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SVG's XML Binding Language (sXBL)

W3C Working Draft 15 August 2005

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Jon Ferraiolo, Adobe Systems,
Ian Hickson, Opera Software,
David Hyatt, Apple,


This working draft describes SVG's XML Binding Language (sXBL). sXBL is a mechanism for defining the presentation and interactive behavior of elements described in a namespace other than SVG's.

sXBL is intended to be used to enable XML vocabularies (tag sets) to be implemented in terms of SVG elements. For instance, a tag set describing a flowchart could be mapped to low-level SVG path and text elements, possibly including interactivity and animation.

sXBL is intended to be an SVG-specific first version of a more general-purpose XBL specification (e.g., "XBL 2.0"). The intent is that, in the future, a general-purpose and modularly-defined XBL specification will be developed which will replace this specification and will define additional features that are necessary to support scenarios beyond SVG, such as integration into web browsers that support CSS. Once a general-purpose XBL is defined, sXBL would just become an SVG-specific subset (i.e., a profile) of the larger XBL specification.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at

This document is the fourth public working draft of the sXBL specification. This publication is especially intended to gather feedback on the syntax and performance of the includes attribute.

We explicitly invite comments on this specification and that issue in particular. Please send them to, the public e-mail list for issues related to vector graphics on the Web. This list is archived and acceptance of this archiving policy is requested automatically upon first post. To subscribe to this list send an email to with the word subscribe in the subject line.

The feature set in sXBL represents a repackaging and generalization of the Rendering Custom Content (RCC) feature which had been described in previous SVG 1.2 specifications (see RCC). With this public draft, the features that were formerly in RCC have been factored out into a separate specification, reformulated for more general applicability for possible future use with other markup languages and moved into an XBL-specific namespace. The refactoring of RCC into sXBL was partly the result of coordination efforts within the W3C across working groups (particularly the SVG and CSS working groups) to ensure that RCC/sXBL was forward-looking and could develop into a future modularly-defined and general-purpose XBL specification which met the needs of multiple XML markup languages, not just SVG.

As a result of the reformulation, nearly every element from RCC has been renamed. Although there have been major changes in syntax, the resulting sXBL feature set performs the same operations and satisfies the same requirements as RCC. Sometimes it is possible to migrate RCC-based widget definitions to XBL-based widget definitions after some global search and replace string substitutions.

This document has been produced by the sXBL subgroup of the W3C SVG Working Group as part of the W3C Graphics Activity, within the Interaction Domain.

The XBL task force considers the sXBL specification nearly ready for Last Call. After evaluating public feedback on this draft, the next public draft might be a Last Call working draft.

The patent policy for this document is the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. Patent disclosures relevant to this specification may be found on the SVG Working Group's patent disclosure page. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) with respect to this specification should disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

Table of contents

1. Introduction

This specification defines SVG's XML Binding Language (or XBL for short) and some supporting DOM interfaces. sXBL is a mechanism for defining the presentation and interactive behavior of particular elements described in a namespace other than SVG's with a "binding". Bindings can be attached to elements by declaring, in XBL, that a particular element in a particular namespace is implemented by a particular binding. The element that the binding is attached to, called the bound element, acquires the new behavior and presentation specified by the binding.

XBL is currently defined as a set of new elements that can be used in SVG document fragments and SVG resources. A future version may extend XBL to be applicable to any markup, and the current version has been designed with this goal in mind.

XBL cannot be used to give a document new semantics (except if script invoked by XBL explicitly changes the original DOM). The meaning of a document is not changed by any bindings that are associated with it, only its presentation and interactive behavior.

The following is a simple SVG example where a custom element (<myNS:HelloWorld/>) acquires the alternate presentation behavior defined by the <xbl:definition> element at the top of the file. The <myNS:HelloWorld/> element will be rendered by using the contents of the shadow tree which is attached by the binding. The shadow tree consists of an <svg:text> element which has the string "Hello, world, using sXBL" inside:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg width="10cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 200 60"
     xmlns="" version="1.2"
  <title>Example xbl01.svg - "hello world" sample file</title>
  <desc>A simple "Hello, world" sXBL example where the
         rendering behavior of a custom element 'myNS:HelloWorld'
         consists of an 'svg:text' element which has the string 
         "Hello, world, using sXBL" inside.</desc>


      <!-- The following 'xbl:definition' element defines the
         presentation and interactive behavior that must be used
         for all 'myNS:HelloWorld' elements in this document. -->
      <xbl:definition element="myNS:HelloWorld>
          <text>Hello, world, using sXBL</text>



  <rect x="1" y="1" width="198" height="58" fill="none" stroke="blue"/>

  <g font-size="14" font-family="Verdana" transform="translate(10,35)">

    <!-- Here is an instance of an 'myNS:HelloWorld' element.
       The above binding definition attaches a shadow tree which
       defines alternative rendering and interactive behavior for this element.
       Instead of the standard SVG behavior where unknown elements are not rendered,
       the binding definition causes an 'svg:text' element to be rendered. -->



The above example results in equivalent rendering to the following SVG. The highlighted sections below (i.e., the <g> and <text> elements) represent the shadow tree which the binding definition (i.e., the <xbl:definition> element defined above) attaches to the custom element. The SVG user agent renders the shadow tree in place of the custom element.

  <svg width="10cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 200 60"
       xmlns="" version="1.2">

    <title>Example xbl01-equivalent.svg - 
           equivalent rendering for "hello world" sample file</title>

    <rect x="1" y="1" width="198" height="58" fill="none" stroke="blue"/>
    <g font-size="14" font-family="Verdana" transform="translate(10,35)">

      <!-- The document is rendered as if the 'myNS:HelloWorld' element 
           were replaced by an SVG 'g' element with a 'text' element inside. -->

        <text>Hello, world, using sXBL</text>



The result is as if the 'g' element simply contained the
    text directly.

View this image as SVG (SVG/sXBL-enabled browsers only)

Other examples can be found in the Examples section.

1.1. History

This specification is the culmination of several years of work by several groups.

Action Sheets A Modular Way of Defining Behavior for XML and HTML (AS)
Vidur Apparao, Brendan Eich, Ramanathan Guha, Nisheeth Ranjan; Netscape Communications Corp. W3C Member Submission, June 1998.
HTML Components - Componentizing Web Applications (HTCs)
Chris Wilson; Microsoft. W3C Member Submission, October 1998.
Behavioral Extensions to CSS (BECSS)
Vidur Apparao, Daniel Glazman, Chris Wilson; CSS Working Group. W3C Working Draft, August 1999.
XBL - XML Binding Language (XBL)
David Hyatt; W3C Member Submission, January 2001.
Rendering Custom Content (RCC; part of some SVG 1.2 drafts)
Dean Jackson; SVG Working Group. W3C Working Draft, March 2004.

1.2. Terminology and Conventions

A binding is the definition of behavior that can be applied to an element so as to define its presentation.

An XBL subtree is a subtree in an SVG document fragment, the subtree having as its root node an xbl element in the XBL namespace, which is used to define bindings.

The term binding document is used to mean a document containing an SVG fragment that itself contains XBL subtrees.

A bound element is an element in an arbitrary XML namespace, to which a binding has been applied.

A bound document is a document containing an SVG fragment with one or more bound elements.

The shadow tree for a bound element is the subtree of nodes that are attached to a bound element as a result of XBL processing. (See: shadow content.) The contents of the shadow tree augment the bound element's standard presentation and interactive behavior with alternate behavior. The shadow tree is hidden from normal DOM processing (hence the name "shadow"). The shadow tree is attached to the bound element. Once attached, the shadow tree can be accessed only via XBL-specific DOM extensions and therefore is not accessible via Core DOM navigation facilities such as firstChild or nextSibling. (See: DOM interfaces.)

The term shadow content refers to the various nodes in the shadow tree of a bound element. Shadow content is created by cloning a shadow content template during binding attachment. (See: shadow content.)

In this specification, the term in error, when used of an element or attribute, means that the element or attribute is not conformant according to the rules of this specification.

JF has a pending action item (member only) to propose text for this section that defines the conformance criteria for when a UA hits an error condition.

A correct element or attribute is one which is not in error.

The namespace of all the XBL elements must be:

XBL elements are frequently referred to by just their local name in this specification. In real documents, they must be associated with the XBL namespace as per the rules given in the Namespaces in XML specification [XMLNS].

For convenience, elements and attributes from specific namespaces are sometimes referred to simply in the form prefix:localname, without explicitly stating which namespace the prefix is bound to. When this occurs, readers should assume the following prefix declarations are in scope:


All element names, attribute names, and attribute values in XBL are case sensitive.

1.3. Conformance

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119]. For readability, these words are not capitalised in this specification.

All sections of this specification including the introduction and the schema snippets are normative unless they explicitly state otherwise. Errata are also normative but override conflicting parts of the specification.

1.4. Loading External Resources

JF has a pending action item to propose text for this section (minutes, member only) to point to 17.1 Externally referenced documents.

Several features in XBL allow external resources to be loaded.

When the specification says that the resource must be loaded unless it has already been loaded, then references to the same resource (even if they are somewhat indirect, for example via HTTP redirects) must result in the same instance being reused, or shared. To determine if two resources are the same, their final base URIs (after all redirects) are compared.

Assume RX is a resource that redirects to resource X using the HTTP 301 redirection mechanism. A document contains an import element that refers to binding document X. A new DOM Document instance is created to represent that instance and the relevant bindings are used. The binding document (X) itself then refers to resource RX. While that resource was being loaded, the redirect to X would be discovered, and therefore instead of creating a new Document, the existing one would be reused.

Such resource sharing is limited to resources loaded by a document, and the resources loaded by already-loaded-shared-resources for that document. Can we phrase that better? The idea is that two IFRAMEs whose documents use the same resource should NOT share that resource. We may also want to be explicit than resources that are currently loading count as resources that are already loaded...

Several XBL attributes are defined to contain URIs. All URIs may be relative. For relative URIs, the rules given in [XMLBASE] must be used to resolve the value to an absolute URI.

2. XBL Elements

The start of any XBL subtree is an xbl element, which is described below.

When an XBL subtree does not conform to the descriptions given below in the "Expected context" and "Expected children" sections, the document is in error.

2.1. The xbl Element

RelaxNG language definition:
<element name='xbl'>
  <zeroOrMore><ref name='definition'/></zeroOrMore>
  <zeroOrMore><ref name='import'/></zeroOrMore>
  <ref name='id.attrib'/>
Expected children (in any order):
definition: zero or more.
import: zero or more.
Any non-XBL element.

The xbl element is the root element of all XBL subtrees.

The following example shows an SVG example with an xbl element which contains two binding definitions. It also shows an example of an svg:defs element.

<svg:svg xmlns:svg="" version="1.2">
 <xbl xmlns="">
      <!-- possible definitions of SVG gradients, filters, etc.
           that might be referenced from the binding definitions. -- >

  <definition id="binding1" element="example">
  <definition id="binding2">



The id attribute.

UAs must consider any xbl elements that have another xbl element as an ancestor as being in error and must then ignore them, meaning those elements must never be considered to declare any bindings. For example, UAs must never bind elements to bindings defined by definition elements that have two xbl ancestors.

2.2. The definition Element

RelaxNG language definition:
<element name='definition'>
    <attribute name='ref'><data type='anyURI'/></attribute>

      <optional><ref name='template'/></optional>
      <optional><ref name='handlerGroup'/></optional>
      <attribute name='element'><data type='QName'/></attribute>

  <ref name='id.attrib'/>
Expected context:
Expected children (in any order), if the ref attribute is not specified:
template: zero or one.
handlerGroup: zero or one.
Any non-XBL element
Expected children (in any order), if the ref attribute is specified:

The definition element describes a single XBL binding that adds presentation and interactive behavior to non-SVG elements. Each binding has these optional components:

Template: The optional template defines the initial shadow content for the bound element.

Behavior: A binding can define event listeners for various types of events. Some examples are: UI events (e.g., key and mouse events) on the bound element or on elements within the shadow content; mutation events on the bound element and its descendants; and events having to do with XBL's binding operations (e.g., the prebind and bound events). (See: event handlers.)

Alternatively, a binding may reference an existing binding, with the ref attribute. In this case, the ref attribute must reference a definition element which in turn supplies the binding definition.

Bindings may also act as an attachment mechanism, specifying a namespace and local name of elements to associate with the given binding when the binding is imported, using the element attribute.

In addition to the above, the definition element may contain any element outside the XBL namespace, for example svg:defs. These are handled as they would be in any other context, and are ignored by the XBL processing model.


The id attribute.

This attribute specifies a URI to use to find the binding instead of looking inside the definition element itself. (See: interpretation of URIs to XBL bindings.)

When a definition element has a ref attribute, the UA must fetch the specified resource (unless it has already been loaded).

If the URI references a definition element, and that element does not have a ref attribute, then for the purposes of the rest of the XBL processing model, the element with the ref attribute is treated as if it had the children nodes of the element to which it refers.

If the URI does not reference a definition element, it is in error.

The referenced definition element cannot have a ref attribute (i.e., only one level of indirection is allowed); otherwise, the original definition element is in error.

This attribute specifies the qualified name (QName) of an element to attach to the binding when the binding is imported.

If an element attribute does not resolve to a valid qualified name (QName) using the attribute QName resolving semantics and the namespace prefix declarations in scope on the element, it is in error. [XMLNS]

If a definition element contains both a ref attribute and has child nodes other than comment nodes or whitespace text nodes, then it is in error.

The task force believes that a sentence equivalent to the following note needs to be somewhere in the spec, so that people don't think XBL can be used as a justification for sending markup over the wire without verifying that the sender and consumer both agree on the meaning of the markup. It was generally agreed that the word "semantics" might be better avoided while expressing this concept, however, and so this text is not yet final.

The definition element defines a presentation and behavior binding. It does not define an element's semantics. If an element has no semantics when processed alone, then it has no semantics when processed with XBL.

2.3. The template Element

RelaxNG language definition:
<element name='template'>
  <ref name='id.attrib'/>
Expected context:
Expected children:
Anything. Of particular interest, the content element may occur as descendants.

The template element contains child nodes that can be in any namespace. The subtree specified by the template element is referred to as the shadow content template. When a binding is attached, the template element's child nodes are cloned and attached to the bound document under the bound element (where they are accessible via the xblShadowTree DOM property). Because these cloned nodes are hidden from their parent and exist outside the normal document tree, they are referred to as shadow content.

When the template element is cloned, it is renamed to shadowTree. (See: rules for shadow content generation.)


The id attribute.

2.4. The content Element

RelaxNG language definition:
<element name='content'>
  <optional><attribute name='includes'><text/></attribute></optional>

  <ref name='id.attrib'/>
Expected context:
Any, but there must be a correct template element somewhere in the ancestor chain, and there must not be any correct content elements anywhere in the ancestor chain.
Expected children:

The content element is used inside shadow content to specify insertion points for explicit content that might already exist underneath the bound element. As far as the presentation model is concerned, any shadow content the binding places between the bound element and the content elements is interleaved between the bound element and its explicit children without affecting the document model. (See: processing content elements.)

If the includes attribute successfully matches against children of the bound element, then those children are inserted into the final flattened tree in place of the content element. If the includes attribute does not match against any children, then the child elements of the content element are inserted into the final flattened tree in place of the content element instead.


The id attribute.
The includes attribute can be used to indicate that only certain content should be placed at the content element. Its value is a local name (with no namespace). (See: processing content elements.)

2.5. The handlerGroup Element

RelaxNG language definition:
<element name='handlerGroup'>

  <!-- the content model for this element mentions ev:listener and svg:handler
       but is rather unclear as to what should be included here -->

  <ref name='id.attrib'/>
Expected context:
Expected children:
Any event listening element, in particular ev:listener and svg:handler.

The handlerGroup element's event handlers can be called for events that flow through the bound element. During capture, target and bubbling phases, when a given event is received by a bound element, if a corresponding event listener has been attached to the handlerGroup element, then the event will be forwarded to that event listener. (See: event forwarding, binding attachment and detachment.)


The id attribute.

2.6. The import Element

RelaxNG language definition:
<element name='import'>
  <optional><attribute name='bindings'><data type='anyURI'/></attribute></optional>
  <ref name='id.attrib'/>
Expected contexts:
Any, but the ancestors must all be correct.
Expected children:

The import element specifies a group of bindings to use. Unless explicitly imported using an import element, binding definitions that declare attachments using the element attribute are only used in the document that defines them.

The import element may occur anywhere, within and without XBL subtrees.


The id attribute.

The bindings attribute specifies the URI of the bindings to import. If it has a fragment identifier it specifies the subpart of the specified resource to examine for binding attachment declarations. This attribute is required. If it is omitted, the element is in error.

The URI must point to an SVG document. If the URI designated by an import element has a fragment identifier, it must point to an xbl element in the specified document. If it does not, the element is in error.

If the URI designated by an import element cannot be resolved, or returns an HTTP 404 error (or equivalent), or does not point to a resource with an image/svg+xml MIME type, or has any other problem that makes it unusable, then the element is in error.

When an import element is parsed or inserted into a document, and whenever the bindings attribute is subseqently changed, the URI specified by its bindings attribute must be loaded (unless it has already been loaded).

If the URI designated by an import element cannot be resolved, or returns an HTTP 404 error, or does not point to a resource with an XML MIME type, or has any other problem that makes it unusable, then the element is in error.

While the import element remains in the document, all the bindings that it imports and that specify an attachment must be attached to any matching elements that have the same ownerDocument as the import element. (See: binding attachment.)

If there is a fragment identifier, it imports all the definition elements in the subtree designated by that fragment identifier. Otherwise, it imports all the definition elements in the binding document.

An import is live, if new definition elements are added to a subtree that is being imported by a document, then the new bindings are immediately applied to that document. Similarly, if an import element is removed, or if the bindings attribute is changed, then the bindings it was importing are detached from any elements they were affecting.

XBL bindings are always implicitly imported into the document in which they are defined.

An XBL subtree that defines some bindings is automatically imported in that document, so such mappings are always used. The following example demonstrates this.


<svg xmlns="" ...>

 <xbl xmlns="" ...>
  <definition element="foo">
  <definition element="bar">

 </xbl ...>
 <foo xmlns=""/> <!-- this will have a binding applied -->
 <bar xmlns=""/> <!-- this will have a binding applied -->

If the binding definitions are in a separate file, then that file needs to be imported explicitly:


<svg xmlns="" ...>
 <xbl xmlns="" ...>
  <definition element="foo">

  <definition element="bar">
 </xbl ...>

<svg:svg ...
 <xbl:import bindings="widgets.svg"/>
 <foo/> <!-- bound -->
 <bar/> <!-- bound -->

If a file imports a specific binding but the file containing that binding has its own import elements, the second import only affects nodes in that document. For example:


<svg xmlns="" ...>
 <xbl xmlns="" ...>

  <definition element="foo" id="foo">
    <bar xmlns=""/> <!-- not bound, not even when in shadow content -->


<svg xmlns="" ...>
 <xbl id="bindings" xmlns="" ...>
  <definition element="bar" id="bar">

    <foo xmlns=""/> <!-- bound: this document imports foo.svg -->
    <bar xmlns=""/> <!-- bound: bar binding is defined locally -->

 <import bindings="foo.svg" xmlns=""/>

<svg:svg ...
 <xbl:import bindings="bar.svg#bindings"/>

 <foo/> <!-- not bound: foo.svg not imported here -->
 <bar/> <!-- bound -->

2.7. The id attribute of XBL elements

RelaxNG language definition:
<define name='id.attrib'>
    <attribute name='id'>

      <data type='ID'/>
Expected element:
Any element in the XBL namespace.

The id attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique in the document. The id attribute is of type ID. Refer to the "Extensible Markup Language (XML)" Recommendation [XML].

An id attribute's value must be valid, as defined by XML. (See XML 1.0, section 3.3.1.)

What does it mean to require that the ID attribute must be valid? Does it mean "must match XML's Name production"? What if it isn't? Does it put it in error? If it is in error, what happens; is that covered by our new "in error" handling text?

3. Binding Attachment and Detachment

Bindings shall be attached as soon as the following conditions have been met: (a) it is known that the element is bound to the given binding (b) the element has been created and (c) the binding has loaded.

3.1. Interpretation of URIs to XBL bindings

The sXBL attachment mechanism can use a URI to specify which binding to attach to the designated element:

<definition element="my:foo"

This section defines how URIs in the definition element's ref attribute are to be interpreted.

The URI specifies a particular binding document (a document with SVG fragments containing one or more XBL subtrees).

If the URI contains a fragment identifier, it must point to a specific definition element (by id) within an XBL subtree in the specified document, and that element must be a direct child of an xbl element that does not itself have an xbl element as an ancestor.

If there is no fragment identifier the URI does not point to a correct binding and is in error.

3.2. Attachment using definition

The binding mechanism is the definition element. It declares which bindings should be attached to which elements.

While an element matches the element attribute of one of the definition elements that is imported into, or defined in, the element's document, the binding defined by the first such definition element must be bound to the element.

A ref attribute may be used to defer the definition of the binding to another definition element. (See: the definition element.)

3.3. Binding Attachment Model

When a new binding is attached, the UA must perform the following steps in order (or act as if it did). Implementations may choose to suspend redraw during this process.

  1. Events must start being routed through the binding's handlerGroup element, when there is one. (See: event forwarding.)
  2. The shadow content template is then cloned, if needed, to create the shadow tree:
    1. If the new binding has a shadow content template, then a new shadow tree is created. The prebind event is fired before it is attached. (See: rules for shadow content generation.)
    2. Otherwise, if the binding has no shadow tree, a prebind event in the XBL namespace that bubbles but is not cancelable is fired on the bound element.
  3. Any bindings of descendants that are not yet attached, are then attached.
  4. Once all the bindings of any descendent elements are attached, a bound event in the XBL namespace that bubbles but is not cancelable is fired on the bound element.

We need to decide how to handle the case where a binding's definition is removed while it is being attached.

3.4. Binding Detachment Model

Before a binding is detached, an unbinding event in the XBL namespace that bubbles but is not cancelable is fired on the bound element.

The shadow content nodes, the shadow tree, any forwarding of events to the binding, etc, are then removed from the element.

3.5. Summary of Events

The following events are fired during attachment and detachment:

{"", "prebind"}
A new binding is in the process of being attached to the event target. This event is fired after the contents of the template element, if any, have been cloned but before attachment to the bound element's xblShadowTree and recursive XBL processing on shadow tree contents. (See: binding attachment model.)
{"", "bound"}
A new binding has been attached to the event target, and all of its descendants in the final flattened tree for which bindings are to be applied have had the bound event fired on them.
{"", "unbinding"}
A binding is being detached from the event target. This event is fired before the current contents of xblShadowTree are removed before the value of xblShadowTree is set to null.

All of these events bubble and cannot be canceled.

The prebind event must use the following interface:

interface ShadowTreeEvent : Event {
  readonly attribute XBLTemplateElement xblShadowTree;
  void               initShadowTreeEvent(in DOMString typeArg, 
                                         in boolean canBubbleArg, 
                                         in boolean cancelableArg, 
                                         in XBLTemplateElement xblShadowTreeArg);
  void               initShadowTreeEventNS(in DOMString namespaceURIArg,
                                           in DOMString typeArg, 
                                           in boolean canBubbleArg, 
                                           in boolean cancelableArg, 
                                           in XBLTemplateElement xblShadowTreeArg);

The two methods initialise the event in a manner analogous to other events in DOM3 Events. [DOM3EVENTS]

The xblShadowTree member must contain a pointer to the shadow tree being constructed, if any, and must be null otherwise.

3.6. Script contexts

Script must always be executed in the script context of the document specified by the script's element's ownerDocument DOM attribute. This implies that scripts from different bindings in the same binding doucment bound to different elements in the same bound document share the same scripting scope. If the bindings were defined in the document itself, then the scope is the same scope as for that document.

4. Shadow Content

A binding can specify a shadow content template using the template element. This template describes a content tree that will be generated under the bound element during binding attachment. An element declared in a bound document using a single element can then be constructed out of multiple child elements, and this implementation is hidden from the bound document.

When the shadow content template is cloned (as described in this section), the clone is called a shadow tree.

4.1. Rules for Shadow Content Generation

Whenever bindings are attached to an element, shadow content will potentially be generated or destroyed.

When a template element is mutated in any way, any bindings whose shadow tree was constructed from that element must be reconstructed as described in this section.

If a definition element that had no template element has a template element added, then a shadow tree is generated. If the template element is removed, then the shadow tree is destroyed.

Everything described in this section up to the firing of the event, and everything described in this section after the firing of the event, must be completed atomically — that is, the UA must not execute author scripts during those two parts of the process. User agents may optimise this algorithm so long as the end result is the same.

If the binding has a shadow content template, then its template element is deeply cloned. Otherwise, no shadow content will be generated for the bound element, its xblShadowTree attribute will be null, and its xblChildNodes attribute will equal its childNodes attribute.

The xml:base data of the cloned nodes must be set so that the baseURI of nodes in the resulting shadow tree is the same as their pre-cloning counterparts. All shadow nodes' ownerDocument pointers are left pointing at the binding document's Document node.

The newly cloned template element is then renamed to be a shadowTree element in the XBL namespace.

No mutation events must be fired during the above steps.

A prebind event in the XBL namespace that bubbles but is not cancelable is fired on the bound element, with the shadowTree element as the event data.

The bound element's xblShadowTree attribute is set to point to the root shadowTree element of this tree of clones.

The shadow tree is then applied to the bound element: the xbl* DOM attributes are updated and the CSS cascade and inheritance should be computed.

Some implementations might optimize this algorithm, such as using "lazy evaluation" approaches and thereby postpone the cascade and inheritance operations.

4.2. Processing content elements

The shadow content template may contain content elements that define where explicit children should be inserted in the shadow content.

What about nested bindings, where the inner bound element is the parent of a content element and itself has a template with content elements? Do the inner content elements match the repositioned explicit elements, or the inner content element? If the former, we need to define this. The latter would mean encapsulation was broken.

XBL bindings can interleave shadow content between bound elements and their explicit children. They do so using XBL's content element. Any number of content nodes may be used in a binding's shadow content template.

Expressions specified using the includes attribute determine which content element a given child should be placed under.

Request for public feedback

The XBL task force has requested feedback on the syntax to use for includes attribute. Almost all comments suggested that XPath (or an XPath subset) is preferred. XPath Patterns are already used in XSLT, so many Web authors are already familiar with them.

It has been suggested that XPath Patterns may be expensive to compute. Due to the highly dynamic nature of bindings, especially in the context of bindings for user interfaces, the expressions used in content elements need to be very fast to resolve. Implementation feedback is explicitly requested on the performance of CSS3 Selectors compared to equivalent XPath 1.0 Patterns.

One problem in deciding whether Selectors or XPath is the better solution is that XBL is targetted at several audiences, including a primarily HTML4- and CSS-driven audience, and a primarily XML-driven audience (XHTML authors, SVG authors, XML developers). The former may be more familiar with Selectors, and the latter more familiar with XPath.

If no includes attribute is specified, a content element is considered generic and will match on all content, including text nodes, CDATA nodes, comments, and so on.

The content element used for a given piece of content is the first encountered with an expression that matches the element when doing a pre-order, depth-first walk of the shadow content template.

The content element itself is present in the shadow content, but is not visible in the xblChildNodes list. In that list, it is simply replaced by the elements that matched it, or, if there were no matches, by its contents.

If an explicit child of the bound element does not match any of the content element in the shadow tree (or if there are no content elements in the shadow tree), then that child does not appear in the final flattened tree.

4.3. Handling DOM Changes

All of the nodes in the shadow tree are live. Whenever an element is inserted into, removed from, or appended to the DOM, all the children must check that their assigned content element is still appropriate, following all the same rules that applied when first placing explicit children during shadow content generation. If one or more nodes stop fitting into any of the content elements then they no longer appear in the final flattened tree.

It is possible to manipulate the shadow content contained underneath a bound element using standard DOM APIs. If shadow content that contains a content element is removed, then any explicit children assigned to that element are relocated to the first content elements that match them.

Whenever the subtree of a template element is dynamically modified, any shadow trees that were constructed by cloning that element must be reconstructed. (As no events are fired during this process, there is no way for such bindings to update their shadow trees after it happens.)

4.4. Shadow Content and CSS

Special care should be used when considering the interactions of CSS and XBL.

4.4.1. Terminology

Shadow content introduces the concept of shadow scope to nodes within a document. Because shadow content elements can also have bindings attached that generate their own shadow content, this scoping can be taken to an arbitrary level of nesting.

Explicit content is said to be at the document-level scope, which is the highest, or outermost, shadow scope. Shadow content nodes are in their own binding-level shadow scopes. Binding scopes are determined by the bound element that contains the binding responsible for the generation of the shadow nodes. The bound element itself is in the shadow scope of the content around it, and its binding's shadow content is in a deeper shadow scope. Shadow content that contains no elements that are themselves bound is said to be in the deepest, or innermost, shadow scope.

The resulting tree, after all children have been assigned to content elements, is called the final flattened tree, and is the tree used by the rendering model. (See: selectors and shadow scopes.)

4.4.2. Selectors and Shadow Scopes

Bindings can interleave shadow elements between the bound element and its explicit children. (See: processing content elements.) In this situation, a new tree emerges that is different from the explicit content node tree. In addition to having a single explicit parent (the bound element) and a single set of children (the explicit children in the DOM tree), elements also have a set of shadow parents and and shadow children (introduced by bindings when content elements were used). This necessarily affects the CSS model.

Combinators: CSS combinators, in the presence of XBL, must act as follows. This is intended to match the definitions of CSS in all cases other than when a selector would involve the XBL elements.


If "B.parentNode" is an insertion point (a content element), let "X" be "B.parentNode.parentNode", otherwise let "X" be "B.parentNode".

Now if "X" is the root of a shadow tree, it doesn't match "B".

Otherwise, it matches "B" if the "X" element is the "A" element.

Matches "B" if either "A>B" matches "B", or "C>B" matches "B" and "A C" matches "C".
If "B.previousSibling" is an insertion point (a content element), it doesn't match "B", otherwise, it matches if "B.previousSibling" is "A".
Matches "B" if either "A+B" matches "B", or if "C+B" matches "B" and "A~C" matches "C".

Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements: Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements are unchanged in the presence of XBL. They operate exclusively on the core DOM.

In particular, note that this means that the selector :nth-child(odd) would match both the A and B nodes in the following example:


...regardless of the number of nodes that are inserted at the insertion point given by the content element (whether that be 0, 1, 2, or more nodes).

Inheritance: The final modified content tree determines how CSS properties (e.g., fonts and colors) are inherited. An element either ends up underneath its explicit parent (just as in the content model), or it ends up being nested through a series of content elements. When nested, it inherits from the innermost shadow parent.

In DOM terms, this corresponds to inheritance using the xblParentNode attribute.

4.5. Shadow Content and xml:base

This section is intended to re-iterate what the xml:base specification already states, in case there is any question about how xml:base processing should work in shadow trees.

Relative xml:bases on nodes in shadow trees are resolved relative to their parentNode, or the ownerDocument if there is no parentNode.

4.6. Binding Stylesheets

Shadow content nodes must be styled using the stylesheets specified in the binding document.

Bound elements must be styled using the sheets from their shadow scope, not the stylesheets from their binding.

If the binding document specifies alternate stylesheets, the stylesheets used must be those that are appropriate for the currently selected stylesheet set in that document. This may differ from the selected stylesheet set of the bound document.

User agent sheets and user sheets are always applied to all shadow scopes.

5. Event Handlers

5.1. Event forwarding

Often, XBL developers will want to register the same event listener on all bound elements corresponding to a given definition element. For example, suppose your XBL contains the following definition:

<xbl:definition element="myNS:button">

And suppose you create three instances of "myNS:button" as follows:

<myNS:button id="b1">...</myNs:button>

<myNS:button id="b2">...</myNs:button>
<myNS:button id="b3">...</myNs:button>

And suppose you want to attach a "DOMActivate" event listener to each of the three instances. You can certainly register three separate event listeners using either three separate event listener registration elements (e.g., in the case of SVG, you can use svg:handler) or using three separate DOM method calls (e.g., three calls to EventTarget::addEventListener). However, sometimes it is more convenient to define the event listener once as part of the definition element and then have the given event listener (in effect) automatically assigned to each bound element instance that corresponds to the given definition.

In order to provide such convenience, XBL provides an automatic event forwarding mechanism for all events listeners attached to a handlerGroup element.

Every time an event fires on a bound element (whether during the capture, target, or bubbling phases), if any event listeners for the given event exist on the corresponding handlerGroup element, then those listeners must be invoked.

To illustrate, if we update the above example to add handlerGroup and svg:handler elements as follows:

<xbl:definition element="myNS:button">

      <svg:handler ev:event="DOMActivate"...>...</svg:handler>
<myNS:button id="b1">...</myNs:button>

<myNS:button id="b2">...</myNs:button>
<myNS:button id="b3">...</myNs:button>

The result is that the user agent must automatically attach an implicit "DOMActivate" event listener to each myNS:button element. If the DOMActivate event is fired and dispatched to any of the myNS:button elements, then the user agent must invoke DOMActivate event handlers defined by the svg:handler element.

Event listeners attached to the handlerGroup element must always be fired after all the appropriate event listeners on the bound element itself, in both the capture and bubbling phase.

Since XBL handlers usually constitute the default actions for a widget, this allows authors in the bound document to write event handlers that potentially suppress the default actions taken by the XBL handlers (by using the stopImmediatePropagation() method).


5.2. Event Flow and Targeting Across Shadow Scopes

DOM events can fire on shadow targets just as they can on explicit targets. As long as the event flows within the same shadow tree scope, it is no different from the behavior outlined in the DOM Events specification.

Events must flow through the final transformed content model (the final flattened tree) after all elements have been repositioned through the usage of content elements.

Whenever events originating from a shadow tree flow from a shadow element in that shadow tree to the bound element, one of two actions occurs. Either the event is retargeted so that the bound element becomes the target, or the event is stopped and flow proceeds to the next phase. Whenever an event is retargeted, the event is cloned, with the clone's target field set to the bound element. The original event pointing at the shadow content responsible for the event can be obtained from a new field of the event object, originalEvent, which is set to the event that was cloned.

The action taken (retarget vs. stop) is specific to the event type. In general, UI events must be retargeted and mutation events must be stopped. Exceptions to the rule are noted below. The goal of this retargetting or stopping is to stop outer shadow scopes from being exposed to nodes from inner shadow scopes, and to stop outer shadow scopes from getting apparently meaningless events that only make sense in the context of inner shadow scopes.

During the capture phase, the semantics are exactly reversed. The first node to see the event is the node after which bubbling stops; and the target node, when the event is passing through a node at a higher shadow scope than the event target, is always the bound element in whose shadow content the event target lies.

5.3. Focus, DOMFocusIn, Blur, and DOMFocusOut Events

If shadow content underneath a focusable bound element loses focus and shadow content also underneath the bound element takes focus, then both focus change events must be stopped. As far as the bound element is concerned, it retains focus throughout the two events. (Other specifications may go into more detail as to how to determine if an element can be focussed.)

The 'nav-index' property defined in the CSS UI module [CSS3UI] can be used to specify the tab order for focusable elements. This property can be specified on shadow content. Each shadow scope has a unique tab order. The 'nav-index' values used in one shadow scope are ignored by other shadow scopes. The tab order is resolved in the shadow tree first to produce a list of elements in the tab order. This list is substituted in place of the bound element in the bound element's tree tab order.

This example illustrates what happens with focus if the shadow tree contains focusable elements. The example shows a binding for an element named FirstAndLastNames. The shadow tree for the binding contains two SVG editable text fields, one for the first name and one for the last name.

<svg viewBox="0 0 200 60"
     xmlns="" version="1.2"

       <xbl:definition element="myNS:FirstAndLastNames">
           <g font-size="16">
             <text x="10"  y="10">First name:</text>
             <text x="110" y="10" id="C" editable="true" nav-index="1"/>

             <text x="10"  y="30">Last name:</text>
             <text x="110" y="30" id="D" editable="true" nav-index="2"/>

   <g transform="translate(20,30)">
     <text x="10"  y="10">Customer number:</text>
     <text x="110" y="10" id="A" editable="true" nav-index="10"/>

   <g id="B" transform="translate(20,50)" nav-index="20">

Tabbing through the document will go from A to C to D, not C to D to A.

Because content in multiple shadow scopes can be focused, the CSS :focus pseudo-element is hierarchical in the presence of XBL, with up to one element in each shadow scope matching the pseudo-class. Style rules can be written with the assumption that they will match (in the above example) both the file control and the element focused inside the file control. In other words, an arbitrary chain of elements can be in the :focus state at the same time. (Further specifications may describe this in more detail.)

5.4. Mouseover and Mouseout Events

Mouseover and mouseout events must be retargeted if the pointing device genuinely moves onto (enters) or is moved away (exits) the bound element (in addition to entering or exiting some shadow content). If, however, the user has simply moved the pointing device from one element in the shadow tree to another element in the same shadow tree, without entering or exiting the bound element itself, then the event must be stopped.

6. DOM Interfaces

XBL introduces a few XBL-specific interfaces.

6.1. The NodeXBL Interface

The NodeXBL interface contains methods for accessing shadow content and for obtaining shadow parents in the altered model. The interface is implemented by DOM nodes (regardless of whether they are currently involved with any XBL processing) and may be obtained using binding-specific casting methods on a Node interface.

All nodes except Notation and Attr nodes must implement NodeXBL, not just element nodes.

IDL Definition
interface NodeXBL {
  readonly attribute Node            xblParentNode;
  readonly attribute NodeList        xblChildNodes;
  readonly attribute Node            xblFirstChild;
  readonly attribute Node            xblLastChild;
  readonly attribute Node            xblPreviousSibling;
  readonly attribute Node            xblNextSibling;
  readonly attribute Element         xblFirstElementChild;
  readonly attribute Element         xblLastElementChild;
  readonly attribute Element         xblPreviousElementSibling;
  readonly attribute Element         xblNextElementSibling;

  readonly attribute Element         xblBoundElement;
  readonly attribute Element         xblShadowTree;
  readonly attribute NodeList        xblDefinitions;
xblParentNode of type Node, readonly
The xblParentNode attribute's value is the element's ancestor in the final flattened tree after all shadow trees have been applied.

If the node was repositioned by a content element, then this attribute has the same value as the parentNode attribute of the content element responsible for the repositioning in the deepest shadow scope, except if that is the shadowTree element at the top of the shadow tree, in which case the xblParentNode attribute has the same value as the xblBoundElement attribute of that content element.

If the node is a node in a shadow tree that is not currently in the final flattened tree (for example, the shadowTree element at the top of the shadow tree is never in the final flattened tree), then this attribute returns null.

If the node is in a shadow tree and has the shadowTree element at the top of the shadow tree as its parentNode, then this attribute returns the same value as the xblBoundElement attribute.

If the node is in a shadow tree and has a content element that is not in error as its parentNode, then this attribute returns the same value as the parentNode attribute on the content element, except if that would be the shadowTree element at the top of the shadow tree, in which case it returns the same as value as the xblBoundElement attribute.

Otherwise it returns the same as the parentNode attribute.

xblChildNodes of type NodeList, readonly
The xblChildNodes attribute is a NodeList that represents the children of the node after content elements have been applied. This attribute can be used to navigate the content model according to XBL after bindings have moved explicit and shadow children using content elements. The attribute's value is the same as childNodes if the node is not bound.
xblNextSibling of type Node, readonly
This attribute returns the node that follows the current node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list, or null if xblParentNode is null or if the current node is the last node in that xblChildNodes list.
xblPreviousSibling of type Node, readonly
This attribute returns the node that precedes the current node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list, or null if xblParentNode is null or if the current node is the first node in that xblChildNodes list.
xblFirstChild of type Node, readonly
This attribute returns the first node in the xblChildNodes list, or null if the list is empty.
xblLastChild of type Node, readonly
This attribute returns the last node in the xblChildNodes list, or null if the list is empty.
xblNextElementSibling of type Element, readonly
This attribute returns the first element to follow the current node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list, or null if xblParentNode is null or if there are no elements past the current node in that xblChildNodes list.
xblPreviousElementSibling of type Element, readonly
This attribute returns the first element to precede the current node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list, or null if xblParentNode is null or if there are no elements before the current node in that xblChildNodes list.
xblFirstElementChild of type Element, readonly
This attribute returns the first element in the xblChildNodes list, or null if the list contains no elements.
xblLastElementChild of type Element, readonly
This attribute returns the last element in the xblChildNodes list, or null if the list contains no elements.
xblBoundElement of type Element, readonly
The xblBoundElement attribute is used to obtain the bound element with the binding attached that is responsible for the generation of the specified shadow node. This attribute enables an author to determine the shadow scope of any content node. For content at the document-level scope, the attribute's value is null.
xblShadowTree of type Element, readonly
For bound elements with a shadow tree, the xblShadowTree attribute returns the cloned copy of the template element that represents the shadow content template of the element. (That element is renamed to shadowTree during shadow content generation.) For bound elements whose binding have no shadow content template, and for elements that are not bound, it returns null.
xblDefinitions of type NodeList, readonly
For bound elements, a node list containing the definition element for the binding. In sXBL, this list contains at most one item.

6.1.1. Scoping and Access Using the DOM

In effect the shadow content exists in its own insulated pocket within the document, its shadow scope. Explicit parents have no knowledge of their shadow children in terms of DOM Core [DOM3CORE]. The shadow content is not accessible via the childNodes list for the bound element, nor is it accessible using firstChild/nextSibling to iterate over the children of the bound element.

The shadow scope of an element can be determined using the xblBoundElement property on the NodeXBL interface. This returns the bound element in the enclosing shadow scope that is responsible for the shadow node. If invoked on an element at the document-level scope, it returns null.

DOM methods that can be invoked on elements (e.g., getElementsByTagName) will only see nodes that are in the same shadow scope. Methods invoked on the document (e.g., getElementById) only see nodes that are at the document-level scope.

On shadow content nodes, ownerDocument always points to the document from which the nodes were cloned.

Elements in different shadow scopes may have clashing IDs. IDs need only be unique within each shadow scope.

Elements that are the root of a shadow tree (that is, cloned shadowTree elements that can be accessed by an xblShadowTree attribute) cannot be inserted into a document. Any attempt to do so must raise a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR.

6.1.2. DOM Traversals in the Presence of XBL

When the DOM is navigated using the normal DOM Core attributes, starting from the document, the UA must represent the original DOM, with no XBL nodes and shadow content, and with children of bound elements in their original order.

The xblShadowTree attribute on bound elements returns the element that was cloned from the XBL template element. (That element is renamed to shadowTree during shadow content generation.) Manipulating the shadow content tree must directly affect the content under the bound element. content elements may be moved about or even removed altogether, etc, and all these changes must be immediately reflected in the DOM.

Because each bound element gets its own copy of the cloned template, changes to a bound element's shadow content only affect that bound element. Other bindings are unaffected.

If an element is added to the DOM dynamically, its shadow scope is that of its parent element. Adding an element as a child of a bound element causes that element to be assigned to an appropriate content element (if there is one — if there is not, the element does not appear anywhere in the final flattened tree).

6.1.3. Example of XBL DOM Traversals

Imagine the following document fragment:


... bound to the following XBL:

<xbl:xbl xmlns:xbl="">
 <xbl:definition element="B">
     <xbl:content includes="C">

    <xbl:content includes="D">

 <xbl:definition element="Q">



The resulting DOM would look like the following. To read these diagrams, use the following key:

      |    Solid/dashed lines represent normal DOM traversal attribute
   ---+--- relationships using childNodes, parentNode, nextSibling,
      |    previousSibling, firstChild, lastChild, etc.

      :    Dotted lines represent XBL traversal attribute relationships
   ...:... using xblChildNodes, xblParentNode, xblNextSibling,
      :    xblPreviousSibling, xblFirstChild, xblLastChild, etc.

      )    xblShadowTree

White-space nodes have, for sanity, been left out of these diagrams.

DOM view:

   +-- A
       +-- B
           +-- C
           +-- D

Clone of the shadow tree for B elements (B.xblShadowTree):

    +-- P
        +-- Q
        |   |
        |   +-- content
        |       |
        |       +-- R
        +-- content
            +-- S

Clone of the shadow tree for Q elements (Q.xblShadowTree):

    +-- X
        +-- Y
            +-- content
            |   |
            |   +-- Z1
            +-- content
                +-- Z2

The xbl traversal for the whole thing:

   :.. A
       :.. B
           :.. P
               :.. Q
               :   :
               :   :.. X
               :       :
               :       :.. Y
               :           :
               :           :.. C
               :           :
               :           :.. Z2
               :.. D

The combined view of the DOM and XBL traversals of the whole thing:

   :....A    template
        :|___ )   |
        :... B    |
            :|    |
            :|... P    template
             |   :|____ )    |
             |   :|... Q     |
             |   :|   :|     |
             |   :|   :|.... X
             |   :|    |     :\_______
             |   :|    |     :....... Y __
             |   :|    |              :   \
             |   :|    +-- content*   :    |
             |   :|         |         :    |
             |   :|         +-- R     :    +-- content*
             |   :|                   :    |    |
             +---:|--------- C* ......:    |    `-- Z1
             |   :|                   :    |
             |   :|                   :    `-- content
             |   :|                   :         |___
             |   :|                   :............ Z2
             |   :`-- content#
             |   :     |
             |   :     `-- S
                 :... D# 

6.2. The Event Interface

Objects that implement the Event interface must also implement the OriginalEvent interface:

IDL Definition
interface OriginalEvent {
  readonly attribute Event originalEvent;

The originalEvent attribute must point to the event that was cloned the last time the event was retargetted, if any, and must be null if the event was never retargetted. (See: event flow and targeting across shadow scopes.)

If an event is retargetted several times, a chain is formed using this attribute, from which script can access each clone of the event, finding the original target at each step.

6.3. The XBLShadowTreeElement Interface

The XBLShadowTreeElement interface is implemented by shadowTree elements that are in the XBL namespace.

IDL Definition
interface XBLTemplateElement : Element {
  Element getElementById(in DOMString elementId);

This method is modelled after the method of the same name defined by [DOM3CORE] on the Document interface.

Returns the Element that has an ID attribute with the given value. If no such element exists, this returns null. If more than one element has an ID attribute with that value, what is returned is undefined.

The method shall only search through the shadowTree element and its descendants.

The DOM implementation is expected to use the attribute Attr.isId to determine if an attribute is of type ID.

Attributes with the name "ID" or "id" are not of type ID unless so defined. For example, elements with the name "id" on elements that are in the XHTML, SVG and XBL namespaces are defined to be of type ID by their respective specifications.

elementId of type DOMString
The unique id value for an element.
The matching element or null if there is none.
No Exceptions

7. Examples

This entire section is new and needs to be reviewed.

The flowchart example should be close to correct, but it still requires careful review.

The various other RCC examples (GML, XForms, UI) from the last SVG 1.2 public draft have been copied from the SVG 1.2 draft and placed into this document (after modifications to upgrade RCC to sXBL). The examples at the end are just as incomplete as they were when they were part of the writeup on SVG12/RCC.

This section contains some examples of using sXBL with SVG 1.2.

In the following example, bindings are used to make three new elements act like coloured text blocks.

<svg:svg xmlns:svg="" version="1.2"
    <xbl:definition element="red">
      <svg:text fill="red"><xbl:content/></svg:text>

    <xbl:definition element="green">
      <svg:text fill="green"><xbl:content/></svg:text>

    <xbl:definition element="blue">
      <svg:text fill="blue"><xbl:content/></svg:text>


  <red> Red text. </red>

  <green> Green text. </green>
  <blue> Blue text. </blue>


In the following example, an SVG file references a set of custom elements for flowcharting from an external file using the import element, and then uses the flowcharting custom elements to lay out and render a flowchart:

<svg width="12cm" height="3cm"
     xmlns="" version="1.2"
  <desc>Example xbl02 - simple flowchart example using sXBL</desc>

  <!-- XPointer reference to the location for the flowchart extensions -->
  <xbl:import bindings="xbl02-flowcharts.svg#flowcharts"/>

  <!-- Define elements that use the flowchart extensions. As a result of using
       the extensions, a shadow tree of low-level SVG (circle, rect, path elements)
       is attached  to the 'flowchart' element. The user agent renders the shadow tree. -->
  <flowchart xmlns=""
             x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">
    <processNode>Step 1</processNode>
    <processNode>Step 2</processNode>


The result would have a blue circle saying 'Start' from which
   a black arrow exits, pointing at a green rectangle containing the text
   'Step 1', which itself has a similar arrow pointing to 'Step 2', which
   itself again has an arrow, this time pointing to a final blue circle
   saying 'End'.

View this image as SVG (SVG/sXBL-enabled browsers only)

Here is the file which defines the simple flowcharting extensions used in the example above:

<svg xmlns="" version="1.2"
  <desc>Supplemental file for example xbl02.svg - 
        contains definition of simple flowchart extension elements.</desc>

  <xbl:xbl id="flowcharts">

    <!-- Example needs to be upgraded to show handling of mutation events -->

      <symbol id="connectorline">
        <path transform="translate(0 50)" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="black"
              d="M 0,0 L 90,0 L 90,-10 L 100,0 L 90,10 L 90,0"/>


    <xbl:definition element="flow:terminalNode">
          <circle stroke="#008" stroke-width="5" fill="none" cx="50" cy="50" r="50"/>
          <text x="50" y="57" font-size="25" text-anchor="middle"><xbl:content/></text>


    <xbl:definition name="flow:processNode">

          <rect stroke="#080" stroke-width="5" fill="none" width="150" height="100" rx="10"/>
          <text x="75" y="57" font-size="25" text-anchor="middle"><xbl:content/></text>

    <xbl:definition name="flow:flowchart">
      <!-- For this example, set up template with no extra whitespace to
           simplify the sample ECMAScript. -->

        <!-- Note: using the 'svg:handler' element that is new with SVG 1.2 -->
        <handler ev:event="xbl:bound" type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
          var svgns = "";
          var xlinkns = "";
          var flowchartns = "";
          var ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
          var SIDE_INDENT = 50;
          var PROCESSNODE_WIDTH = 150;
          var TERMINALNODE_WIDTH = 100;
          var CONNECTOR_WIDTH = 100;
          var YPOS = 50;
          var flowchartelement =;
          var templateElement = flowchartelement.xblShadowTree;
          var svgElm = templateElement.firstChild;
          svgElm.setAttributeNS(null, "x", flowchartelement.getAttributeNS(null, "x"));
          svgElm.setAttributeNS(null, "y", flowchartelement.getAttributeNS(null, "y"));
          svgElm.setAttributeNS(null, "width", flowchartelement.getAttributeNS(null, "width"));
          svgElm.setAttributeNS(null, "height", flowchartelement.getAttributeNS(null, "height"));

          // Determine total width needed and set viewBox attribute appropriately.
          var totalWidth = 0;
          var nodeCount = 0;
          for( var node = flowchartelement.firstChild ; node != null ; node = node.nextSibling )
            // only process elements in flowchart ns
            if( node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE && node.namespaceURI == flowchartns) {
              if (node.localName == "processNode")
                totalWidth += PROCESSNODE_WIDTH;
              else if (node.localName == "terminalNode")
                totalWidth += TERMINALNODE_WIDTH;
          totalWidth += (nodeCount-1)*CONNECTOR_WIDTH + 2*SIDE_INDENT;
          svgElm.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", "0 0 "+totalWidth+" 200");
          var xtrans = 50;

          // Position all of the nodes and draw the connectors.
          var xpos = SIDE_INDENT;
          var nodeNum = 0;
          for( var node = flowchartelement.firstChild ; node != null ; node = node.nextSibling )
            // only process elements in flowchart ns
            if( node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE && node.namespaceURI == flowchartns) {
              node.xblShadowTree.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate("+xpos+" "+YPOS+")");
              var nodeWidth;
              if (node.localName == "processNode") {
                nodeWidth = PROCESSNODE_WIDTH;
              } else if (node.localName == "terminalNode") {
                nodeWidth = TERMINALNODE_WIDTH;
              xpos += nodeWidth;
              // Add connector line to end of flowchart node's shadowTree.
              if (nodeNum < (nodeCount-1)) {
                var useElement = document.createElementNS(svgns, "use");
                useElement.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "xlink:href", "#connectorline");
                useElement.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate("+nodeWidth+" 0)");
                xpos += CONNECTOR_WIDTH;




The next example takes sample code from section 4.6 from the Geography Markup Language (GML) specification, version 2.1.2. The 'extensionDefs' element would effect a client-side transformation from original XML/GML into final-form SVG rendering.

<svg width="12cm" height="3cm"
     xmlns="" version="1.2"
  <desc>Example xbl-gml-01 - GML and XBL</desc>

  <!-- XPointer reference to the location for the GML extensions -->
  <xbl:import bindings="xbl-gml-01-exts.svg#gml"/>

  <CityModel xmlns=""
             xsi:schemaLocation=" city.xsd">

      <gml:Box srsName="">


        <gml:description>The river that runs through Cambridge.</gml:description>

          <gml:LineString srsName="">




The next example takes sample code from [Appendix G of the XForms specification | ] . The extensionDefs element would effect a client-side transformation from original XForms elements into final-form SVG rendering. In this example, the assumption is that the extension would implement all or at least a large part of the XForms specification via DOM/scripting.

<svg width="12cm" height="3cm"
     xmlns="" version="1.2"
  <desc>Example xbl-xforms-01 - using sXBL within a combined XForms+SVG user agent</desc>
  <title xml:lang="fr">XForms en SVG</title>

  <!-- XPointer reference to the location for the XForms extensions to SVG.
       The extensions convert the XForms UI elements into low-level SVG
       interactive graphics and also provide  high-level features,
       such as client-side validation and the XForms event model. -->
  <xbl:import bindings="xbl-xforms-01-exts.svg#xforms"/>

  <rx:renderXForms xmlns:rx=""

    <model schema="payschema.xsd">

        <my:payment as="credit">
          <my:cc />
          <my:exp />
      <submission action="" method="post" id="s00" />

      <bind nodeset="my:cc" relevant="../@as='credit'" required="true()" />
      <bind nodeset="my:exp" relevant="../@as='credit'" required="true()" />

    <group xmlns="">

        <toggle case="fr" ev:event="xforms-activate" />
        <toggle case="en" ev:event="xforms-activate" />


    <input ref="my:cc">
      <label xml:lang="fr">Numéro de carte bancaire</label>
      <alert xml:lang="fr">Saisissez un numéro de carte
       bancaire valide en séparant chaque groupe de chiffres
       d'un espace ou d'un trait d'union.</alert>


    <input ref="my:exp">
      <label xml:lang="fr">Date d'échéance</label>

    <submit submission="s00">
      <label xml:lang="fr">Achetez</label>

The next example supplements the XForms example above with the following simple example which shows a set of extension elements ui:menubar, ui:menu, ui:menuitem) which present a menubar and a scrolling area for graphics.

<svg width="525" height="575"
     xmlns="" version="1.2"
  <desc>Example xbl-ui-01 - using XBL for UI elements</desc>
  <title>UI in SVG</title>

  <!-- XPointer reference to the location for the UI extensions to SVG.
       The extensions convert the UI elements into low-level SVG. -->

  <xbl:import bindings="xbl-ui-01-exts.svg#ui"/>

  <ui:menubar x="25" y="25" width="500" height="20" font-size="14">
    <ui:menu title=File>
      <ui:menuitem title=New op="newdoc(evt)">
      <ui:menuitem title=Open op="opendoc(evt)">

    <ui:menu title=Edit>
      <ui:menuitem title=Copy op="copy(evt)">
      <ui:menuitem title=Past op="paste(evt)">

  <ui:scrollArea x="25" y="50" width="500" height="400">

    <image xlink:href="..." ... />
    <path d="..." ... />
    <text transform="..." font-size="...">...</text>

The last example shows XBL being used for custom container elements that perform layout, in this case a magazine layout.


  <!-- XPointer reference to the location for the widgets extensions to SVG.
       The extensions convert the widget elements into low-level SVG. -->
  <xbl:import bindings="xbl-dynlayout-01-exts.svg#dynlayout" />

        <foo:title>Major war erupts</foo:title>
        <foo:para>War broke out around the world today...</foo:para>

        <foo:title>Two headed-chicken born</foo:title>
        <foo:para>The sleepy town of Frostbite Falls is excited about...</foo:para>


8. Grammar

This grammar is not necessarily completely up to date.

The following defines the grammar for sXBL using RelaxNG.

<!-- ==============================================================
      sXBL 1.0 ~ simplied schema
      Robin Berjon <>
     ============================================================== -->

<grammar ns=''
        - this is a simplified schema in that it does not define classes and 
          other such constructs that would make it easier to integrate into the
          rest of the SVG schema
        - I seem to remember there was a bug in my RNG namespace wildcards. If 
          so, it has been copied here (I have no reference handy).
        - I have followed the descriptions in the spec, so that if it says "zero
          or more foo" and then "zero or more bar", then the foos must occur 
          before the bars. This can be changed.
        - there are some spec issues embedded in the comments

  <!-- ... common definitions .............................................. -->
  <define name='id.attrib'>
      <attribute name='id'>

        <data type='ID'/>

  <!-- ... elements ........................................................ -->
  <element name='xbl'>

    <zeroOrMore><ref name='definition'/></zeroOrMore>
    <zeroOrMore><ref name='import'/></zeroOrMore>
    <ref name='id.attrib'/>

  <element name='definition'>
      <attribute name='ref'><data type='anyURI'/></attribute>
        <optional><ref name='template'/></optional>

        <optional><ref name='handlerGroup'/></optional>
        <attribute name='element'><data type='QName'/></attribute>
    <ref name='id.attrib'/>

  <element name='template'>
    <ref name='id.attrib'/>

  <element name='content'>
    <optional><attribute name='includes'><text/></attribute></optional>

    <ref name='id.attrib'/>
  <element name='handlerGroup'>
    <!-- the content model for this element mentions ev:listener and svg:handler
         but is rather unclear as to what should be included here -->
    <ref name='id.attrib'/>

  <element name='import'>
    <!-- this should really be either of xlink:href or src -->
    <optional><attribute name='bindings'><data type='anyURI'/></attribute></optional>
    <ref name='id.attrib'/>


9. Comparison of sXBL to RCC

This section will be removed before the Last Call draft of the sXBL specification.

With this first public draft of sXBL, the SVG 1.2 feature formerly known as RCC (Rendering Custom Content: has been factored out into its own reusable namespace and reconciled to be forward-looking for use by other XBL grammars.

The following table provides a quick summary comparison of how sXBL compares with the RCC (Rendering Custom Content) feature found in earlier drafts of SVG 1.2:


<svg:extensionDefs xlink:href="xpointer"/>

In RCC, the svg:extensionDefs element could use an xpointer to reference the binding definitions. If so, the xpointer had to point to a different svg:extensionDefs element, typically in a separate file.

<xbl:import bindings="xpointer"/>

To accomplish the same functionality in sXBL, use the xbl:import element. In sXBL, there is more flexibility. The xpointer can point to either an xbl:xbl element, typically in a separate file, or to an SVG file which can contain any number of xbl:xbl elements, all of which get processed.

<svg:extensionDefs namespace="nsURI">
  ...definitions of custom elements...

In RCC, the 'namespace' attribute applied to all svg:elementDef children of the svg:extensionDefs element.

  ...definitions of custom elements...

In sXBL, the 'namespace' attribute is no longer needed. The 'element' attribute on the xbl:definition element takes a QName. The namespace prefix on the QName identifies the namespace for the custom element.

<svg:elementDef name="localname">
  ...binding definition...

In RCC, the 'name' attribute provided the localname of the custom element. The namespace for the custom element came from the 'namespace' attribute on the svg:extensionDefs element.

<xbl:definition element="QName">
  ...binding definition...

In sXBL, the 'element' attribute identifies the custom element by a QName. The namespace prefix on the QName identifies the namespace for the custom element. The localname part of the QName completes the identification of the custom element.

N/A in RCC

<xbl:definition element="QName" ref="xpointer"/>

In sXBL, it is possible to have the bound document associate custom elements with per-element bindings using the xbl:definition element with a 'ref' attribute. This allows the bound document (i.e., the document which contains the custom elements) to dictate how to associate its custom elements with the binding definitions (i.e., xbl:definition elements) found in another document.

<svg:defs>, <svg:script>, <svg:handler>

In RCC, svg:defs, svg:script, and svg:handler could appear in various locations within RCC definitions.

<svg:defs>, <svg:script>, <svg:handler>

In general, sXBL has the same rules. One addition with sXBL is the xbl:handlerGroup element, described below.

<svg:prototype various attributes>
  ...initial shadow tree...

In RCC, the svg:prototype contained an initial template for the elements which were cloned into the shadow tree for the custom element. The svg:prototype element was the root node of the set of elements which were rendered and received events. Because svg:prototype was part of the rendering and event pipelines, you were able to attach styling properties, transforms, and event attributes (the various attributes listed above) to the svg:prototype element.

  ...initial shadow tree...

sXBL is nearly the same. Just like svg:prototype, xbl:template contained an initial template for the elements which are cloned into the shadow tree for the custom element. xbl:template is the root node of the xblShadowTree, in much the same way that svg:prototype element was the root node of the shadow tree. However, one distinction is that for rendering the xbl:template is flattened out of the rendering pipeline. Therefore, it is not possible to attach styling properties, transforms, and event attributes to an xbl:template; instead, you need to include a container element such as an <svg:g> element in the shadow tree if you need to attach styling properties, transforms, and event attributes.

<svg:transformer>, <svg:param>

The latest public draft of RCC described these two elements (, but warned the community that there features are "...likely to be removed from the next draft of SVG 1.2, due to the high burden on implementation and the difficulty in optimization."

Not available

In the transition from RCC to sXBL, <svg:transformer>, <svg:param> have been removed.

<svg:refContent [select="xpath"] various attributes/>

In RCC, the svg:refContent allowed the shadow content to include-by-reference child elements of the custom element. The svg:refContent element was a container node for the referenced elements and was part of the rendering and event pipelines. Because svg:refContent was part of the rendering and event pipelines, you were able to attach styling properties, transforms, and event attributes (the various attributes listed above) to the svg:refContent element.

<xbl:content [includes="???"]>
  ...backup content...

The most important aspects of sXBL are the same. Just like svg:prototype, xbl:content does an include-by-reference to the child elements of the custom element. The exact name of the attribute (e.g., 'select' versus 'includes' is still under debate and the syntax of this attribute (xpath? tagnames? CSS selector syntax?) is also still under debate. The rules for what happens if there is a mismatch between the bound element's content and the set of xbl:content elements is also under debate. Finally, sXBL might include a backup content feature that was not available in RCC.

One distinction with sXBL is that the xbl:content is flattened out of the rendering pipeline. Therefore, it is not possible to attach styling properties, transforms, and event attributes to an xbl:content; instead, you need to include a parent container element such as an <svg:g> element in the shadow tree if you need to attach styling properties, transforms, and event attributes.


In RCC, told the user agent about custom attributes to enable animation of custom attributes and attachment of mutation event listeners.

Moved out of RCC into SVG 1.2.

These features will be defined within the SVG 1.2 specification and will not be part of the sXBL specification.

SVGBindBegin, SVGBindEnd

In RCC, the SVGBindBegin event was raised just after cloning the svg:prototype but before recursively applying RCC bindings to the contents of the shadow tree. The SVGBindEnd event is raised after recursively applying RCC bindings to the elements which were cloned onto the shadow tree.

xbl:prebind, xbl:bound, xbl:unbinding

In sXBL, the binding events are in the XBL namespace ( xbl:prebind matches SVGBindBegin, and xbl:bound matches SVGBindEnd. sXBL adds an xbl:unbinding event so that script can be told when a binding is about to be unattached from a custom element.

RCC detailed processing model

The SVG 1.2 drafts were incomplete in various ways in describing the complete details of the RCC processing model. Some aspects were well-specified. Other aspects were designed but had not been committed to the public specifications yet. Some aspects of the processing model were not yet resolved.

sXBL detailed processing model

The sXBL specification is still under development. In general, the detailed processing model for sXBL is highly consistent with the detailed processing model for the parts of RCC that were described in early SVG 1.2 drafts. Some aspects of the sXBL processing model are still under discussion.

10. Comparison of sXBL to XBL1

Nigel McFarlane has kindly offered to write an appendix describing the differences between Mozilla's XBL and the sXBL language defined by this specification.


The membership of the XBL task force was drawn from the SVG and CSS working groups, and consisted of L. David Baron, Robin Berjon, Alex Danilo, Jon Ferraiolo, Darryl Fuller, Ian Hickson, David Hyatt, Dean Jackson, Christophe Jolif, Chris Lilley, Antoine Quint, Peter Sorotokin.


"CSS3 Basic User Interface Module", T. Çelik, editor, 11 May 2004. Available at
"Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification", A. Le Hors, P. Le Hégaret et. al., editors, 07 April 2004. Available at
"Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification", P. Le Hégaret, T. Pixley, editors, 07 November 2003. Available at
"Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", S. Bradner, March 1997. Available at
"Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification", J. Ferraiolo, 藤沢 淳, D. Jackson, editors, 14 January 2003. Available at
"Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)", T. Bray, J. Paoli, C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, E. Maler, F. Yergeau editors, 04 February 2004. Available at
"XML Base", J. Marsh , editor, 20 December 2000. Available at
"Namespaces in XML", T. Bray, D. Hollander, A. Layman, editors, 14 January 1999. Available at