Ancient VaseGreek VaseAncient Greek PotteryIstoria ArteiAncient Greek ArtGreek PotteryGreek VasesAncient PotteryVase ShapesBasic Introduction to Greek VasesGreek pottery vase shapes6.2k
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Luxury ObjectsCoil PotteryJ Paul GettyGreek PotteryOld PotteryAncient PotteryPrehistoric ArtGetty MuseumCeramics Pottery ArtTerracotta lentoid flask | Levantine | Iron Age | The Metropolitan Museum of ArtMyres, John L. 1914. Handbook of the Cesnola Collection of Antiquities from Cyprus. no. 545, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.Karageorghis, Vassos, Joan Mertens, and Marice E. Rose. 2000. Ancient Art from Cyprus: The Cesnola Collection in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. no. 125, pp. 78–79, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.Karageorghis, Vassos. 2002. "An Early Pheonician Pilgrim Flask from Cyprus." Da Pyrgi a Mozia: Studi Sull'Archaeologia Del Mediterraneo in Memoria di…911
Greek CeramicsOld PotsAncient Greek PotteryGreek PotteryGreek VasesCorporate ArtAncient PotteryCeramic ArtworkAncient SculptureAn Attic Amphoriskos, circa late 5th/early 4th Century B.C. | Ancient Sculpture and Works of Art Part II | 2021 | Sotheby'sProperty from a European Corporate Art CollectionAn Attic Amphoriskoscirca late 5th/early 4th Century the form of a1.4k
Roseville Pottery PatternsRoseville Pottery VintagePottery ShapesVase IdeasStyle PinterestPottery PatternsConcrete VasesPottery FormGreek VasesJust Art Pottery - Buying and Selling American Art PotteryRoseville, Rookwood, Van Briggle, Newcomb College, Ephraim, Teco, Weller, Grueby, North Dakota, Marblehead, Fulper, Hampshire, Niloak, and other American and European Art Pottery. American Arts and Crafts and Art Deco, Mid Century Modern Pottery.135
Istoria ArteiMountain GoatsAfrique ArtIndian PotteryAncient Near EastAncient PersiaAncient PotteryArt AncienNative American PotteryStorage jar decorated with mountain goats | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of ArtPeriod: Chalcolithic. Date: ca. 4000–3600 B.C.. Geography: Central Iran. Medium: Ceramic, paint. Dimensions: 21 in. (53.3 cm). Classification: Ceramics-Ve...537
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Alabaster Jar PaintingBlue And White CeramicsOld CeramicsAntique CrocksOld CrocksBlue And White PotteryStoneware CrocksAlexandria VirginiaAntique StonewareStorage Jar - MesdaFew pieces of surviving of pottery can be associated with African American potters. This iconic stoneware jar in MESDA’s collection was made in Alexandria, Virginia by David Jarbour, one of several free black artisans working at the city’s Wilkes Street pottery. In 1820 Jarbour purchased his freedom from the Alexandria, Virginia merchant Zenas Kinsey for […]919
Asian PotteryArt Deco PotteryLight Green BackgroundChinese Porcelain VaseChinese VaseVase ArtChinese PotteryAntique VasePottery SculptureVase with alternating landscape and floral scenes | China | Qing dynasty (1644–1911) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art1k