The supply of non-renewable resources Julien Daubanes and Pierre Lasserre
in Canadian Journal of Economics
JEL-codes: Q38
Created/Revised: 2019-01-01
Added/Modified: 2019-08-29
Kommt der Steiger zurück? Ernst Erwin Glöckner
in ifo Dresden berichtet
Keywords: Lithium, Bergbau, Sachsen
JEL-codes: Q38
Created/Revised: 2024-01-01
Added/Modified: 2024-06-14
Revisiting the Economic Impacts of the EU CBAM on Finland and the EU Ville Kaitila, Olli-Pekka Kuusela, Tero Kuusi, Johanna Pohjola and Sampo Soimakallio
from The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
Keywords: Carbon leakage, Carbon border adjustment mechanism, Gravity model, Computable general equilibrium
JEL-codes: Q38
Created/Revised: 2022-04-25
Added/Modified: 2022-04-26
The Impossibility of a Neutral Resource Rent Tax B. Smith
from Australian National University - Department of Economics
JEL-codes: H25 Q38
Created/Revised: 1999-01-01
Added/Modified: 2000-04-24
Nuevo régimen fiscal para Petróleos Mexicanos Juan José Suárez Coppel and Rigoberto Ariel Yépez
in El Trimestre Económico
Keywords: impuestos a hidrocarburos, derechos por explotación de petróleo, régimen fiscal para empresas petroleras, regulación de empresas públicas, Pemex
JEL-codes: H25; Q38
Created/Revised: 2007-01-01
Added/Modified: 2011-11-11
Climate policy and border tax adjustments: Might industrial organization matter? Ian Sheldon and Steve McCorriston
in EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas
Keywords: climate policy, carbon leakage, border tax adjustments, industrial organization.
JEL-codes: H87; Q38
Created/Revised: 2012-01-01
Added/Modified: 2021-01-04
Auctioning Resource Rights Kenneth Hendricks and Robert Porter
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
Keywords: auctions, leases, oil and gas, royalty
JEL-codes: D44; Q38
Created/Revised: 2014-01-01
Added/Modified: 2015-12-09
Switching to a sustainable efficient extraction path Andrei Bazhanov
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Essential nonrenewable resource; Sustainable extraction; Hartwick rule; Transition to efficient path
JEL-codes: Q32; Q38
Created/Revised: 2007-04-20
Added/Modified: 2015-03-31
Сценарии перехода к устойчивым темпам добычи нефти в России Anastasiya Andreeva and Andrei Bazhanov
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Nonrenewable resource; Sustainable development; Transition curve analysis
JEL-codes: Q32; Q38
Created/Revised: 2007-10-08
Added/Modified: 2015-03-31
Inconsistency between a criterion and the initial conditions Andrei Bazhanov
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Essential nonrenewable resource; Sustainable extraction; Criterion inconsistency; Hartwick Rule
JEL-codes: Q32; Q38
Created/Revised: 2008-01-02
Added/Modified: 2015-03-31
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