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Sciatica-IT Band

Sciatica Relief with Chinese Medicinesciatica essential oils topical remedy

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) holds that the body is interconnected; no one part can be separated from another. The diagnosis and treatment is based upon identifying specific imbalances in the body as a whole. Correcting the imbalance does not just treat the symptoms or mask the condition, but rather corrects the root of the problem by encouraging self-healing of the body. Therefore, root-level organ deficiency or excess leading to constitutional imbalances must be addressed for prolonged relief.

Part of the diagnostic clue lies in where the sciatic pain is, or where it radiates to. While sciatic pain can be specifically in the hip-buttocks area, it often radiates down the side, back, or front of the leg. Channel Theory is used when considering the superficial location of the pain so that the correct acupressure points can be applied for sciatic pain relief. For best outcomes using self-care, combine associated Aroma Acu-Sticks®  to acu-points, topical remedies, and good lifestyle practices.

herb leaves

Acupressure Points for Hip Pain

Learn How to Use Acupressure Linked Here!

essential oils for acupressure

herb leaves 

Constitutional Imbalances Leading to Different Types of Sciatic Pain

Qi and Blood Stagnation with Water Element Imbalance Causing Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when something pushes on the sciatic nerve. This can be a muscle spasm, the spinal discs, and sometimes even the spine itself. Often, this pain is due to muscle spasms or a slipped disc associated with lower back pain. Lower back pain is associated with Kidney Deficiency in Chinese medicine. Spinal Disc herniation or subluxation, often referred to as a slipped disc, is when a small portion of the spinal disc bulges out of the spinal column. This disc then pushes on the sciatic nerve causing pain. Kidney Deficient sciatica would have lower back pain radiating down the back of the leg.

Acupressure Points for Sciatica with Pain Running Down the Back of the Leg

herb leaves


Qi and Blood Stagnation with Wood Element Imbalance Causing and Sciatica

The most common root imbalance associated with chronic sciatica is Qi Stagnation and Blood Stagnation of the Gall Bladder acupuncture channel. This is often caused by long-standing Liver Qi Stagnation, or a Wood Element imbalance according Chinese medicine. The Wood Element includes the Liver and Gallbladder energetic organ systems and the related acupuncture channels are closely connected. This type of sciatica would likely include hip pain that radiates down the side of the leg, possibly in to the little toe and possibly the knee.

Neck stiffness and headaches are also common with this type of sciatica. When the pain is related to the Liver channel it often impacts the inside of the leg. Additionally, connective tissue is related to the Liver energetic organ system, and tight Iliotibial band syndrome is often seen with tightness on the outside of the leg radiating to the inside of the leg that sometimes culminates in knee pain.

Acupressure Points for Pain Running Down the Outside of the Leg

Acupressure for Sciatica with Pain Radiating to the Inside of Leg

An effective course of Chinese medical therapy should include acupressure, natural topical pain-relief remedies, and organic herbal supplements used together. Overall, the treatment should relax and stretch the tendons and fascia while strengthening the muscles. This will help release the spastic muscles and strengthen them, allowing the back to naturally heal. It can even encourage an out of place disc to go back into place, depending on severity.

Technically, sciatica is not a disease, but a group of symptoms that affect the region of the sciatic nerve. Radiating pain is one of the more common and intense symptoms associated with sciatica. There can also be numbness and tingling starting in the lower back radiating down the leg and sometimes into the ankle and foot. After the pain has subsided, it is important for you to properly maintain a strong and fit back. This includes stretching, yoga, taiqi, and/or weight training. Once the back is back to its correct position and you are feeling healthy it is important to do something to maintain it.

herb leaves



Qin QG, Fu Y, Shi J, et al. Myofascial Trigger Point: An Indicator of Acupoint Sensitization. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2020;45(1):57-61. doi:10.13702/j.1000-0607.1906906

Hadeed A, Tapscott DC. Iliotibial Band Friction SyndromeLiu CH, Kung YY, Lin CL, et al.

Liu CH, Kung YY, Lin CL, et al. Therapeutic Efficacy and the Impact of the "Dose" Effect of Acupuncture to Treat Sciatica: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. J Pain Res. 2019;12:3511-3520. Published 2019 Dec 31. doi:10.2147/JPR.S210672

Liu CH, Yeh TC, Kung YY, et al. Changes in resting-state functional connectivity in nonacute sciatica with acupuncture modulation: A preliminary study. Brain Behav. 2020;10(2):e01494. doi:10.1002/brb3.1494

Qin, Z., Liu, X., Wu, J., Zhai, Y., & Liu, Z. (2015). Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Treating Sciatica: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM2015, 425108.

Wang Z.-X. Clinical observation on electro-acupuncture at acupoints for treatment of senile radical sciatica. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu2009;29(2):126–128. 

Qin Z., Liu X., Yao Q., Zhai Y., Liu Z. Acupuncture for treating sciatica: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open2015;5(4) doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007498.

Zeng M. G. Clinical comparative analysis of acupuncture and medicine in treating patients with lumbosacral radicular pain. China Health Industry2012;18:p. 174

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