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Volume 6, Number 2—April 2000

Vaccines for Mucosal Immunity to Combat Emerging Infectious Diseases

Frederik W. van GinkelComments to Author , Huan H. Nguyen, and Jerry R. McGhee
Author affiliations: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Main Article

Figure 3

Pathways of intracellular pathogen clearance from infected cells by cytotoxic cells. Intracellular pathogen-derived antigens complexed to MHC class I molecules are recognized by CTLs, while NK cells recognize the absence or suppressed levels of MHC class I molecules on infected cells. Activated cytotoxic cells deliver apoptotic signals through Fas ligand and perforin to infected cells. They also secrete cytokines (IFN-gð, TNF-að) and chemokines (Rantes, MIP-1að, MIP-1bð) to inhibit or suppress i

Figure 3. Pathways of intracellular pathogen clearance from infected cells by cytotoxic cells. Intracellular pathogen-derived antigens complexed to MHC class I molecules are recognized by CTLs, while NK cells recognize the absence or suppressed levels of MHC class I molecules on infected cells. Activated cytotoxic cells deliver apoptotic signals through Fas ligand and perforin to infected cells. They also secrete cytokines (IFN-gð, TNF-að) and chemokines (Rantes, MIP-1að, MIP-1bð) to inhibit or suppress intracellular pathogen replication.

Main Article

Page created: December 16, 2010
Page updated: December 16, 2010
Page reviewed: December 16, 2010
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