This group brings together experts in the area of building information modelling (BIM) and Web of Data technologies to define existing and future use cases and requirements for linked data based applications across the life cycle of buildings. A list of recommended use cases will be produced by this community group.
The envisioned target beneficiaries of this group are both industrial and governmental organisations who use data from building information modelling applications and other data related to the building life cycle (sensor data, GIS data, material data, geographical data, and so forth) to achieve their business processes and whom will benefit from greater integration of data and interoperability between their data sets and the wider linked data communities. For example, benefit may be obtained by publishing and combining localised data on new cheaper building materials, energy efficient building devices and systems, along with real time data on weather patterns, energy prices and geodata. By making this data available to applications, they will be better able to support decision makers during the whole of the building life cycle, which includes design, construction, commissioning, operation, retrofitting/refurbishment/reconfiguration, demolition, and recycling of buildings.
The group will engage with these beneficiaries through surveys and events organised in conjunction with the affiliated workshop series on Linked Data for Architecture and Construction (LDAC).
w3c-lbd-cg/Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time
Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these
conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.
Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.
During the upcoming autumn season, the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group will, in addition to our regular seminars and presentations, host a series of workshops on ontology engineering, ontology alignment, and software development for linked building data.
We hereby invite maintainers of ontologies and software to bring their deliverables to the LBD community for discussion and joint development work. We envisage you may have interests relating but not limited to requirements elicitation, feature prioritization, trade-offs in design, development patterns/architecture, ontology alignment practices, documentation needs, workflows, etc. Take this opportunity to use the LBD CG as a sounding board and advisory group — and who knows, maybe you’ll pick up a few contributors to your project while you’re at it?
The exact format and number of workshops will depend on maintainer interests, but tentatively we are looking at 2-3 workshops run every two or four weeks, with 2-3 maintainers/tracks per workshop. We’re now surveying that maintainer interest and ask that if you fit this role, and would like to participate with your project in a workshop like this, please contact the LBD CG chairs.
We appreciate if you share this notice to relevant research or industry communities!
With best regards,
Mathias Bonduel Katja Breitenfelder Karl Hammar Anna Wagner
The Joint Conference CIB W78 – LDAC 2021 will take place in Luxembourg between 11-15 October 2021 and is associated with the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), its Working Commission W78 on Information Technology for Construction and the Linked Data in Architecture and Construction research community. This event is organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in collaboration with Cardiff University (UK) and the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP).
The 38th CIB W78 conference on Information and Communication Technologies for AECO and the 9th LDAC workshop aim to bring together an international community of researchers and industrials interested in the areas of Construction Informatics, BIM, Digital Twin and Knowledge Management. The scope of the conference is broad in terms of the design, construction and operation and occupancy of constructed facilities, but it primarily relates to the integration and communication of data, information and knowledge in the life cycle of a facility.
CALL FOR PAPERS | Extended deadline The call for papers for the CIB W78 and LDAC 2021 is open. The abstract submission deadline is extended to 15 February 2021! Abstracts will only be accepted though the online abstract submission system. More details on the dedicated website.
IMPORTANT DATES Extended abstract submission deadline: 15 February 2021 Notifications to the authors: 15 March 2021 Full paper submission: 1 April 2021 Review notifications: 1 June 2021 Author registration deadline: 15 June 2021 End of early bird registrations: 15 August 2021
Conference: 11-15 October 2021 LDAC Workshop: 11-13 October 2021
The W3C LBD CG has been happy to welcome Jereon Werbrouck from Ghent University concluding the selected-topics-in…-series with his presentation on Scan-to-graph: Semantic enrichment of existing building geometry. In his excellent presentation he discribed how the scan-to-BIM process can be realised in a Semantic Web context and how Linked Data technologies allow to address problems from integrating heterogeneous data sources as well as allow to keep track of assumptions and uncertainties in the process. He concluded his presentation with a live demo of the LBDServer, a open-source implementation of the aforementioned functionalities. See the minutes for the details!
The beautiful castle of Gravensteen in Ghent, Belgium has been used in the presented research. Figure source: Maros, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
This community group holds bi-weekly meetings dedicated to topics on modelling data and information in the built environment. If you are interested in this topic join the groups discussions by becoming a member via the “join group” button on the right.
The community group holds bi-weekly meetings dedicated to topics on modelling data and information in the built environment. Currently we are running a “Selected topics in”- series. If you are interested in this topic join the groups discussions by becoming a member via the “join group” button on the right.
Sam valadi, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons.
Check the minutes for more details on his use case, which started in New York City.
The community group holds bi-weekly meetings dedicated to topics on modelling data and information in the built environment. Currently we are running a “Selected topics in”- series. If you are interested in this topic join the groups discussions by becoming a member via the “join group” button on the right.
Check the minutes for details and links to the slides.
The community group holds bi-weekly meetings dedicated to topics on modelling data and information in the built environment. Currently we are running a “Selected topics in”- series. If you are interested in this topic join the groups discussions by becoming a member via the “join group” button on the right.
See the minutes if you are interested in the details. Potential alignments of the standard with the groups outputs are planned to be discussed at the TPAC event in October 2020.
The W3C LBD CG holds bi-weekly meetings dedicated to topics on modelling data and information in the built environment. Currently we are running a “Selected topics in”- series. If you are interested in this topic become a member by clicking the “join group” button.
The W3C LBD CG hopes that everyone had a great, relaxing and save summer and welcomes everyone back when starting over its bi-weekly calls again on 08 September 2020.
This autumn the group will continue its journey on bringing together experts from the domain with calls, where invited speakers present their latest research and results on Linked Data, Semantic Web and Graph Technologies in the Built Environment. You may find a overview on the selected topics on the speakers list below and all groups members are looking forward on welcoming you in the upcoming calls!
The two pointed to their work on developing a11yjson, a JSON based datamodel to describe accessibility information on the web. They plan to formalise this format using Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies and a potential collaboration with W3C LBD CG should focus on the linking to Building Topology Ontology (BOT).
The community group holds bi-weekly meetings dedicated to topics on modelling data and information in the built environment. If you are interested in this topic become a member by clicking the “join group” button.
The W3C Linked Building Data Group (W3C LBD CG) was happy to gain interesting insights in today´s teleconference from Al-Hakam Hamdan (TU Dresden, Germany) presenting on his research related to the Damage Topology Ontology (DOT). See the minutes if you are interested in the details on knowledge-based damage identification and classification.
The W3C LBD CG holds bi-weekly meetings dedicated to topics on modelling data and information in the built environment. If you are interested in this topic become a member by clicking the “join group” button.