Journal archive: July, 2003


                    5th                     10th                     15th                     20th                     25th                     30th     

Coming to America

I’m heading stateside tomorrow. I plan to spend three weeks soaking up the sun in Arizona.

Hove rocks

Anyone from ‘round here will tell you that the city of Brighton & Hove is split between the hip, sleazy Brighton and the posh, old Hove (actually).

Brighton Bloggers

Things are afoot in the Brighton blogosphere.


The Skillswap talk is over and I’m recovering with a drink at the Wi-Fi’d Grand Central pub (Andy Budd on one side of me, Jon Hirsch on the other).


I’m at the Skillswap event on PHP Objects and Patterns (mostly a sneak peak at PHP5).

Canterbury Gallery

My trip to Canterbury was a great success. Not only did I get to explore the magnificent cathedral grounds in depth, I also posted my first moblogged entry to this journal (using GPRS over Bluetooth).


I’m in the lovely town… sorry; city of Canterbury.

Blog Change Bot

I’m trying out a new service called

Beach Guardian

Here’s the Guardian article about writing Guardian articles from the beach in Brighton.

No fun in the sun

I’ve been completely snowed under with work today. That’s why I wasn’t able to make it down to the beach to greet the team from The Guardian who are putting together tomorrow’s edition using the free Wi-Fi provided by Pier to Pier.

Wireless Workshop

I’m sitting downstairs in the Grand Central pub in Brighton enjoying the bandwidth.

Redesigning Ben Hammersley

Seeing as I can’t afford a Volkswagen (not to mention the fact that I can’t even drive), I’m trying to get my hands on an iPod by other means.

Sound and vision

I’m trying something new here.

This is just a test

This is not the journal entry you were looking for. Move along, move along.

On the beach

After setting up my Bluetooth GPRS connection, I was all set to post my first mobile journal entry when I went to the beach yesterday evening to have a few drinks with Andy Budd.

T68i Bluetooth GPRS Bluetooth connection with OS X on Orange

Please excuse the unwieldy title for this entry but I want to make sure that Google can point other souls in the direction of the helpful advice I am about to dispense.

Ego boosting

There’s a great interview with Eric Meyer over at DMX Zone.

Sunshine and wireless

It’s another beautiful day in Brighton.

Wish you were here

Over the last few days, England has been enjoying something of a heatwave, a beautiful heatwave.

Real Life

I’ve been honing my Quake playing skills lately, but Gamespot have a review of what sounds like a "must have" for fans of first-person, multiplayer adventures. It’s called Real Life:


My friend Andy Budd, from Message, has just launched a website to showcase his photography.

Science + Tolkien = Geek Heaven

I am so there:

I, for one, welcome our new CSS overlords

Everyone’s been talking about the new design over at Adaptive Path. It sure is a beauty; a crisp, clean, elegant design wrapped up in yummy XHTML and CSS.

What decade is your personality living in?

My personality is, apparently, living in the 1990s:

Mirror, mirror

I’ve got a new picture, taken on my trip to Dublin, up at The Mirror Project.


I came back from Ireland with my MP3 collection significantly enhanced by Diarmaid’s bounties. While we were both iChatting this afternoon we ended up at one stage listening to the same song.

Ireland pics

I went to Ireland and all I got was this lousy image gallery.

A pint of plain is your only man

I’m back in Dublin after a week spent down in Cobh.

Gone fishing.

After bidding farewell to Dublin with a trip to Guinness brewery, Jessica and I caught the train down to Cobh.