Journal archive: 2012



Canvas sparklines

Scripting Tufte’s bite-sized charts.

Returning control

To love something, it has to be set free.

Hackfarming Politmus

Eighteen go to Dorset.

More Responsive Day Out

Get a ticket while stocks last.

The Session

Finally, the Irish music community site gets an overhaul.

Responsive Day Out

Come on down to Brighton on March 1st, 2013. A great day out for £50!

Six impossible questions

Answers on an impossible postcard please.

Building Matter

Today is launch day for an exceptionally good project.

Full fathom frontal

A day of front-end fun in Brighton.

Iconic imagery

Responsive images, compressive images, and icon fonts. Take your pick.


Something is happening.

A treat grows in Brooklyn

Brooklyn Beta 2012. Good times.


A memory of Austin prompted by a readlist of seminal technology papers.

Responsive readlist

Links from a workshop.

iOS Six Fix

Finally, a cure for the common bug.

To CERN with love


Scrollin’, scrollin’, scrollin’

Keep them updates scrollin’.


Apple’s lack of developer relations for Safari needs to change.

RoboHornet’s nest

For shame, Microsoft.

Open device labs

Bring me your phones, your tablets, your huddled devices.

Rounding up dConstruct 2012

Blog posts and pictures from attendees.

Return to Freiburg

Thanks to Smashing Magazine, I had the chance to revisit my old haunts.

Listen to Brighton SF

The audio (and transcript) is available for your listening (and reading) pleasure.


The victim.

The email notification anti-pattern: a response

Hanlon’s Razor in action.

The email notification anti-pattern

Here’s an email I sent to Findings (in response to the many emails I’ve suddenly been getting from them).

The mind-blowing awesomeness of dConstruct 2012

Preceded by the mind-blowing awesomeness of Brighton SF.

Questions, please

What should I ask Brian Aldiss, Lauren Beukes, and Jeff Noon?

Maptales of Brighton

The places to be.

From Chicago to Brighton

Geeking it up on both sides of the Atlantic.

Restoration mirror

The welcome return of The Mirror Project.


Twitter, take your display “requirements” and shove ‘em.

Your own words

Reclaim what you publish: come along to IndieWebCamp in Brighton on September 9th.

URIslands in the stream

Goodbye, splash screen. Hello, stream.


Three lines.

Generating placeholders from datalists

Some JavaScript to spruce up forms in HTML5 documents.

Laboratory conditions

The testlab setup.


Brighton SF just got even better.

Countdown to September

Preparing for the Brighton Digital Festival.


Read these things about things on the network.

How do I convince…?

All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.

Device labs

Brighton, London, Malmö…

Brighton SF

I’m gathering together some sci-fi authors the evening before dConstruct.

Austin Apart

A conference in Texas. No, not that one.


Always read the meatspace lump of dead-tree atoms.


Hacker tourism.

September in Brighton

The Brighton Digital Festival returns.


May: The Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada. June: nothing. July: Barcelona and Austin.


Happy birthday, Alan.

Device expansion

Some more device grist for the communal testing mill.

Pepys out

The end of an internet era.


Get ‘em while they’re hot.

Secret src

Hammering out the issues around standardising responsive images.

Your local mobile device lab

Opening up the Clearleft device lab has resulted in more devices.

Questions for Mobilism

I’m going to be moderating two panel discussions. What should I ask the panelists?

dConstruct optimisation

Tweaking the dConstruct 2012 site for performance.

Left to our own devices

Pop ‘round to the Clearleft office if you want to test a site on our devices.

Conditional CSS

The results are in. Here’s what you came up with to solve the problem of conditional loading with CSS.

Fanfare for the common breakpoint

“Common” breakpoints are the new fold.

Conditionally loading content

Conditional loading is a great technique for responsive designs but we need a better way of communicating between CSS and JavaScript.

Announcing dConstruct 2012

Save the date: September 7th, 2012 is going to be a fantastic day in Brighton.


Getting a DMCA takedown notice for linking to an audio file that doesn’t exist.


The slow disappearance of a storage medium.

Responsive questions

Responding to responsiveness, as prompted by MacUser UK magazine.

Sharing pattern libraries

I, for one, welcome our new sharing and caring overlords of markup and CSS.

Of Time and the Network and the Long Bet

Matt has accepted the challenge I threw down in my Webstock talk (which has now been transcribed).

The Southby and the Southby

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Austin to be born?

South by CSS

Talking to the browser makers about vendor prefixes.

Space by Botwest

A day of robots, science hacks, digital preservation and the new aesthetic.

Prix Fixe

Hyperlinks relating to CSS vendor prefixes.

Remembering Ralph McQuarrie

A visionary.

What do I know?

Five things I learned from the internet.

Getting ahead in advertising

My sense of entitlement. Let me show it to you.


I went all the way to New Zealand and all I got was this kick-ass conference.

Image-y nation

A responsive image technique leads to some nostalgia for the early days of web development.

Publishing Paranormal Interactivity

Read the transcript of my talk from An Event Apart 2010.

dConstruct Audio Archive

Seven years of audio goodness gathered together in one place.

Brighton Coffee

A map tale.


A mobile-first approach to UA-sniffing.




Pausing to give thanks.

Cool your eyes don’t change

The transcript of the audio of the video of the talk from Build.

One moment

Archiving a special mention by the greatest archivist of them all.

Audio Update

How I wish that conference audio were as widespread of conference video. Speaking of which, I’ve transcribed my talk from the Update conference.

Media queries and multiple columns

Responsiveness in the second dimension.

Months and years

Progressively enhancing form fields.

Command lines

Multiple ways of getting into Huffduffer.

Who goes there?

From another world.


Documenting the pursuit of perfection in Japan.