Journal archive: February, 2005


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S'more DOM Scripting

Speaking of cool JavaScript applications…

Applied Ajax

Finally, I no longer have to use the tongue-twisting phrase XMLHttpRequest every time I want to talk about a web app that uses JavaScript to make calls to a web server. Jesse James Garrett has coined the term Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.


That Richard Rutter is a jolly good egg. He found himself with a spare ticket for a Wedding Present concert and kindly offered it me.

Another day, another micropayment

Jason Kottke has given up his day job. He is now attempting to make a living from personal publishing.

Something for the weekend

Oh, mighty LazyWeb, I beseech thee. How about integrating Address Book with Skype so that I can dial telephone numbers without cutting and pasting?

Geekend IV: The Revenge

London was the setting for another geekend get-together on Saturday.

The web is a many-splendoured thing

About a week ago, I was having a chat with Andy about all things web related. It seems that Andy and I use the web in very different ways.


Google Maps is in Beta. Normally, a Beta phase doesn’t last all that long. It’s a time to test, tweak and get things ship-shape before a final release.

17th century boy

I’m jealous of Jessica.

JavaScript slideshow

I’ve released my latest little DOM Scripting experiment into the wild here at adactio. It’s a simple little animation that responds to mouseovers in a list of links.

Breaking news

Last year, the New York Times ran a story about the iPod’s shuffle feature. "Is it really random?", they wondered.

Almost there...

This is pretty cool: Panic Software, makers of fine mac apps, have opened up a little store called PanicGoods. It sports a very nifty drag’n’drop interface.

Gilding the Apple

When Apple released the G5 iMac, I professed my hope that we would soon see some third-party armatures: