
Dear Auntie Beeb,

Like countless pedants before me, I am sad enough to take some time out of my day to point out a minor error in the article On the road with wi-fi and video:

Nokia’s gadget suffers the sins of many of its mobile phones — confusing menus and a sluggish response make it irritable to use.

While I have no doubt that having a journalist constantly pressing its buttons would make any device irritable, I suspect that the intended meaning is that the device is irritating to use.

Insert standard closing remark about license fees and education standards including the words “in this day and age” somewhere.


Irritated in Brighton.

P.S. Are you reading Grammarblog? Then your life is not yet complete. Go, read and nod your head vigorously in agreement on issues such as “loose” vs. “lose” and “I could care less”.

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Previously on this day

19 years ago I wrote OddzBallz

Internet entrepreneurship isn’t dead. After you’ve registered for d.Construct, I suggest you use your remaining PayPal balance over at OddzBallz.

19 years ago I wrote d.Construct

If you’re anywhere within travelling distance of the south coast of England, be sure to keep your diary free for November 11th. On that date, Brighton will play host to Europe’s first Web 2.0 conference: d.Construct 2005.

21 years ago I wrote Speechless

Words fail me:

21 years ago I wrote Don't fear the Terminal

This is going to be yet another entry of pure OS X geekery so if that’s not your cup of nerd tea then look away now.

22 years ago I wrote Googlefight


23 years ago I wrote Searching for the Biological Roots of Consciousness

Apple have posted up an article about a fellow named Christof Koch.

23 years ago I wrote New gallery

Two days ago we had very, very windy weather here in Brighton. It whipped the sea up into an impressive cauldron of loud, crashing waves.

23 years ago I wrote Bert and Osama.

You know those posters of Osama Bin Laden that protesters in Bangladesh are waving? Well, the collage of pictures of Bin Laden are culled from many sources including the internet.

23 years ago I wrote American oriole wings its way across Atlantic to Baltimore, Ireland

I remember reading through the Encycolepdia Brittanica as a kid in Ireland and reading that the world’s biggest aquarium was in Baltimore.