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Revision as of 18:05, 14 June 2024 by Tantekelik (talk | contribs) (clarify telcons only as needed, milestone 1 completed)


The AB is restarting the Vision Task Force (VisionTF) 2024 as part of the AB’s 2024 Vision Priority Project with a new workmode based what was learned during the VisionTF 2023 experiment, and iterating based on ongoing evaluation & feedback by the AB.

In late 2023 the AB resolved to change the chairing/editing of Vision TF & Vision for 2024:

  • Vision TF Chair: Chris Wilson
  • Vision Editor: Tantek Çelik

Drafts Repository Issues



The VisionTF workmode is maintained by the chair & editor, building on the what worked in the VisionTF Experiment and best practices from the TAG and BoD.


Who / Task Force Participants:

  • work with W3C Members
  • participation open to W3C Members, Invited Experts, and Team
  • AB approval based, that any Member can ask to join the TF, pending AB approval, and AB will require member to be in good standing, and obeying Process
    • Member may ask to join (email ab@w3.org to request joining Vision TF), AB opens an ab-private issue for discussion, if no objections within a week, AB approves (inspired by TAG TF practices for e.g. Privacy Policy TF)
  • keep it smaller and more nimble (inspired by BoD TF discussions)
  • at most one participant per member org


How the Vision TF will do its work

  • The TF conducts meetings as needed and publishes minutes in Member-only space to allow participants to speak more freely; but maintains editors' drafts and issue discussion in public, in the AB-public GitHub repo, to allow broader input
  • For any open PRs of small edits (editorial or similar)
    • Editor and/or Chair check / review (including each by the other), then push async upon approval
  • Work Async on issues/PRs by default/prefered
    • actively seeking consensus of all Task Force participants, but taking formal decisions by consensus of the AB
  • Meeting agendas prepared & prioritized by chair in advance as needed from:
    • any other issues with PRs
    • issues with specific proposals that are agenda+'d (label or comment)
    • issues with "needs input"
    • if no agenda is sent 24hrs beforehand (by Chair or Editor), sync meeting is auto-canceled
  • AB approves publication of updated drafts, including any updated Notes if needed
  • AC vote to take it to a Statement


What: Content & Issues scope:

  • Direct relevance to improving The Vision document
  • Not issues for other AB documents
  • Not issues for Board scope or Board purpose or other Board documents
  • No rewrites. The Vision has been through a number of rough consensus rewrites already and due to diminishing returns the TF is no longer considering large rewrites of the Vision. Please raise individual content issues instead.
  • "Note" update blockers, issues which participants would object to an updated "Note"
  • "Statement" blockers, issues which participants would object to going to Statement
  • AB members may add labels to help with processing issues


When / meeting schedule and milestone goals

  • Telcons as needed: 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 14:00 PST
  • ✅ Milestone 1: Getting to Note (before or soon after Spring 2024 AC)
  • Milestone 2: Getting to Statement
  • Re-assess maintenance mode after achieving Statement publication

Meeting Agendas Minutes


  • TBA as needed


Date Agenda Minutes
2023-10-26 Agenda Minutes 2023-10-26
2023-09-28 Agenda Minutes 2023-09-28
2023-09-12 Agenda Minutes 2023-09-12
2023-08-24 Agenda Minutes 2023-08-24
2023-08-10 Agenda Minutes 2023-08-10
2023-07-13 Agenda Minutes 2023-07-13
2023-06-22 Agenda Minutes 2023-06-22
2023-06-08 Agenda Minutes 2023-06-08
2023-05-25 Agenda Minutes 2023-05-25
2023-04-27 Agenda Minutes 2023-04-27

2023 Vision TF Experiment

On 6 April 2023, the AB resolved to open a temporary Task Force (TF) to work on the Vision:

  • Chair: Tzviya Siegman
  • Editor: Chris Wilson
  • with the ultimate goal of creating a W3C-endorsed, W3C-wide Vision statement for the organization
  • with the initial task of publishing an AB-consensus NOTE developed with the community as a first step towards that goal
  • with the explicit intention of working with the community in a manner yet to be determined to subsequently revise and elevate this NOTE to a W3C Statement representing a consensus Vision for W3C
  • with Task Force participation open to W3C Members, Invited Experts, and Team, actively seeking consensus of all Task Force participants, but taking formal decisions by consensus of the AB
  • meeting bi-weekly during the AB slot on weeks the AB does not meet from now until the end of the upcoming AB membership transition
  • conducting meetings and publishing minutes in Member-only space to allow participants to speak more freely; but maintaining editors' drafts and issue discussion in public, in the AB-public GitHub repo, to allow broader input

The Task Force was continued as part of the AB’s 2024 Vision Priority Project through October 2023.

2023 Meeting Schedule and Agenda