Speedy tunes

Performance is a high priority for me with The Session. It needs to work for people all over the world using all kinds of devices.

My main strategy for ensuring good performance is to diligently apply progressive enhancement. The core content is available to any device that can render HTML.

To keep things performant, I’ve avoided as many assets (or, more accurately, liabilities) as possible. No uneccessary images. No superfluous JavaScript libraries. Not even any web fonts (gasp!). And definitely no third-party resources.

The pay-off is a speedy site. If you want to see lab data, run a page from The Session through lighthouse. To see field data, take a look at data from Chrome UX Report (Crux).

But the devil is in the details. Even though most pages on The Session are speedy, the outliers have bothered me for a while.

Take a typical tune page on the site. The data is delivered from the server as HTML, which loads nice and quick. That data includes the notes for the tune settings, written in ABC notation, a nice lightweight text format.

Then the enhancement happens. Using Paul Rosen’s brilliant abcjs JavaScript library, those ABCs are converted into SVG sheetmusic.

So on tune pages there’s an additional download for that JavaScript library. That’s not so bad though—I’m using a service worker to cache that file so there’ll only ever be one initial network request.

If a tune has just a few different versions, the page remains nice and zippy. But if a tune has lots of settings, the computation starts to add up. Converting all those settings from ABC to SVG starts to take a cumulative toll on the main thread.

I pondered ways to avoid that conversion step. Was there some way of pre-generating the SVGs on the server rather than doing it all on the client?

In theory, yes. I could spin up a headless browser, run the JavaScript and take a snapshot. But that’s a bit beyond my backend programming skills, so I’ve taken a slightly different approach.

The first time anyone hits a tune page, the ABCs getting converted to SVGs as usual. But now there’s one additional step. I grab the generated markup and send it as an Ajax payload to an endpoint on my server. That endpoint stores the sheetmusic as a file in a cache.

Next time someone hits that page, there’s a server-side check to see if the sheetmusic has been cached. If it has, send that down the wire embedded directly in the HTML.

The idea is that over time, most of the sheetmusic on the site will transition from being generated in the browser to being stored on the server.

So far it’s working out well.

Take a really popular tune like The Lark In The Morning. There are twenty settings, and each one has four parts. Previously that would have resulted in a few seconds of parsing and rendering time on the main thread. Now everything is delivered up-front.

I’m not out of the woods. A page like that with lots of sheetmusic and plenty of comments is going to have a hefty page weight and a large DOM size. I’ve still got a fair bit of main-thread work happening, but now the bulk of it is style and layout, whereas previously I had the JavaScript overhead on top of that.

I’ll keep working on it. But overall, the speed improvement is great. A typical tune page is now very speedy indeed.

It’s like a microcosm of web performance in general: respect your users’ time, network connection and battery life. If that means shifting the work from the browser to the server, do it!

Have you published a response to this? :



@adactio This came across my feed *just* as I was taking a break from tackling a very similar problem with abcjs performance on a big page! Thanks so much for the tips, and for all the work you do on The Session

# Posted by Caro on Friday, September 15th, 2023 at 2:34pm


# Shared by Sergey Chernyshev :verified: on Friday, September 15th, 2023 at 1:34pm

# Shared by Caro on Friday, September 15th, 2023 at 3:01pm


# Liked by Sergey Chernyshev :verified: on Friday, September 15th, 2023 at 1:34pm

# Liked by Caro on Friday, September 15th, 2023 at 3:01pm

# Liked by Rasmus Kaj on Friday, September 15th, 2023 at 3:34pm

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