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Documents de Travail de l'OFCE

From Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE)
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Francesco Saraceno ().

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2018-34: An agent-based model of intra day financial markets dynamics Downloads
Jacopo Staccioli and Mauro Napoletano
2018-33: Calmfors and Driffill revisited: Analysis of European,Institutional and Macroeconomic Heterogeneity Downloads
Thomas Pastore and Aizhan Shorman
2018-32: Calmfors and Driffill revisités: analyse de l'hétérogénéité institutionnelle et macroéconomique en Europe Downloads
Thomas Pastore and Aizhan Shorman
2018-31: Plateformes de commerce en ligne et abus de position dominante. Réflexiosn sur les possibilités d'abus d'exploitationet de dépendance économique Downloads
Frédéric Marty
2018-30: Evaluation de l'impact du CICE par une méthode hybride et utilisation de l'information macro-sectorielle Downloads
Bruno Ducoudré and Nicolas Yol
2018-29: The Debunking the Granular origins of Aggregate fluctuations: from real Business Cycles back to Keynes Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini and Tania Treibich
2018-28: And then He wasn't a She: Climate change and green transitions in an agent-based model integrated assessment model Downloads
Francesco Lamperti, Giovanni Dosi, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini and Alessandro Sapio
2018-27: The labour Augmented K+S model: a laboratory for the analysis of institutional and policy regimes Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Marcelo Pereira, Andrea Roventini and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2018-26: Natural disaster Risk and the Distributional Dynamics of Damages Downloads
Matteo Coronese, Francesco Lamperti, Francesco Chiaromonte and Andrea Roventini
2018-25: Regional Alignement and Productivity Growth Downloads
Ludovic Dibiaggio, Benjamin Montmartin and Lionel Nesta
2018-24: Identification with External Instruments in Structual VARs under partial invertibility Downloads
Silvia Miranda-Agrippino and Giovanni Ricco
2018-23: Climate policies and skill-biased employment dynamics: evidence from EU countries Downloads
Giovanni Marin and Francesco Vona
2018-22: La Chine à travers le spectre de la balance des paiements Downloads
Alice Schwenninger
2018-21: Market disequilibrium, monetary policy, and financial markets: insights from new tools Downloads
Jean-Luc Gaffard and Mauro Napoletano
2018-20: Prélèvement à la source de l'impôt sur le revenu et année de transition: quel impact pour les finances publiques et l'équité intergénérationelle ? Downloads
Gilles Le Garrec and Vincent Touzé
2018-19: Les liens entre taux d'épargne, revenu et incertitude. Une illustration sur données françaises Downloads
Céline Antonin
2018-18: Bayesian vector autoregressions Downloads
Silvia Miranda-Agrippino and Giovanni Ricco
2018-17: Can public housing decrease segregation ? Lessons and Challenges from Non European Immigration in France Downloads
Gregory Verdugo and Sorana Toma
2018-16: Pouvoirs économiques privés et ordre concurentiel. Une application à l'économie numérique Downloads
Frédéric Marty
2018-15: Les réformes structurelles: philosophie sociale et choix politique Downloads
Jean-Luc Gaffard
2018-14: International competition and rent sharing in French Manufacturing Downloads
Lionel Nesta and Stefano Schiavo
2018-13: Unconventional monetary policy: between the past and future of monetary economics Downloads
Mattia Guerini, Francesco Lamperti and Andrea Mazzocchetti
2018-12: The impact of the French policy mix on business and R&D: how geography matters Downloads
Benjamin Montmartin, Marcos Herrera-Gómez and Nadine Massard
2018-11: Salaire minimum: du coût salarial au niveau de vie une comparaison France, Allemagne et Royaume Uni Downloads
Odile Chagny, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak
2018-10: The risk and refugee migration Downloads
Géraldine Bocquého, Marc Deschamps, Jenny Helstroffer, Julien Jacob and Majlinda Joxhe
2018-09: The labor supply of baby boomers and low flation Downloads
Benoit Mojon and Xavier Ragot
2018-08: Quota de logements sociaux et coûts liés à la scolarisation des jeunes enfants Downloads
Sandrine Levasseur
2018-07: Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, concentration and systemic effects Downloads
Duc Thi Luu, Mauro Napoletano, Paolo Barucca and Stefano Battiston
2018-06: Une comparaison des prévisions macroéconomiques sur la France Downloads
Sabine Le Bayon and Christine Rifflart
2018-05: Threshold Policy Effects and Directed Technical Change in Energy Innovation Downloads
Lionel Nesta, Elena Verdolini and Francesco Vona
2018-04: What if supply-side policies are not enough ? The perverse interaction of flexibility and austerity Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, M.C. Peirera, Andrea Roventini and M.E. Vigillito
2018-03: A model of FED'S view on inflation Downloads
Thomas Hasenzagl, Filippo Pellegrino, Lucrezia Reichlin and Giovanni Ricco
2018-02: Endogenous growth and global divergence in a multi-country agent-based model Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Andrea Roventini and Emanuele Russo
2018-01: Budget 2018: pas d'austérité mais des inégalités Downloads
Pierre Madec, Mathieu Plane and Raul Sampognaro
2017-32: Rational Heuristics ? Expectations and behaviours in evolving economies with heterogeneous interacting agents Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini, Joseph Stiglitz and Tania Treibich
2017-31: Algorithmes de prix et discrimination parfaite. Une théore concurentielle en voie de trouver sa pratique ? Downloads
Frédéric Marty
2017-30: Inequality and Imbalances: a Monetary Union Agent-Based Model Downloads
Alberto Cardaci and Francesco Saraceno
2017-29: La tarification des contrats courts: objectifs et instruments Downloads
Bruno Coquet
2017-28: Innovation, Finance, and Economic Growth: an agent based approach Downloads
Giorgio Ffagiolo, Daniele Giachini and Andrea Roventini
2017-27: Finance and the Misallocation of Scientific, Engineering and Mathematical Talent Downloads
Giovanni Marin and Francesco Vona
2017-26: The impact of Energy Prices on Employment and Environmental Performance: Evidence from French Manufacturing Establishments Downloads
Giovanni Marin and Francesco Vona
2017-25: Quelle incidence du CICE sur les salaires et l'emploi Une évaluation pour la période 2014-2017 t2 sur données de branches Downloads
Bruno Ducoudré, Eric Heyer, Alaïs Martin-Baillon and Mathieu Plane
2017-24: EU ETS- broken beyond repair ? An analysis based on Faster principles Downloads
Xavier Timbeau and Pawel Wiejski
2017-23: Fiscal policy in the US: Ricardian after all ? Downloads
Pierre Aldama and Jerome Creel
2017-22: Firm export diversification and change in workforce composition Downloads
Sarah Guillou and Tania Treibich
2017-21: Financialisation Risks and Econmic Performance Downloads
Jerome Creel, Paul Hubert and Fabien Labondance
2017-20: Fairness, social norms and the cultural demand for redistribution Downloads
Gilles Le Garrec
2017-19: Central Bank Information and the effects of Monetary shocks Downloads
Paul Hubert
2017-18: Eurozone bond market dynamics, ECB monetary policy and financial stress Downloads
Christophe Blot, Jerome Creel, Paul Hubert and Fabien Labondance
2017-17: The accountability imperative for quantifying the uncertainty of emission forecasts: evidence from Mexico Downloads
Daniel Puig, Oswaldo Morales-Napoles, Fatemeh Bakhtiari and Gissela Landa Rivera
Page updated 2025-01-09
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