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Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: HLT-NAACL 2004

Anthology ID:
May 2 - May 7
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: HLT-NAACL 2004

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A Statistical Model for Multilingual Entity Detection and Tracking
R. Florian | H. Hassan | A. Ittycheriah | H. Jing | N. Kambhatla | X. Luo | N. Nicolov | S. Roukos

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Cross-Document Coreference on a Large Scale Corpus
Chung Heong Gooi | James Allan

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Robust Reading: Identification and Tracing of Ambiguous Names
Xin Li | Paul Morie | Dan Roth

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A Salience-Based Approach to Gesture-Speech Alignment
Jacob Eisenstein | C. Mario Christoudias

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Balancing data-driven and rule-based approaches in the context of a Multimodal Conversational System
Srinivas Bangalore | Michael Johnston

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Optimizing Automated Call Routing by Integrating Spoken Dialog Models with Queuing Models
Tim Paek | Eric Horvitz

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Answering Definition Questions with Multiple Knowledge Sources
Wesley Hildebrandt | Boris Katz | Jimmy Lin

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Automatic Question Answering: Beyond the Factoid
Radu Soricut | Eric Brill

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A Probabilistic Rasch Analysis of Question Answering Evaluations
Rense Lange | Juan Moran | Warren R. Greiff | Lisa Ferro

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Acquiring Hyponymy Relations from Web Documents
Keiji Shinzato | Kentaro Torisawa

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Sentence-Internal Prosody Does not Help Parsing the Way Punctuation Does
Michelle Gregory | Mark Johnson | Eugene Charniak

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Ensemble-based Active Learning for Parse Selection
Miles Osborne | Jason Baldridge

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Speed and Accuracy in Shallow and Deep Stochastic Parsing
Ron Kaplan | Stefan Riezler | Tracy H. King | John T. Maxwell III | Alex Vasserman | Richard Crouch

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Training Tree Transducers
Jonathan Graehl | Kevin Knight

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Catching the Drift: Probabilistic Content Models, with Applications to Generation and Summarization
Regina Barzilay | Lillian Lee

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The Web as a Baseline: Evaluating the Performance of Unsupervised Web-based Models for a Range of NLP Tasks
Mirella Lapata | Frank Keller

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Lattice-Based Search for Spoken Utterance Retrieval
Murat Saraclar | Richard Sproat

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Detecting Structural Metadata with Decision Trees and Transformation-Based Learning
Joungbum Kim | Sarah E. Schwarm | Mari Ostendorf

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Evaluating Content Selection in Summarization: The Pyramid Method
Ani Nenkova | Rebecca Passonneau

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Inferring Sentence-internal Temporal Relations
Mirella Lapata | Alex Lascarides

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A Smorgasbord of Features for Statistical Machine Translation
Franz Josef Och | Daniel Gildea | Sanjeev Khudanpur | Anoop Sarkar | Kenji Yamada | Alex Fraser | Shankar Kumar | Libin Shen | David Smith | Katherine Eng | Viren Jain | Zhen Jin | Dragomir Radev

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Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Shankar Kumar | William Byrne

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Discriminative Reranking for Machine Translation
Libin Shen | Anoop Sarkar | Franz Josef Och

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Evaluating Multiple Aspects of Coherence in Student Essays
Derrick Higgins | Jill Burstein | Daniel Marcu | Claudia Gentile

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A Language Modeling Approach to Predicting Reading Difficulty
Kevyn Collins-Thompson | James P. Callan

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Predicting Emotion in Spoken Dialogue from Multiple Knowledge Sources
Kate Forbes-Riley | Diane Litman

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The Tao of CHI: Towards Effective Human-Computer Interaction
Robert Porzel | Manja Baudis

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Non-Native Users in the Let’s Go!! Spoken Dialogue System: Dealing with Linguistic Mismatch
Antoine Raux | Maxine Eskenazi

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Comparison of Two Interactive Search Refinement Techniques
Olga Vechtomova | Murat Karamuftuoglu

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Shallow Semantic Parsing using Support Vector Machines
Sameer S. Pradhan | Wayne H. Ward | Kadri Hacioglu | James H. Martin | Dan Jurafsky

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Paraphrasing Predicates from Written Language to Spoken Language Using the Web
Nobuhiro Kaji | Masashi Okamoto | Sadao Kurohashi

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Shallow Semantic Parsing of Chinese
Honglin Sun | Daniel Jurafsky

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Improvements in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Richard Zens | Hermann Ney

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Improved Machine Translation Performance via Parallel Sentence Extraction from Comparable Corpora
Dragos Stefan Munteanu | Alexander Fraser | Daniel Marcu

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What’s in a translation rule?
Michel Galley | Mark Hopkins | Kevin Knight | Daniel Marcu

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Improving Named Entity Translation Combining Phonetic and Semantic Similarities
Fei Huang | Stephan Vogel | Alex Waibel

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The (Non)Utility of Predicate-Argument Frequencies for Pronoun Interpretation
Andrew Kehler | Douglas Appelt | Lara Taylor | Aleksandr Simma

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Unsupervised Learning of Contextual Role Knowledge for Coreference Resolution
David Bean | Ellen Riloff

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Exponential Priors for Maximum Entropy Models
Joshua Goodman

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Multiple Similarity Measures and Source-Pair Information in Story Link Detection
Francine Chen | Ayman Farahat | Thorsten Brants

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Automatically Labeling Semantic Classes
Patrick Pantel | Deepak Ravichandran

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Accurate Information Extraction from Research Papers using Conditional Random Fields
Fuchun Peng | Andrew McCallum

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Name Tagging with Word Clusters and Discriminative Training
Scott Miller | Jethran Guinness | Alex Zamanian