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Engaging broader Web community for Exploring New Horizons - Exploration Group

Dingwei, W3C AB

W3C AC 2024
Hiroshima, Japan
hybrid meeting
8–9 APRIL 2024

Good morning, everyone. My name is Dingwei and I am now serving W3C AB.Here I would like to update you one of the W3C AB 2024 priority programs, exploring new horizons, and the objective of the program is to set up a scheme trying to engage broader web community for incubation and chartering. And we are happy to announce, with the hard work of AB and great cooperation with the Team, a new Exploration Group setting up proposal is now out for comments.

AB Priority: Exploring New Horizons


As said, the “Exploring new horizons” program is a well-coordinated AB effort with the clear target addressing W3C’s capability to identify technology trends and embrace new technologies relative with Web, coming to W3C for incubation, making sure W3C and Web could support the upcoming technologies and survives in the fast-growing industry development.

Exploring New Horizons


As you have heard from Chris and will hear from Ian, W3C Team has done a great job for years to run Strategy Funnel for incubation and chartering. However, with W3C going to be a Director-free and member driven organization, especially with technologies growing faster, more active brain needed to be brought together for the exploration. it is no doubt that working with the Team to achieve the goals is necessary.

Exploring New Horizons

AB Discussion & Proposal

W3C Proposal: Call for comments

We would like your attention and comments on that draft

The“Exploring new horizons”program team organized GitHub repo for detail discussion last year and finalized a proposal delivered to W3C, and then W3C announced the “Exploration Group” chartering proposal early this year. Feel free to check the URL for details and we would very much like your attention and comments on the draft proposal.


Exploration Interest Group/Community Group provides a platform to:

As an addition to the current incubation work, the goal of the “Exploration Group” to engage broader Web community for the exploration, and more importantly through the exploration for further cooperation to shape the technology trend, accelerate chartering to follow the quicker technology development, strengthen the innovation of W3C, for the benefits of Web users and all Web communities.

Use Cases

The program work started from use case recognition and analysis, proving its rooting in the perspective to solve the real problems and address the real challenges.


It is proposed that the Exploration Group will take the role of engaging W3C Members, the Team and Web community to propose, prioritize and assist organizing more workshops and other events, as we believe innovation will emerge with more talents gathering together frequently. Work with the web community to facilitate Community Group creation, coordinate the CGs for the potential Work Group chartering.


And moreover, leverage the SDOs liaison scheme, which is now taken by W3C Team, as well as W3C technical experts, who are deeply engaged in other SDOs, for regular feedback of their insights and investigation, since it is believed innovation always happens somewhere else, which will be substantially increasing our technical and industry insights. Finally, exploration measure itself also needs exploration, and we would like the group also take the role to be creative on exploration measures.

Two options for this Group

Community Group

  • Should engage with non-members for more ideas and perpectives

Interest Group

  • No patent policy commitments comparing with CG
  • Better limited only to Members for member benefits
  • Have an end date to terminate if proved fail

You will find ungoing debate in the GitHub repo mostly regarding the format of the Exploration Group, to be either a CG or IG, with the presentation of pros and cons. We really like your ideas before the decision is made.


  1. Exploration CG/IG is open for comments
  2. For further discussion, welcome to join AC 2024 Day 2 session on Improving W3C Workflow!

As the conclusion, againe, here with AB and the Team, we are happy to call for your comments on the Exploration group, as AB 2024 priority program delivery. Thanks to the great work of the program participators and W3C strategy team, led by PLH. You are welcome to check the URL joining in the online discussion, and be sure to take this great offline opportunity join us in the AC2024 Day 2 “Improving W3C Workflow”breakout session, with your questions and comments. Thank you.