The schedule for Patterns Day

There are only seventeen more days until Patterns Day. Squee!

I’ve got a plan now for how the day is going to run. Here’s the plan:

opening remarks
Laura Elizabeth
Ellen deVries
Sareh Heidari
Rachel Andrew
lunch break
Alice Bartlett
Jina Anne
Paul Lloyd
Alla Kholmatova
closing remarks

There was a great response to my call for sponsors. Thanks to Amazon Video, we’ll have video recordings of all the talks. Thanks to Deliveroo, we’ll have coffee and tea throughout the day …and pastries in the morning! …and popcorn in the afternoon!!

You’re on your own for lunch. I’ve listed some options on the website, but I should add some more.

I have to say, looking at the schedule for the day, I’m very excited about this line-up. To say I’m looking forward to it would be quite the understatement. I can’t wait!

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# Liked by Nick F on Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 at 2:50am

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Previously on this day

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Day eighty three.

17 years ago I wrote Bedrolling

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18 years ago I wrote Podcasts and the Internet Archive

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