Journal archive: June, 2003


                    5th                     10th                     15th                     20th                     25th                     30th

Dateline Dublin

My second day in Dublin was a very relaxing affair.


Having spent the day sampling the culture of Trinity College and the cuisine of The Bad Ass Cafe, Jessica and I spent our first evening in Dublin sweating it up in a loud room full of slam-dancing bodies.


My trip to Dublin has been a blast so far.

The ould country

I’m off to Ireland tomorrow. I have duly updated my travel page.

Such a perfect day

Yesterday really brought home to me just what a nice town Brighton is.

Safari 1.0

It’s funny, but with all the big announcements from Apple about super-fast computers and nifty video-conferencing cameras, the thing that I’m most excited about is the release of Safari version 1.0.

Proud work

I’ve been updating my portfolio with some sites I’ve worked on recently. All of them are table-free, valid XHTML/CSS pieces of work.

A source of beauty

Sometimes I come across a website that’s so beautifully designed and elegantly executed that I don’t know whether to be inspired or depressed by it.

Browser gloom and doom

When I wrote earlier this month about Microsoft’s decision to stagnate browser development, I took a fairly pessimistic view of where we developers now stand.

Food Festival

There’s a Food And Drink Lover’s Festival going on right now in Brighton. As dyed-in-the-wool food lovers, Jessica and I have been doing our food loving duty, checking out all the goodies on offer.

Worst domain names ever

I’m sure the people behind "Who Represents" are the same people who decided on the domain name for "Powergen Italia".

Up on the roof

I’m out on the veranda with my neighbours, Chris and Karin, who live at the top of our building. We’re sipping some beers and bidding farewell to the last of the sun’s rays.

It's not the winning that counts; it's the prizes

Jessica and I went along to the Virtual Festival Awards last night. I was rooting for Jessica’s site in the "Best Personal Site and Weblogs" category.

Cheer up

Feeling down? Depressed? You need to listen to some country songs to cheer you up:

Keeping music live

I’m just back from a day out in London; Hammersmith, to be precise.

Truth! What is it good for?

I found it ironic when James Lileks yesterday referred to a cartoon by saying “when it gets political it’s just embarassing”. This pretty much sums up how I feel about Lileks’ Daily Bleats.

Wireless Wonderland

Well, my stint as compère at Silicon Beach is over.


I was just emailing with Dave Phelan about tonight’s Silicon Beach event. I told him I’d probably be able to recognise him from his webcam pic and asked him to give me a wave.

Silicon Beach

Apparently, I’m going to be the compère for tonight’s Silicon Beach event at the Sumo Bar on Middle Street.


Satire: Keeness and severity of remark; caustic exposure to reprobation; trenchant wit; sarcasm.

Ah, Venice

Richard’s pictures of Venice are giving me really itchy feet.

Browser stagnation

Microsoft have not so much announced, more let slip, that there won’t be any more updates to Internet Explorer.