The Web History podcast

From day one, I’ve been a fan of Jay Hoffman’s project The History Of The Web—both the newsletter and the evolving timeline.

Recently Jay started publishing essays on web history over on CSS Tricks:

  1. Birth
  2. Browsers
  3. The Website
  4. Search

Round about that time, Chris floated the idea of having people record themselves reading blog posts. I immediately volunteered my services for the web history essays.

So now you can listen to me reading Jay’s words:

  1. Birth
  2. Browsers
  3. The Website
  4. Search

Each chapter is round about half an hour long so that’s a solid two hours or so of me yapping.

Should you wish to take the audio with you wherever you go, I’ve made a podcast feed for you. Pop that in your podcatching software of choice. Here it is on Apple Podcasts. Here it is on Spotify.

And if you just can’t get enough of my voice, there’s always the Clearleft podcast …although that’s mostly other people talking, thank goodness.

Have you published a response to this? :



# Liked by George Salib® on Monday, October 12th, 2020 at 5:15pm

# Liked by Chris Burnell on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 at 9:53am

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My Pod

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Previously on this day

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What I did at Science Hack Day San Francisco.

14 years ago I wrote Stevens

Who’s on first?

14 years ago I wrote Sea change

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20 years ago I wrote Apple documentation

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21 years ago I wrote Okkervil River

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22 years ago I wrote Lost in Translation

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22 years ago I wrote podLob

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22 years ago I wrote More Wired News

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23 years ago I wrote Apple - W3C Statement

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23 years ago I wrote 240 Miles Up, Seeing Tragedy

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