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101 Pins
9 Ways to Use Art Exit Tickets as Formative Assessment in Elementary & Middle School Art Class
Art exit tickets are a quick way to gather data and assess students in elementary and middle school art class. They're bite-size questions or tasks kids complete at the end of the art lesson to check for understanding. Art exit slips can also be used as bellringers, too. Read on to learn more about what makes a good exit ticket, how to use them for formative assessment, and how to manage distributing and collecting them. | Glitter Meets Glue
Paper Plate Ice Skate Craft – The Pinterested Parent
My five year old is an aspiring hockey star. She loves it on the ice and I love watching her. An old photo of her on skates inspired this paper plate ice skater craft. If…Continue Reading…
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4th Grade Animal Moasics - use artist Winold Reiss' mosaic murals as an example