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Add-on structure#

In previous versions of XF, there were very few standards and conventions surrounding add-on development. We have done a lot to change that in XF 2.0. Let's look at some of the changes:

Add-on IDs and add-ons path#

Each installed add-on must have a unique ID, and this ID dictates where on the filesystem that an add-on should store its files. There are two possible formats for an add-on ID.

The first "simple" type should be a single word and not contain any special characters. For example, Demo.

Simple add-on IDs must adhere to the following rules:

  • Must only contain a-z or A-Z
  • Can contain 0-9 but not at the start of the ID
  • Can not contain any special characters such as slashes, dashes or underscores

The second contains a vendor prefix, so if you release add-ons under a specific brand or company, the add-on ID can indicate that. For example, SomeVendor/Demo.

The vendor type add-on ID should adhere to the following rules:

  • Must only contain a-z or A-Z
  • Can contain a single / character but not at the start or the end
  • Can contain 0-9 but not at the start of either part of the add-on ID

Once you have decided what your add-on ID is, we know exactly where the files for this add-on will be stored. All XF 2.0 add-ons are stored within a subdirectory of the src/addons directory.

If you have a simple add-on ID, e.g. Demo, the files for your add-on will be stored in the following location: src/addons/Demo.

If you have a vendor based add-on ID, e.g. SomeVendor/Demo, the files will be stored in the following location: src/addons/SomeVendor/Demo.

The add-on ID you choose will also become your class namespace prefix (see Namespaces for more information).

XF itself uses a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH principle (e.g. 2.0.0 for the first stable XF2 release) to its version numbering and we recommend a similar approach is taken towards the versioning of your own add-ons. In basic terms, increment the

  • MAJOR version when you make major feature changes, especially changes that break backwards compatibility
  • MINOR version when you add functionality preferably in a backwards compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes

Version IDs for add-ons are basic integers which are used for internal version comparisons. It allows us to more easily detect when one version is older than another. Each version of your add-on should increase the version ID by at least 1, but a convention we use internally for XF itself, is potentially useful also for add-ons. Our version IDs are in the format of aabbccde.

  • aa represents the major version
  • bb represents the minor version
  • cc represents the patch version
  • d represents the state, e.g. 1 for alpha releases, 3 for beta releases, 5 for release candidates and 7 for stable releases
  • e represents the state version

For example, an add-on with version string of 1.7.3 release candidate 4 would have an ID of 1070354. The final stable release XF2 will have an ID of 2000070. Version 1.5.0 Beta 3 of XF had an ID of 1050033. Stable version 99.99.99 would have an ID of 99999970... and maybe you should slow down a bit 😉

Common add-on files and directories#

There are a number of files and directories within an add-on's directory that have a special purpose and meaning.

addon.json file#

addon.json is a file which contains a number of pieces of information which are required to help XF 2.0 identify the add-on and display information about it in the Admin CP. At minimum, your addon.json file should look like this:

    "title": "My Add-on by Some Company",
    "version_string": "2.0.0",
    "version_id": 2000070,
    "dev": "Some Company"

A basic file will be created for you automatically when creating the add-on.

Including a valid addon.json file is mandatory for your addon to be recognized but you can always validate your addon.json file.


Property Description
legacy_addon_id Used to enable automatic handling of addon ID changes when upgrading from XenForo 1 to XenForo 2.
title The title of the addon. This will show in the Admin Panel.
description A description of the addon. This will show in the Admin Panel.
version_id The internal ID used by XenForo to track updates to your addon. This must be incremented every release.
version_string The human-readable addon version. This will show in the Admin Panel instead of the version_id property.
dev The name of the developer of the addon. This will show in the Admin Panel.
dev_url If set, the developer's name will show in the Admin Panel as a hyperlink, with this as the target (href).
faq_url If set, an FAQ hyperlink will show in the Admin Panel, with this as the target (href).
support_url If set, a support hyperlink will show in the Admin Panel, with this as the target (href).
extra_urls This allows you to display links to other things related to the add-on (perhaps a bug reports link, a manual - whatever you like). An array of JSON objects, where the key is the link text and the value is the link target (href).
require A set of requirements that need to be met for XenForo to allow installation of the addon. See 'The requirements property' for more information.
icon The icon of the resource. This can be a Font Awesome icon name (e.g. fa-shopping-bag, or the path to an image file.)
The requirements property#

The require property is the standard way of blocking an add-on install or upgrade if the environment doesn't support or meet the requirements. You can use it to require other add-ons to be installed first, certain PHP extensions to be present or enabled and/or to enforce a minimum PHP version.

Here's an example snippet:

  "require": {
      "XF": [2000010, "XenForo 2.0.0+"],
      "php": ["5.4.0", "PHP 5.4.0+"],
      "php-ext/json": ["*", "JSON extension"]

Each requirement, is a named array:

  • The name of the array is the product ID (e.g. XF or php).
  • The first array element is the version of the product (e.g. 2000010 or 5.4.0). You can use use * to refer to any version of the product.
  • The second element is the human-readable text of that requirement and this is what's used in messages (e.g. XenForo 2.0.0+ or PHP 5.4.0+).

Here's a summary of the supported product IDs:

Product/requirement name Refers to... Value
XF The XenForo installation version. The XenForo version ID, for example 200010.
You can get your current XenForo version by checking the top of the /src/XF.php file for the $versionId definion or by printing the value of \XF::$versionId.
php The PHP version. The PHP version, for example 5.4.0.
It's recommended that you keep this as low as possible; updating a PHP version can be quite a complex task - especially if other add-ons conflict with newer PHP versions.
php-ext/(extension name) A PHP extension - where (extension name) is the name of the extension. The PHP extension version.
This is checked using the PHP version_compare function, so it even works for version strings in the official full PHP format like
(any addon ID) Any XenForo addon such as Demo/Addon.
If you're unsure about an addon's ID, check it's addon.json file.
The addon version ID.
You can refer to the Recommended version ID format for more information.

hashes.json file#

hashes.json is the new way to add support for the File health check system, and the best part is -- it's generated automatically!

As part of the build process (more on that later) we will do a quick inventory of all your add-on's files and write the calculated hash of the file contents.

Setup.php file#

Setup.php is the new home for any code you require to run during install, upgrade or uninstallation of your add-on.

We will go into more detail about how to create a Setup class below.

_data directory#

The _data directory is where the master data for your add-on is stored. Each add-on data type will have its own XML file (rather than a single one for all types). The hashes for these files are included inside hashes.json so we can ensure that an add-on has complete and consistent data before allowing an add-on to be installed.

_output directory#

The _output directory is not required for a successful installation of an add-on, and shouldn't be included when releasing the add-on. This directory is purely for development purposes and is only used if development mode is enabled (see Enabling development mode).

Each item of add-on data is stored in a separate file. Mostly they are stored as JSON files, but in the case of phrases they are stored as TXT files and for templates they are stored as HTML/CSS/LESS files. All template types are editable in the filesystem directly, and changes made to these files are written back to the database automatically on load.

Setup class#

To create a Setup class for your add-on, all you need to do is create a file named Setup.php in the root of your add-on directory.

The Setup class should extend \XF\AddOn\AbstractSetup which requires, at minimum, to implement install(), upgrade() and uninstall() methods. Here's what a simple add-on Setup class might look like:


namespace Demo;

class Setup extends \XF\AddOn\AbstractSetup
    public function install(array $stepParams = [])
        $this->schemaManager()->createTable('xf_demo', function(\XF\Db\Schema\Create $table)
            $table->addColumn('demo_id', 'int');

    public function upgrade(array $stepParams = [])
        if ($this->addOn->version_id < 1000170)
            $this->schemaManager()->alterTable('xf_demo', function(\XF\Db\Schema\Alter $table)
                $table->addColumn('foo', 'varchar', 10)->setDefault('');

    public function uninstall(array $stepParams = [])

The Setup class also supports running each of the actions in different steps. To implement this behavior your Setup class can use the StepRunnerInstallTrait, StepRunnerUpgradeTrait and/or StepRunnerUninstallTrait traits. These implement the required methods automatically, and you just need to add the relevant steps, e.g. installStep1(), upgrade1000170Step1(), upgrade1000170Step2() and uninstallStep1(), where 1000170 etc. in the upgrade methods are the add-on version IDs (see Recommended version ID format).