Journal archive: April, 2005


                    5th                     10th                     15th                     20th                     25th                     30th

North to Alaska

Jessica and I are flying to Seattle tomorrow. We’ll spend the weekend with her brother, Jeb, taking in the sights and sounds.

Possible Amazon redesign in the pipeline

It looks like I’ve been chosen as a guinea pig for a design that Amazon is considering. Changes like these are usually served up on a small subset of Amazon’s servers. It’s then delivered to a correspondingly small subset of visitors.

Introducing Adactio Elsewhere

I mentioned a little while back that there seems to be more and more bits of me scattered around the internet. My photos are on Flickr, my wishlist is on Amazon, my links are on and my events are on Upcoming.

All of me

Warning: this is going to be meta-writing. I’m going to blog about blogging.

Fight club

There are a lot of ways of tracking up-to-the-minute memes on the Web right now. You can check out what’s hot on Technorati. You can find out what’s popular with

Gotta keep 'em separated

A little while back, Derek Featherstone started a discussion about what he called browser elitism. There were some interesting and very revealing comments.

The creative process

I took some time out yesterday to attend a little literary event. The authors Rupert Thomson and Andrew Miller were speaking and reading at The Old Market, which is right at the end of my street.

Some clarification

I’d like to just clear up a few small points just in case there is some misunderstanding.

Transparent liquid

Good design doesn’t draw attention to itself. Really good design is invisible.

Mo betta selecta

Aaron Gustafson is one smart cookie.

Fixed fashion

Slap your PayPal payment down for the latest issue of Design In Flight, the PDF magazine for design professionals and web developers.

The campaign trail of destruction

Even before the election was announced, the Tories had been actively peddling their particular breed of populism.

Junk not found

If only this were a server response instead of a message count…

Feed me

Molly’s been busy lately. Not only has she been interviewing the father of CSS, she’s also found time to put together a table of syndication link locations.

Buying music

Mark Cuban believes the countdown to the extinction of CDs is about to begin. He bases this on personal experience: