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Standard Venue Arrangements for W3C Events: Conferences, Workshops, and Meetings

Venue Requirements: Space, Internet, Audio Visual, Meals, Local Logistics and Contact Information

Meeting Facility Space, Services and Local Support

  1. Meeting room: appropriate sized meeting room to accommodate estimated attendance +/- 20 (a traditional walled meeting room is preferable versus an open or common area
  2. Seating: schoolroom seating works best for larger groups like an AC Meeting or a Conference with attendance greater than 50 attendees. U-shape or Hollow Square is preferred for working style meetings, Working/Interest Groups, etc.
  3. Wheelchair accessible space to include venue entrance, meeting room, lunch room, registration area, and bathrooms
  4. space at the front of the room for for a speaker panel (usually 2-4, 6 foot skirted tables with chairs)
  5. Registration and break set-up: sufficient space for registration tables and meeting materials: name badges, folders, banners, and catering (three to five, 6 or 8 foot skirted tables)
  6. Lunch space options: 1. separate room, 2. meeting room, or 3. facility cafeteria (separate room or reserved area in facility cafeteria are the preferred options)
  7. Local admin and/or facility support to handle all aspects of meeting setup/breakdown. It is helpful for someone to act as a local point of contact and to be available to accept catering deliveries, maintain a clean meeting area and handle any issues that may arise that require local assistance

  8. Nice to have:
  9. Wireless Internet and Audio Visual
  10. Food and Beverage
  11. Local Hotels: If it is peak season during the Event, and local hotels expect to sell out, a guest room block may be appropriate (especially if there are limited local hotels).
  12. Local Logistics Information - Getting to the Meeting Venue
  13. Venue Access and Security Policies
  14. Accessibility for Meetings:

Susan Westhaver, W3C Meeting Planner and Head of Administration MIT-W3C
last revised $Date: 2020/07/23 13:42:59 $ by $Author: susan $