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Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Shuly Wintner, Sharon Goldwater, Stefan Riezler (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Gothenburg, Sweden
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Shuly Wintner | Sharon Goldwater | Stefan Riezler

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Improving Word Alignment Using Linguistic Code Switching Data
Fei Huang | Alexander Yates

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Undirected Machine Translation with Discriminative Reinforcement Learning
Andrea Gesmundo | James Henderson

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Minimum Translation Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks
Yuening Hu | Michael Auli | Qin Gao | Jianfeng Gao

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Maximizing Component Quality in Bilingual Word-Aligned Segmentations
Spyros Martzoukos | Christof Monz | Christophe Costa Florêncio

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A Joint Model for Quotation Attribution and Coreference Resolution
Mariana S. C. Almeida | Miguel B. Almeida | André F. T. Martins

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A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Induction of Script Knowledge
Lea Frermann | Ivan Titov | Manfred Pinkal

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Inducing Example-based Semantic Frames from a Massive Amount of Verb Uses
Daisuke Kawahara | Daniel Peterson | Octavian Popescu | Martha Palmer

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Automated Verb Sense Labelling Based on Linked Lexical Resources
Kostadin Cholakov | Judith Eckle-Kohler | Iryna Gurevych

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Multi-Granular Aspect Aggregation in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
John Pavlopoulos | Ion Androutsopoulos

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Simple, Robust and (almost) Unsupervised Generation of Polarity Lexicons for Multiple Languages
Iñaki San Vicente | Rodrigo Agerri | German Rigau

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Mapping Dialectal Variation by Querying Social Media
Gabriel Doyle

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Modeling the Use of Graffiti Style Features to Signal Social Relations within a Multi-Domain Learning Paradigm
Mario Piergallini | A. Seza Doğruöz | Phani Gadde | David Adamson | Carolyn Rosé

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Modelling the Lexicon in Unsupervised Part of Speech Induction
Gregory Dubbin | Phil Blunsom

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Generalizing a Strongly Lexicalized Parser using Unlabeled Data
Tejaswini Deoskar | Christos Christodoulopoulos | Alexandra Birch | Mark Steedman

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Special Techniques for Constituent Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages
Zsolt Szántó | Richárd Farkas

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Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to Infer Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco | Dan Moldovan

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Structured and Unstructured Cache Models for SMT Domain Adaptation
Annie Louis | Bonnie Webber

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Regularized Structured Perceptron: A Case Study on Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging and Parsing
Kaixu Zhang | Jinsong Su | Changle Zhou

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About Inferences in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network
Mathieu Lafourcade | Manel Zarrouk | Alain Joubert

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Incremental Query Generation
Laura Perez-Beltrachini | Claire Gardent | Enrico Franconi

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PARADIGM: Paraphrase Diagnostics through Grammar Matching
Jonathan Weese | Juri Ganitkevitch | Chris Callison-Burch

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Translation memory retrieval methods
Michael Bloodgood | Benjamin Strauss

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Frame Semantic Tree Kernels for Social Network Extraction from Text
Apoorv Agarwal | Sriramkumar Balasubramanian | Anup Kotalwar | Jiehan Zheng | Owen Rambow

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Statistical Script Learning with Multi-Argument Events
Karl Pichotta | Raymond Mooney

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Improving Distributional Semantic Vectors through Context Selection and Normalisation
Tamara Polajnar | Stephen Clark

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Source-side Preordering for Translation using Logistic Regression and Depth-first Branch-and-Bound Search
Laura Jehl | Adrià de Gispert | Mark Hopkins | Bill Byrne

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Incremental Bayesian Learning of Semantic Categories
Lea Frermann | Mirella Lapata

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Word Ordering with Phrase-Based Grammars
Adrià de Gispert | Marcus Tomalin | Bill Byrne

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Iterative Constrained Clustering for Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation
Cem Akkaya | Janyce Wiebe | Rada Mihalcea

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Identifying fake Amazon reviews as learning from crowds
Tommaso Fornaciari | Massimo Poesio

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Assessing the relative reading level of sentence pairs for text simplification
Sowmya Vajjala | Detmar Meurers

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Subcategorisation Acquisition from Raw Text for a Free Word-Order Language
Will Roberts | Markus Egg | Valia Kordoni

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Classifying Temporal Relations with Simple Features
Paramita Mirza | Sara Tonelli

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Using idiolects and sociolects to improve word prediction
Wessel Stoop | Antal van den Bosch

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Dynamic Topic Adaptation for Phrase-based MT
Eva Hasler | Phil Blunsom | Philipp Koehn | Barry Haddow

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Deterministic Parsing using PCFGs
Mark-Jan Nederhof | Martin McCaffery

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Empirically-motivated Generalizations of CCG Semantic Parsing Learning Algorithms
Jesse Glass | Alexander Yates

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Correcting Grammatical Verb Errors
Alla Rozovskaya | Dan Roth | Vivek Srikumar

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Fast Statistical Parsing with Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars
Krasimir Angelov | Peter Ljunglöf

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Sentiment Propagation via Implicature Constraints
Lingjia Deng | Janyce Wiebe

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Acquisition of Noncontiguous Class Attributes from Web Search Queries
Marius Paşca

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Learning from Post-Editing: Online Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation
Michael Denkowski | Chris Dyer | Alon Lavie

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Predicting and Characterising User Impact on Twitter
Vasileios Lampos | Nikolaos Aletras | Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro | Trevor Cohn

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A Knowledge-based Representation for Cross-Language Document Retrieval and Categorization
Marc Franco-Salvador | Paolo Rosso | Roberto Navigli

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Dependency Tree Abstraction for Long-Distance Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation
Chenchen Ding | Yuki Arase

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Improving the Lexical Function Composition Model with Pathwise Optimized Elastic-Net Regression
Jiming Li | Marco Baroni | Georgiana Dinu

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Is Machine Translation Getting Better over Time?
Yvette Graham | Timothy Baldwin | Alistair Moffat | Justin Zobel

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Learning Dictionaries for Named Entity Recognition using Minimal Supervision
Arvind Neelakantan | Michael Collins

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Improving Vector Space Word Representations Using Multilingual Correlation
Manaal Faruqui | Chris Dyer

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Using Distributional Similarity of Multi-way Translations to Predict Multiword Expression Compositionality
Bahar Salehi | Paul Cook | Timothy Baldwin

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Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA
Rémi Lebret | Ronan Collobert

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A Latent Variable Model for Discourse-aware Concept and Entity Disambiguation
Angela Fahrni | Michael Strube

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Topical PageRank: A Model of Scientific Expertise for Bibliographic Search
James Jardine | Simone Teufel

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Distributional Lexical Entailment by Topic Coherence
Laura Rimell

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Information Structure Prediction for Visual-world Referring Expressions
Micha Elsner | Hannah Rohde | Alasdair Clarke

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Machine Reading Tea Leaves: Automatically Evaluating Topic Coherence and Topic Model Quality
Jey Han Lau | David Newman | Timothy Baldwin

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What Substitutes Tell Us - Analysis of an “All-Words” Lexical Substitution Corpus
Gerhard Kremer | Katrin Erk | Sebastian Padó | Stefan Thater

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Weighted Krippendorff’s alpha is a more reliable metrics for multi-coders ordinal annotations: experimental studies on emotion, opinion and coreference annotation
Jean-Yves Antoine | Jeanne Villaneau | Anaïs Lefeuvre

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Discriminating Rhetorical Analogies in Social Media
Christoph Lofi | Christian Nieke | Nigel Collier

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Semi-supervised learning of morphological paradigms and lexicons
Mans Hulden | Markus Forsberg | Malin Ahlberg

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How to Produce Unseen Teddy Bears: Improved Morphological Processing of Compounds in SMT
Fabienne Cap | Alexander Fraser | Marion Weller | Aoife Cahill

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Type-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Joint Segmentation and POS-Tagging
Meishan Zhang | Yue Zhang | Wanxiang Che | Ting Liu

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Applying the semantics of negation to SMT through n-best list re-ranking
Federico Fancellu | Bonnie Webber

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Bilingual Sentiment Consistency for Statistical Machine Translation
Boxing Chen | Xiaodan Zhu

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Augmenting Translation Models with Simulated Acoustic Confusions for Improved Spoken Language Translation
Yulia Tsvetkov | Florian Metze | Chris Dyer

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A Generative Model for User Simulation in a Spatial Navigation Domain
Aciel Eshky | Ben Allison | Subramanian Ramamoorthy | Mark Steedman

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Verbose, Laconic or Just Right: A Simple Computational Model of Content Appropriateness under Length Constraints
Annie Louis | Ani Nenkova

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Discovering Implicit Discourse Relations Through Brown Cluster Pair Representation and Coreference Patterns
Attapol Rutherford | Nianwen Xue

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I Object!” Modeling Latent Pragmatic Effects in Courtroom Dialogues
Dan Goldwasser | Hal Daumé III

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Encoding Semantic Resources in Syntactic Structures for Passage Reranking
Kateryna Tymoshenko | Alessandro Moschitti | Aliaksei Severyn

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Automatic Food Categorization from Large Unlabeled Corpora and Its Impact on Relation Extraction
Michael Wiegand | Benjamin Roth | Dietrich Klakow

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Redundancy Detection in ESL Writings
Huichao Xue | Rebecca Hwa

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Fast Recursive Multi-class Classification of Pairs of Text Entities for Biomedical Event Extraction
Xiao Liu | Antoine Bordes | Yves Grandvalet

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Cluster-based Prediction of User Ratings for Stylistic Surface Realisation
Nina Dethlefs | Heriberto Cuayáhuitl | Helen Hastie | Verena Rieser | Oliver Lemon

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Improving the Estimation of Word Importance for News Multi-Document Summarization
Kai Hong | Ani Nenkova

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Hybrid text simplification using synchronous dependency grammars with hand-written and automatically harvested rules
Advaith Siddharthan | Angrosh Mandya

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A Summariser based on Human Memory Limitations and Lexical Competition
Yimai Fang | Simone Teufel

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Learning part-of-speech taggers with inter-annotator agreement loss
Barbara Plank | Dirk Hovy | Anders Søgaard