Journal archive: December, 2005


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Will the circle be unjerking - a roundup of this year's roundups of this year

As 2005 draws a close, a blogger’s thoughts inevitably turn to analysing, cataloging, listing and rating all the analysis, catalogues, lists and ratings from the preceding twelve months.


‘Tis indeed the season of goodwill. Yea, verily even amongst competing browser manufacturers.

Letter from AAmerica

I’m in Arizona at the end of a well-travelled year. This is my fifth time visiting the States this year (after Austin, Alaska, Florida, and Seattle). It’s the third time that I’ve flown the Gatwick to Dallas route.


It’s good to talk about typography. The last few weeks have been particularly good.

Hi, desert

I’m off to spend Christmas in Arizona with Jessica and her family. A long day’s travelling awaits.

The dark side

First, a picture emerged of me using the Force to choke some minion at Yahoo a few days back.

Y! vs. G

I was asked a while back if I would speak at an internal developers’ conference being held at Yahoo’s London offices. I was more than happy to. It was only later I found out that I was going to be the only non-Yahoo employee speaking… he

Yonder on the horizon

On the flight back from Barcelona, iPod earbuds bouncing the warm sounds of My Morning Jacket against my eardrums, I attempted to relax and read The Player Of Games. Ironically, two people sitting in front of me were real-life players of a game. Specifica

Hopping to Catalonia

Hold my calls - I’ll be incommunicado for the next few days. I’m planning to spend the weekend in Barcelona.


I tend to avoid reading Jakob Nielsen. This time, I made the mistake of following a link from somebody else, started reading through Why Ajax Sucks (Most of the Time) and, before I was half-way through, I was fuming at the inaccuracies and sweeping genera

Word Of The Day

After I wrote my slightly offensive little rant, I was assailed by niggling twinges of doubt. Could it be, I wondered, that I came across as being… a nit-picker? (gasp!)

Writing for the Web

There’s a wonderful article over on Digital Web called "Resurrect Your Writing, Redeem Your Soul". It’s all about how to write well, especially on the Web, and it’s the very antithesis of Nielsen’s checklist approach.