Journal archive: May, 2005


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Second impressions of Revenge Of The Sith

I went to see Revenge Of The Sith again, this time with Andy in tow. As I suspected, I was able to concentrate on the film in its own right as opposed to the experience of viewing "the last new Star Wars film".

First impressions of Revenge Of The Sith

There are certain things that figure heavily in the psyche of any self-respecting geek: a history of role-playing games, the ability to channel Monty Python, an encyclopedic knowledge of Tolkien and, of course, Star Wars.

Shopping list

I made a brief foray into town yesterday to pick up a few items.

A musical baton

I got back from the States yesterday to find that I’ve been handed musical batons by Andy, Richard and Andrea. If I could juggle, I’d put on a show. Instead, I’m going to pass them on like hot memetic potatoes. Here goes…

Missing the summit

I’ve had an absolutely great time in Alaska…

End of the endeavour

My cruise around Alaska’s Inside Passage has come to an end. The Spirit Of Endeavour docked in Juneau and we disembarked this morning.

Greetings from Sitka, Alaska

The Spirit Of Endeavour has docked in the lovely town of Sitka. I’ve tracked down an internet cafe and I finally managed to upload some pictures to Flickr. I’ve also updated the gallery right here.

Ship's log

I’m on the Spirit Of Endeavour, four days out from Seattle.

Weekend in Seattle

Seattle is my kind of town. Whenever I’m here visiting, I always find myself thinking about what it would be like to live here. I think I could get used to the lifestyle.