200 tunes

Every day I’ve been recording myself playing a tune and then posting the videos here on my site.

It seems like just yesterday that I wrote about hitting the landmark of 100 tunes. But that was itself 100 days ago. I know this because today I posted my 200th tune.

I’m pretty pleased that I’ve managed to keep up a 200 day streak. I could keep going, but I think I’m going to take a break. I’ll keep recording and posting tunes, but I’m no longer going to give myself the deadline of doing it every single day. I’ll record and post a tune when I feel like it.

It’ll be interesting to see how the frequency changes now. Maybe I’ll still feel like recording a tune most days. Or maybe it’ll become a rare occurrence.

If you want to peruse the 200 tunes recorded so far, you can find them here on my website and in a playlist on YouTube. I also posted some videos to Instagram, but I haven’t been doing that from the start.

I’m quite chuffed with the overall output (even if some of the individual recordings are distinctly sub-par). Recording 200 tunes sounds like a big task by itself, but if you break it down to recording just one tune a day, it becomes so much more manageable. You can stand anything for ten seconds. As I said when I reached the 100 tune mark:

Recording one tune isn’t too much hassle. There are days when it’s frustrating and I have to do multiple takes, but overall it’s not too taxing. But now, when I look at the cumulative result, I’m very happy that I didn’t skip any days.

There was a side effect to recording a short video every day. I created a timeline for my hair. I’ve documented the day-by-day growth of my hair from 200 days ago to today. A self has been inadvertently quantified.

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# Liked by Daniel Ehniss on Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 at 9:08pm

# Liked by Jessica on Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 at 9:08pm

# Liked by Chris Burnell on Monday, October 5th, 2020 at 12:30am

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Previously on this day

5 years ago I wrote Travel talk

Edinburgh, Madrid, London, Amsterdam—plane versus train.

8 years ago I wrote Fifteen

I should’ve baked a cake, at least.

11 years ago I wrote Science Hack Day San Francisco

Getting excited and making things with science in the best possible venue.

15 years ago I wrote Thoughtful

A gentle reminder from Last.fm.

17 years ago I wrote Web Fundamentals

Speaking and listening at Fundamentos Web 2007.

21 years ago I wrote Coca Crazy

Coca-Cola have unveiled a giant hi-tech billboard in Picadilly Circus with all sorts of gee-whiz gadgetry:

23 years ago I wrote Berners-Lee Says Patents Obstruct An Open Web

More news on yesterday’s post about the W3C and patents.