Return of the Responsive Day Out

When we decided to put on last year’s Responsive Day Out, it was a fairly haphazard, spur-of-the-moment affair. Well, when I say “spur of the moment”, I mean there was just three short months between announcing the event and actually doing it. In event-organising terms, that’s flying by the seat of your pants.

The Responsive Day Out was a huge success—just ask anyone who was there. Despite the lack of any of the usual conference comforts (we didn’t even have badges), everyone really enjoyed the whizz-bang, lickety-split format: four blocks of three back-to-back quickfire 20 minute talks, with each block wrapped up with a short discussion. And the talks were superb …really superb.

It was always intended as a one-off event. But I was surprised by how often people asked when the next one would be, either because they were there and loved it, or because they missed out on getting a ticket but heard how great it was. For a while, I was waving off those questions, saying that we had no plans for another Responsive Day Out. I figured that we had covered quite a lot in that one day, and now we should just be getting on with building the responsive web, right?

But then I started to notice how many companies were only beginning to make the switch to working responsively within the past year. It’s like the floodgates have opened. I’ve been going into companies and doing workshops where I’ve found myself thinking time and time again that these people could really benefit from an event like the Responsive Day Out.

Slowly but surely, the thought of having another Responsive Day Out grew and grew in my mind.

So let’s do this.

On Friday, June 27th, come on down to Brighton for Responsive Day Out 2: Elastic Bugaloo. It will be bloody brilliant.

The format will be mostly the same as last year, with one big change: one of the day’s slots won’t feature three quick back-to-back talks. Instead it will be a keynote presentation by none other than the Responitor himself, Duke Ethan of Marcotte.

There are some other differences from last year. Whereas last year’s speakers all came from within the borders of the UK, this year I’ve invited some supremely talented people from other parts of Europe. You can expect mind-expanding knowledge bombs on workflow, process, front-end technologies, and some case studies.

If you check out the website, you’ll see just some of the speakers I’ve got lined up for you: Stephanie, Rachel, Stephen …but that’s not the full line-up. I’m still gathering together the last few pieces of the day’s puzzle. But I’ve got to say, I’m already ridiculously excited to hear what everyone has to say.

The expanded scope of the line-up means that the ticket price is a bit more this year—last year’s event was laughably cheap—but it’s still a ridiculously low price: just £80 plus VAT, bringing it to a grand total of just £96 all in. That’s unheard of for a line-up of this calibre.

I’m planning to put tickets on sale on two weeks from today on March 25th. Last year’s Responsive Day Out was insanely popular and sold out almost immediately. Make sure you grab your ticket straight away.

To get in the mood, you might want to listen to the podcast or watch the videos from last year.

See you in Brighton on June 27th. This is going to be fun!

(By the way, if your company fancies dropping a few grand to sponsor an after-party for Responsive Day Out 2: The Revenge, let me know. The low-cost, no-frills approach means that right now, there’s no after-party planned, but if your company threw one, they would earn the undying gratitude of hundreds of geeks.)

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Oh, what a lovely day!

Events in 2015

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Responsive Day Out

Come on down to Brighton on March 1st, 2013. A great day out for £50!

Video video

Relive Responsive Day Out 3 in the form of moving images

What a day out! What a lovely responsive day out!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Related links

adactio : responsiveconf3 on Huffduffer

Just over 48 hours since the third and final Responsive Day Out finished, and all of the audio is available! Here’s the podcast feed.

That Drew is something else.

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Responsive day out 3: the final breakpoint |

A fantastically-detailed write up of the whole day out. Each talk is described, and then the threads are tied together at the end. Great stuff!

As may have become clear from my notes above, Responsive Day Out 3 was a day full of variety. I had the feeling it could have easily been called Web Day Out, and I guess that makes sense, as responsive web design has naturally grown to be a pleonasm in the past few years.

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Items tagged beepcheeks on Decade City

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Responsive Day Out 2 – from the perspective of a speaker & attendee : Sally Jenkinson

Sally’s talk at Responsive Day Out 2 was really, really great—it kinda blew my mind. I’m so, so happy she agreed to be a part of the event.

Here’s her description of the day and the other talks. Pay attention to the closing call:

I didn’t get to meet everyone I wanted to, but you should all come back for dConstruct in September as I’m sure that it’ll be even better than this weekend was.

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Responsive Special - Web Talk Dog Walk

If you’re coming to the Responsive Day Out next week, bring your dog. Laura is organising a special Web Talk Dog Walk for the next day.

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Previously on this day

11 years ago I wrote Off-canvas horizontal lists

Sharing a pattern that didn’t quite work.

13 years ago I wrote Drupalcon in Chi-town

Back in Chicago.

15 years ago I wrote Texapalooza

South by Southwest bound.

19 years ago I wrote Austin update

I’ve arrived in Austin. The South by SouthWest festival hasn’t started yet and I’m already having a great time meeting some wonderful people.

21 years ago I wrote My glamourous life

The last couple of weeks have been pretty busy for me.

22 years ago I wrote Cat Hospital starring Frank the Cat

You can keep an eye on the progress of poor Frank the cat who has become something of a celebrity: