이 대회는 1953년 발기인들이 제임스 블러스 경과 아톨 레이튼 경에게 우승을 수여하면서 도입되었다.이 대회는 1953년부터 프레드 콜러가 미국레슬링협회(AWA)를 결성하기 위해 NWA를 떠난 1960년까지 추진되어 AWA 월드 태그팀 챔피언십이 시카고 [1][2]지역 최고의 태그팀 챔피언십이 되었다.시카고 판촉은 나중에 딕 아플리스가 인수할 것이며, 딕 아플리스는 그것을 인디애나폴리스에 본부를 둔 영토와 합병시켰다.마지막 NWA 월드 태그팀 챔피언십은 1960년 4월 9일 샤이어스 형제가 우승했다.볼코프인 보리스와 니콜리는 시카고 버전의 NWA 월드 태그팀 챔피언십 기록인 4번 우승을 차지했다.아트 닐슨과 레지 리소프스키가 371일 동안 챔피언십을 유지했는데, 이는 챔피언십의 7년 역사상 가장 긴 개인 통치 기간이다.프로레슬링 챔피언십이기 때문에 경쟁적으로 이기거나 지는 것이 아니라 레슬링 [1][2]프로모션의 예약자의 결정에 따라 결정됩니다.이 타이틀은 프로레슬링이 경쟁적인 [4]스포츠라는 환상을 유지하기 위해 선택된 팀이 경기를 "승부"한 후에 수여된다.
^ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacadaeafagDuncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(Chicago) Illinois: NWA World Tag Team Title [Kohler]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Hornbaker, Tim (2007). "The Origins of a Wrestling Monopoly". National Wrestling Alliance, The Untold Story of the Monopoly that Strangled Pro Wrestling. ECW Press. ISBN1-55022-741-6.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(Los Angeles) California: NWA World Tag Team Title [Nichols, Doyle & Eaton]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(San Francisco) California: NWA World Tag Team Title[Joe Malcewicz]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(Kansas and Western Missouri) Kansas City: NWA World Tag Team Title [Karras & Geigel]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "Ohio and Upstate New York: NWA World Tag Team Title [George & Bruins]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "Georgia: NWA World Tag Team Title [Gunkel & Barnett]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "Iowa / Nebraska: NWA World Tag Team Title [George & Clayton]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(Indianapolis) Indiana: NWA World Tag Team Title [Kohler, Patton & Estes]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "Idaho / Utah: NWA World Tag Team Title [Reynolds]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(Amarillo) Texas: NWA World Tag Team Title [Sarpolis and Funk]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(Minneapolis) Minnesota: NWA World Tag Team Title [Karbo & Gagne]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "Texas: NWA World Tag Team Title [Siegel, Boesch and McLemore]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.
^Duncan, Royal; Will, Gary (2000). "(Memphis, Nashville) Tennessee: NWA World Tag Team Title [Gulas and Welsh]". Wrestling title histories: professional wrestling champions around the world from the 19th century to the present. Pennsylvania: Archeus Communications. ISBN0-9698161-5-4.