Journal archive: February, 2004


                    5th                     10th                     15th                     20th                     25th                    


I’m off to Dorset. Whatever the collective noun for blogger is, there’s going to be one of them this weekend.

Futurlab shindig

I’m down at the Sussex Arts Club enjoying the hospitality of new web kids on the block, Futurlab ("we got rid of the ‘e’ and passed the savings on to you").

The big smoke

Yesterday was my birthday (discretion prevents me from revealing my current age).


I took a trip on Friday to see the good folks over at Motionpath.

Born free

I’ve added my Javascript Image Gallery to the articles section here at adactio.

They'll bomb us into last week!

Either the BBC are getting lazy or the Russians are making some pretty outrageous claims:

iLove the iLife I iLive

On Monday, I placed an order at the Apple Store online. The delivery time was estimated at three to seven working days. My order showed up within 48 hours.

The three ages of geekdom

The past:

The C in CSS

I’ve been tidying up the stylesheets around here. Everything should look exactly the same, just executed more economically.

Adopt, adapt and improve

My JavaScript Image Gallery script has been embraced and extended to produce this very neat image gallery which uses some nifty DHTML to provide three "pages" of thumbnails without any page refreshes.

My iBook is iBack

All is well with the world once again. UPS delivered my iBook this morning after trying and failing yesterday morning (nobody home).

PHP sendmail frustration

I spent hours last night tearing my hair out trying to fix a mystifying PHP problem.

Bluetooth on the brain

Best. Haircut. Ever.

RSS feeds for The Session

If, like me, you’re both a geek and a lover of Irish traditional music, you might be interested in hearing that there are now RSS feeds available from The Session.

Apart at last

In this week’s A List Apart: JavaScript Image Gallery by yours truly.

They're my friends

You know how they sometimes do parody ads on South Park or Ren and Stimpy?

Captain Safari

As users of Apple’s web browser will be aware, Safari offers the option to display a bug reporting icon in its browser chrome. I’ve used this feature a few times and, based on the modifications in the subsequent version of Safari, here’s

As the web turns

I’m back from Ireland where I had an enjoyable, if somewhat rushed, weekend of seafood, stout and song.