%0 Conference Proceedings %T Where Was Alexander the Great in 325 BC? Toward Understanding History Text with a World Model %A Murakami, Yuki %A Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa %Y Roth, Michael %Y Louis, Annie %Y Webber, Bonnie %Y Baldwin, Tim %S Proceedings of the First Workshop on Linking Computational Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics %D 2015 %8 September %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Lisbon, Portugal %F murakami-tsuruoka-2015-alexander %R 10.18653/v1/W15-2710 %U https://aclanthology.org/W15-2710/ %U https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W15-2710 %P 83-88