94506 documents matched the search for postal sector in titles and keywords.
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Subsidios cruzados: el caso del sector postal, Luis Gamboa and Leslie Bravo Chew,
from Universidad del Rosario
Keywords: Postal Sector
Access pricing and entry in the postal sector, Francis Bloch and Axel Gautier,
from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE)
Keywords: access, bypass, postal sector
Acces pricing and entry in the postal sector, Francis Bloch and Axel Gautier,
from HAL
Keywords: access,bypass,postal sector
Postal-Sector Policy: From Monopoly to Regulated Competition and Beyond, Christian Jaag,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Postal Sector, Regulation, Liberalization
Subsidios cruzados: el caso del sector postal, Leslie Bravo Chew and Luis Gamboa,
in Revista de Economía Institucional
Keywords: postal sector, regulation, cross subsidies
Environmental Cost and Universal Service Obligations in the Postal Sector, Boldron François, Borsenberger Claire, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Joram Denis and Roy Bernard,
in Review of Network Economics
Keywords: universal service obligation, postal sector, environmental cost
Worksharing, access and bypass: the structure of prices in the postal sector, Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Helmuth Cremer, Bernard Roy and Joëlle Toledano,
from HAL
Subadditivity and Contestability in the Postal Sector: Theory and Evidence, Toufic El Masri,
from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics
Keywords: Postal Sector, Scale Economies, Subadditivity, Contestability
Liberalisation, competition and innovation in the postal sector, Cátia Felisberto,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Liberalisation, Competition, Innovation, Postal sector, L10, O30, L87,
Three essays on the economics of the postal sector, Claudio Karl,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Postal service -- Economic aspects; Postal service -- Belgium; Postal service -- European Union countries; Postes -- Aspect économique; Postes -- Belgique; Postes -- Pays de l'Union européenne; Universal service obligation; postal sector; price elasticities; service differentiation; access; vertical relations
Worksharing, access and bypass: the structure of prices in the postal sector, Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Helmuth Cremer, Bernard Roy and Joëlle Toledano,
in Journal of Regulatory Economics
Keywords: Postal sector, Liberalization, Universal service, Access, Bypass, L51, L87, L32,
Lessons from the Postal Sector to Telecommunications and Vice Versa, Pier Luigi Parcu and Virginia Silvestri,
from Springer
Keywords: Access Regulation, Postal Service, Letter Post, Network Industry, Telecommunication Sector
Postal strategies in a digital age, Christian Jaag, Urs Trinkner and José Parra Moyano,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Postal Sector, Strategy, Electronic Substitution
Universal service obligations in the postal sector: The relationship between quality and coverage, Joan Calzada,
in Information Economics and Policy
Keywords: Postal sector Universal service Uniform price Quality Coverage
Postal-sector policy: From monopoly to regulated competition and beyond, Christian Jaag,
in Utilities Policy
Keywords: Postal sector; Universal service obligation; Liberalization; Corporatization; Regulation; Competition;
The interaction between universal service costing and financing in the postal sector: a calibrated approach, Christian Jaag and Urs Trinkner,
in Journal of Regulatory Economics
Keywords: Universal service obligation, Sharing mechanism, Compensation, Postal sector, L51, L87,
Impact of VAT Exemptions in the Postal Sector on Competition and Welfare, Helmut Dietl, Christian Jaag, Markus Lang, Martin Lutzenberger and Urs Trinkner,
from University of Zurich, Institute for Strategy and Business Economics (ISU)
Keywords: Value-added tax, indirect taxation, tax regulation, tax exemption, universal service obligation, postal sector
Postal Liberalization in the EU, Mark Horst,
from Springer
Keywords: Postal Service, Competition Rule, Universal Service, Mail Service, Postal Sector
Access Pricing and Entry in the Postal Sector, Francis Bloch and Axel Gautier,
from HAL
Keywords: Postal economics,worksharing,access pricing
Only Little Justification for Regulation in the Postal Sector, Sven Heitzler,
in Weekly Report
Keywords: Postal economics, Postal regulation, Telecommunications regulation, Transferability
Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty as a Part of Sustainable Human Resource Management in Postal Sector, Mariana Strenitzerová and Karol Achimský,
in Sustainability
Keywords: sustainability; sustainable human resource management; labor market in postal sector; employee satisfaction; employee loyalty
Assessment of EU Postal Sector Policy during the Second Barroso Administration (2010-2014), Christian Jaag, Urs Trinkner and Jeffrey Yusof,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Barroso Commission, Postal Sector, Universal Service Obligation, State Aid, E-Commerce
The implications of liberalising the postal sector on welfare and pricing, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder and Frank Rodriguez,
from Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse
Keywords: postal; regulation; welfare; pricing
Pricing the Last Mile in the Postal Sector, Cátia Felisberto, Matthias Finger, Beat Friedli, Daniel Krähenbühl and Urs Trinkner,
from Springer
Keywords: Price Elasticity, Price Scheme, Postal Operator, Delivery Cost, Flat Rate
Competition, Pricing and Universal Service in the Postal Sector: An Introduction, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder and Florens Jean-Pierre,
in Review of Network Economics
Keywords: postal economics, universal service, regulation
Competition and the Social Cost of Regulation in the Postal Sector, Martin Maegli and Christian Jaag,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Regulation, Postal market, Governance, Institutions
Compensating the Net Cost of Universal Postal Services, Christian Jaag,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Universal service obligation, Unfair burden, Postal sector
Commercial and regulatory challenges for postal e-services in Switzerland, Christian Jaag, Martin Maegli and Denis Morel,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Postal Sector, Strategy, Electronic Substitution, Switzerland, Regulation
Competition through Cooperation? The Case of the German Postal Market, Toufic El Masri,
from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics
Keywords: Cooperation, Competition, Germany, Network Industries, Postal Sector
Violence and stress at work in the postal sector, Sabir I. Giga, Helge. Hoel and Cary L. Cooper,
from International Labour Organization
Keywords: stress, violence, harassment at work., occupational safety, occupational health, postal worker, postal service, stress, violence, persécution au travail, sécurité du travail, santé au travail, employé des postes, service postal, estrés, violencia, acoso laboral, seguridad en el trabajo, salud en el trabajo, empleado de correos, servicio postal
Are New German Postal Providers Successful? Empirical Evidence Based on Unique Survey Data, Toufic El Masri,
from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics
Keywords: Competition, Firm Survival, Germany, Postal Sector, Success
Worksharing and Access Discounts in the Postal Sector with Asymmetric Information*, Joan Calzada,
in Journal of Regulatory Economics
Keywords: access pricing, worksharing discounts, competition, postal, D43, L51,
Cryptocurrencies: New Opportunities for Postal Financial Services, Christian Jaag and Christian Bach,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Postal Sector, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Financial Services, Financial Inclusion
Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies: Opportunities for Postal Financial Services, Christian Jaag and Christian Bach,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Postal Sector, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Financial Services, Financial Inclusion
Twenty-Five Years of the National Postal Regulators in the EU: A Critical Review, Mateusz Chołodecki,
from Springer
Keywords: Postal market, Postal regulation, NRA, Regulators, Sector-specific regulation, Regulatory power
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Competition, Final consumer, Market Liberalization, Postal service
Regulatory Governance Costs in Network Industries: Implicatins for postal Regulation, Martin Maegli and Christian Jaag,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Regulation; Postal Sector; Regulatory Governance Costs; New Institutional Economics
The Welfare Effects of Entry and Strategies for Maintaining the USO in the Postal Sector, Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer,
from Springer
Keywords: Postal Operator, Welfare Effect, Uniform Price, Reserved Area, Financial Viability
Should the Postal Sector Change Its Social Model to Succeed in Its Transformation?, Dominique Bailly and Margaux Meidinger,
from Springer
Keywords: Postal Operator, Social Partner, Social Model, Social Optimization, Social Transformation
Coûts de la régulation des industries de réseaux: enseignements du réseau postal, Martin Maegli, Christian Jaag and Matthias Finger,
in Revue d'économie industrielle
Keywords: Regulation, Postal Sector, Regulatory Governance Costs, New Institutional Economics
Assessment of EU Postal Sector Policy during the Second Barroso Administration (2010-2014), Christian Jaag, Urs Trinkner and Jeffrey Yusof,
from European University Institute
Keywords: Third Postal Directive, single market, e-commerce, state aid, universal service obligations
Advanced Semi-parametric and Parametric Methods to Assess Efficiency in the Postal Sector, M. Meschi, M. R. Pierleoni and Stefano Gori,
from Springer
Keywords: Exogenous Variable, Efficiency Score, Postal Operator, Time Path, Stochastic Frontier Model
Egyptian National Postal Organization: Postal Financial Services and Access to Finance, World Bank,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Banks and Banking Reform Information and Communication Technologies - Postal Services Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Private Sector Development - Emerging Markets Finance and Financial Sector Development - Access to Finance
Direct subsidies and compensation funds in financing of universal postal services, Leszek Borowiec,
in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
Keywords: postal sector, net cost of universal service, loss on universal service, direct subsidies, compensation fund, unfair financial burden
Worldwide Landscape of Postal Financial Services: Asia Region, World Bank,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies - Postal Services Banks and Banking Reform Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Private Sector Development - Emerging Markets Finance and Financial Sector Development - Access to Finance
Entry Deterrence in Postal Service Markets, Patrick Frank Ernst Beschorner,
from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Keywords: regulation, liberalization, postal services
Measuring consumer preferences for postal services, Charlene Rohr, Urs Trinkner, Alison Lawrence, Chong Woo Kim, Dimitris Potoglou and Rob Sheldon,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Consumer preferences, Postal services
in Economic Thought and Practice
Keywords: national postal operator, European postal market, liberalisation, privatisation, directives, restructuring
Postal Services Regulation In Europe, Richard Eccles and Pauline Kuipers,
from Springer
Keywords: Member State, Postal Service, Postal Network, Full Liberalization, Universal Service
Reforming the Postal Universal Service, Axel Gautier and Jean-Christophe Poudou,
in Review of Network Economics
Keywords: digitalization, postal market, universal service
Reforming the postal universal service, Axel Gautier and Jean-Christophe Poudou,
from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE)
Keywords: universal service, postal market, digitalization
The Role of Postal Networks in Expanding Access to Financial Services: Country Case - Egypt's Postal Finance Services, World Bank,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Private Sector Development - E-Business Information and Communication Technologies - Postal Services Banks and Banking Reform Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Finance and Financial Sector Development - Access to Finance
Vietnam - The Role of Postal Networks in Expanding Access to Financial Services Country case: Vietnam's postal finance services, World Bank,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies - Postal Services Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Banks and Banking Reform Private Sector Development - Emerging Markets Finance and Financial Sector Development - Access to Finance
The Role of Postal Networks in Expanding Access to Financial Services: Egypt's Postal Finance Services, World Bank,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Private Sector Development - E-Business Information and Communication Technologies - Postal Services Banks and Banking Reform Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Finance and Financial Sector Development - Access to Finance
The Role of Postal Networks in Expanding Access to Financial Services: Kazakhstan's Postal Finance Services, World Bank,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Banks and Banking Reform Information and Communication Technologies - Postal Services Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Private Sector Development - Emerging Markets Finance and Financial Sector Development - Access to Finance
Competition Structure and Future Postal Reform in Japan, Shoji Maruyama,
from Springer
Keywords: Postal Market, Brand Loyalty, Postal Service, Market Liberalization, Future Postal
Down but not out: Union strategies and power resources in response to liberalization and changes in national postal services – The cases of Spain and Belgium, SofÃa Pérez de Guzmán, Esteban MartÃnez and Ester Ulloa,
in European Journal of Industrial Relations
Keywords: Belgium; bpost; Correos; liberalization; postal sector; power resources; Spain; trade unions; unions’ strategies
Measure of accessibility to postal services in France: A potential spatial accessibility approach applied in an urban region, Aurélie Mercier, Stéphanie Souche‐le Corvec and Nicolas Ovtracht,
from HAL
Keywords: 2 step floating catchment area (2SFCA),Density,Postal sector,Potential spatial accessibility
Reforming the posts: abandoning the monopoly-supported postal universal service obligation in developing countries, Charles Kenny,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Governance Indicators,Environmental Economics&Policies,Postal Services
Postal Reform, Rick Geddes,
in Econ Journal Watch
Keywords: postal reform, monopoly, privatization, universal service, liberalization, property rights
Postal Services, Yvonne Locker,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: Postal Service, Register Post, Special Delivery, Special Security, Wood Road
‘It’s as if I’m Worth Nothing’—Cost-Driven Restructuring and the Dignity of Long-Term Workers in Finland’s State-Owned Postal Service Company, Atte Vieno,
in Journal of Business Ethics
Keywords: Dignity, Dignity threats, Dignity work, Employment relations, Occupational devaluation, Older workers, Postal workers, Public sector, Restructuring
Can Postal Networks Advance Financial Inclusion in the Arab World?, Mayada El-Zoghbi and Meritxell Martinez,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Private Sector Development - E-Business Banks and Banking Reform Information and Communication Technologies - Postal Services Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Private Sector Development - Emerging Markets
La liberalización de los servicios postales, Ricardo Alonso Soto,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: Servicios postales, liberalización,competitividad
Innovation in service industries in France: results of a postal survey, Faridah Djellal and Faïz Gallouj,
from HAL
Keywords: services,innovation,postal survey
Commercially-and-socially-oriented postal services, Hernán Briceño Avalos,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Postal services; financial postal; international business; communication; e-commerce;
Assessing the Cost of the Portuguese Postal Network, Ricardo Goulão Santos, Alberto Pimenta and Sofia Beatriz Henriques,
from Springer
Keywords: Uniform Price, Postal Service, Transport Route, Postal Network, Universal Service
Competition and Regulation in the Italian Postal Market, Vincenzo Visco Comandini and Francesca Mazzarella,
in Mercato Concorrenza Regole
Keywords: postal services, liberalization, compensation fund
Financial Inclusion and the Role of Postal Systems, Jean-Paul Pollin and Angelo Riva,
from HAL
Keywords: Financial,Inclusion,Role,Postal,Systems
Postal payment services in Hungary, Anikó Turján,
from Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary)
Keywords: postal payment instruments, postal inpayment money orders, postal outpayment money order for pension, postal outpayment money order for social benefits and other purposes, domestic postal money order, POS terminals located in post offices, postal order for cash withdrawal service, cash deposit book
People and Post Offices: Consumption and Postal Services in Japan from the 1870s to the 1970s, Janet Hunter,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: Post Office, Postal Usage, Postal Service, Mail Service, Postal Order
Governing the Postal Service, J. Sidak,
from American Enterprise Institute
Keywords: Regulation, postal reform, United States Postal Service (USPS), AEI Press, AEI Archive
Perspectives on Postal Service Issues, Roger Sherman,
from American Enterprise Institute
Keywords: postal reform, United States Postal Service (USPS), AEI Press, AEI Archive
Liberalization of the Postal Service Market in Europe: Entry with Universal Service and Partial Coverage, Patrick Frank Ernst Beschorner,
from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Keywords: regulation, liberalization, postal services
On Several Economic Consequences of the Full Market Opening in the Postal Service in the European Union, Damien Broussolle,
from Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion et Economie (LaRGE), Université de Strasbourg
Keywords: Postal services, deregulation.
Maximizing Gains from Postal Service Market Liberalization, Sven Heitzler,
in Weekly Report
Keywords: Postal market liberalization, Postal regulation, Barriers to competition, Level playing field
The Decoupling Phenomenon: Do Postal Operators Play a Role on It?, Claire Borsenberger and José Anson,
from Springer
Keywords: CO2 emissions, Postal activities, Decoupling
What future for the Post Office network?, Christian Jaag and Matthias Finger,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Postal Sector, Postal network, Postal strategy
Postal and Regulatory Reform in Intermodal Competition, Christian Jaag and Helmut Dietl,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Regulation, Postal market, Substitution, Intermodal competition
Development of Postal Services Until 2020, Olavi Rantala,
from The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
Keywords: Postal services, Universal service obligation, Profitability
Postal Services Liberalization - Condition for Eliminating a Reserved Field Necessary for Financing the Universal Service, Mirabela Florea-Ianc,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: postal services liberalization, universal service, postal services
Conditions for Organizing Access Infrastructure of Postal Operators Providing Universal Services in Sweden and Poland, Jacek Buko,
in European Research Studies Journal
Keywords: Postal access infrastructure, post offices, postal operator.
Postal Strategies in a Digital Age, Christian Jaag, Jose Parra Moyano and Urs Trinkner,
from Springer
Keywords: Access Point, Financial Service, Regulatory Framework, Post Office, Postal Service
Management Science in Automating Postal Operations: Facility and Equipment Planning in the United States Postal Service, Michael E. Cebry, Anura H. DeSilva and Fred J. DiLisio,
in Interfaces
Keywords: government: services, postal, simulation: applications
Enhancing Competition by Unbundling the Postal Administration, John Haldi and William J. Olson,
from Springer
Keywords: Postal Network, Level Playing Field, Natural Monopoly, Postal Administration, Implicit Prex
Co?ts de la r?gulation des industries de r?seau: enseignements du r?seau postal, Martin Maegli, Christian Jaag and Matthias Finger,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Cost of regulation, Postal network
El tiempo se acabó: El Servicio Postal Mexicano en la encrucijada de su modernización, Noemi Lujan Ponce,
from Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Center for Migration and Development.
Keywords: Mexico; postal service
State and Problems Encountered by Postal Service Providers in The Republic of Bulgaria, Donka Zhelyazkova and Michal Stojanov,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: postal operator, postal services, revenues, labor productivity, digitization
Editorial statement: Switching costs in the European postal service. Are there any solutions?, Carlos Pateiro-Rodriguez, A. Javier Prado-Dominguez, Jesus M. Garcia-Iglesias and Jose Manuel Barreiro-Viñan,
in European Journal of Government and Economics
Keywords: liberalization; universal postal service; switching costs; postal network
Postal financial services, development and inclusion: Building on the past and looking to the future, Gonzales d'Alcantara, Paul H. Dembinski and Odile Pilley,
from Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Freiburg/Fribourg Switzerland
Keywords: development; financial inclusion; financial postal services; Universal Postal Union; telecommunications
U.S. Postal Markets and Delivery Liberalization: A Simulation Approach, Margaret M. Cigno and Edward S. Pearsall,
from Springer
Keywords: Nash Equilibrium, Postal Operator, Postal Market, Product Combination, Limit Price
Developing Universal Postal Services in Latin America ? an Economic Perspective, Helmut Dietl and Urs Trinkner,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Developing Countries, Universal Postal Services
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Competition, France, Market Liberalization, Postal service, Romania
An integrated approach to analysing the cost efficiency of postal networks, Mladenka Blagojević, Predrag Ralević and Dragana Šarac,
in Utilities Policy
Keywords: Cost efficiency; Data envelopment analysis; Postal network;
The use of the postal questionnaire in accounting history research, Derek Matthews,
in Accounting History Review
Keywords: Methodology, Postal Questionnaires, Auditing, Accounting History,
The Impact of Postal Voting on Participation, Evidence for Switzerland, Simon Luechinger, Myra Rosinger and Alois Stutzer,
from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich
Keywords: postal voting, voting costs, voting participation, turnout
The Impact of Postal Voting on Participation: evidence for Switzerland, Simon Luechinger, Myra Rosinger and Alois Stutzer,
from Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Basel
Keywords: postal voting, voting costs, voting participation, turnout
The broadcast median problem in heterogeneous postal model, Cheng-Hsiao Tsou, Gen-Huey Chen, Hung-I Yu and Ching-Chi Lin,
in Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
Keywords: Algorithm, Broadcast median, Heterogeneous network, Postal model
The Effects of Artificial Intelligence Technologies on Postal Operators, Adrien Raizonville,
from Springer
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Postal, Automation, Technological adoption
Truck Scheduling in the Postal Service Industry, Nils Boysen, Stefan Fedtke and Felix Weidinger,
in Transportation Science
Keywords: postal service industry; hub terminals; truck scheduling; parcel sortation