 12th, 2014 at 1:19am