Journal archive: January, 2003


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How the west was left

My time here in Arizona is coming to an end.

Trout Thursday

Today’s the day to eat some trout.

Seattle pictures

For your viewing pleasure, some new pictures from Seattle. Mostly seafood.

Lost Weekend

I’m back from Seattle.

Jim Page

Standing in front of what is supposedly the original Starbucks (not true: the original building was demolished) Jim Page sang a song about Seattle:

Wireless in Seattle

I’m in Seattle and I’m blogging wirelessly from a Starbucks.

A gallery of travellery

As I prepare for my next ‘plane trip, I thought I’d share these pictures of an airplane journey.


Jessica and I are headed to Seattle.

Brighton pier collapses again

Is this going to happen every time I leave Brighton?

Taking it easy

I’m still in Arizona. I’m just taking it easy, lounging around watching movies.

I've seen fire and I've seen rain

…but mostly rain.

Here I go again

I’m off to Arizona.

Reading on the move

Now that I’m getting ready to head off to Arizona, I’m faced with the usual dilemma of choosing the right reading material for the trip.

Surfing Safari

It looks like I made it back just in time to witness the birth of a browser. It’s a nifty little app from Apple called Safari.

Home again

I’m back from Ireland.

Happy New Year

It was a somewhat subdued New Year’s celebration for me this year. I’m nursing a cold which has dampened my party spirit a little.