Journal archive: August, 2005


                    5th                     10th                     15th                     20th                     25th                     30th     

Hot town, summer in the city

Southern England is experiencing some glorious weather right now. I don’t just mean that in a relativistic way, like it isn’t constantly pouring rain, I mean it’s genuinely hot, hot, hot.

A List Too Far Apart?

On the off-chance that you’ve spent the last few days living under a rock, let me be the first to tell you that A List Apart has been redesigned.

DOM Scripting: the website of the book

The countdown begins. I’ve finished writing my book. It’s being hammered into shape at the print foundries as we speak. It should hit the shelves by the middle of September.

Joe Clark in the flesh

Ryan Carson, one of the minds behind BD4D, has started putting on some pretty darn excellent one-day workshops in London. He’s already had Eric Meyer over for CSS training. Next week, Cal Henderson will be talking about the building of Flickr.

Blogging from Word

In April 2004, Tim Bray wrote:

Web 2.0

Everybody’s talking about the new meme on the block: Web 2.0. But what exactly does it mean?

Ligers, Lamarr and Eliza

When I first started reading this National Geographic article about ligers, a creature named in Napoleon Dynamite (it’s probably his favourite animal), I thought it was a parody. When the article began quoting actress Tippi Hedren about ligers and t

Rocking out

If you’re in Brighton and you’re wondering what to do with yourself on a Tuesday night, why night come along to the Hanbury Ballroom to watch my band Salter Cane raise the very ornate roof.

Web design and cultural identity

Andy "Malarky" Clarke penned an editorial a while back entitled Look out Johnny Foreigner in which he talked about web design and national identity.

Robin Cook

I just heard that Robin Cook died today. I have to say I’m somewhat shocked.

Sour Apple

Hot on the heels of the updated iBooks and Mac minis, Apple have announced an all-singing, all-clicking mighty mouse.