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Fifth International World Wide Web Conference

May 6-10, 1996, Paris, France

Plenary Sessions

[Plenary Sessions] [Invited Speakers] [Paper Sessions] [Panel Sessions]
[W3C Sessions] [Industrial Sessions] [Poster Presentations] [BOFs]

Tuesday 7 May

Opening Session (9:30-11:00)


Welcome Address

Jean-François Abramatic
Conference Chairman
INRIA - France


Jean-François Abramatic is Director of Development at INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique), the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control.

His role is to propose, negotiate and manage the involvement of INRIA in new technology partnerships leading from research to industry.

Among other initiatives, he has been in charge of setting up the European branch of the International World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), in partnership with MIT/LCS.

Born in 1949, Jean-François ABRAMATIC received his Master's Degree from Ecole des Mines in Nancy (1971), his PHD from University of Paris VI (1980). His career has been evolving from research to industry.

He spent 10 years (1974-1984) at INRIA doing research in the area of Image Processing. Jean-François ABRAMATIC holds two patents and was the author of more than 40 papers in journals and conferences.

During the period 1984-1988, Jean-François ABRAMATIC directed a research and development programme involving BULL, CNET and INRIA the purpose of which was to develop graphics and networking technologies.

From March 1988 until November 1992, Jean-François ABRAMATIC was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of a start-up company in the area of X Window terminals.

Jean-François ABRAMATIC has been with INRIA since December 1992 and became Director of Development in December 1993.

Conference Introduction

Bob Hopgood
Programme Chairman
Associate Director - Computing and Information Systems - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


Bob Hopgood is Associate Director of Computing and Information Systems Department at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) which is the main Laboratory of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC) in the UK.

He is RAL's representative to W3C.

Born in 1935, he received his degree in Mathematics at Cambridge University in 1959. He has an Honorary Doctorate at the Technical University of Darmstadt.

After early work on compilers, he started work in computer graphics around 1967 and has been active in that area ever since initially in computer animation but more recently in the computer graphics standards activities. He is currently joint ISO Editor for both the GKS and PHIGS graphics standards and was a major contributor to the Computer Graphics Reference Model.

From 1968 to 1971 he was responsible for computer graphics at what was then the Atlas Computer Laboratory (it later merged to form part of RAL). From 1971 to 1975 he became responsible for all software development and rose to be in charge of all computing at RAL by 1984.

In the last 10 years he has been mainly involved in the R&D activities at RAL particularly with regard to Europe. He served as the Executive Committee Chairman of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) from 1992 to 1995. He is currently a member of the Long Term Research Panel for ESPRIT.

With regard to the Web, his main interests have been the establishment of the RAL Intranet and the incorporation of computer graphics.

He has been a Professor of Computer Science at Brunel University since 1970 where he teaches computer graphics and human computer interaction.

Keynote Presentations

Jean-Jacques Damlamian
Directeur Exécutif, Branche Développement - France Télecom


1996 Jean-Jacques Damlamian is Group Executive in charge of the Development Branch at France Télécom. He is in charge of Strategy, International Business Development, R&D and Information Systems. He reports to the Chairman and CEO M. Bon.
1991-1995 From 1991 to 1995 was Senior VP Marketing and Sales for France Télécom. He established an organization based on product lines and Market divisions. He reorganized the sales force into three separate structures, one dedicated to the domestic residential market, one for small and medium sized businesses, and one for large companies. He launched and developed a specific marketing and pricing policy for each market.
1989-1991 He was Group VP International an Industrial Affairs. Under his direction France Télécom established many points of presence in the world and invested in overseas networks (Telecom Argentina and Telmex in Mexico).
1988-1989 He was VP Mobile Services for France Télécom. He launched the GSM-network program (Itinéris), a personal communications service (Bi Bop).
Before 1988 He had worked in various divisions in France Télécom (R&D laboratory CNET, Local and Long Distance Networks Operations, Overseas Networks) and at the headquarters as a Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
Jean-Jacques Damlamian graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique (X61) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications.

John R. Patrick
Vice President, Internet Technology - IBM Corporation


John R. Patrick is the vice president of Internet Technology at IBM Corporation. As chief techology officer for the Internet at IBM, John is leading the effort across IBM to create leading-edge Internet offerings for customers. These efforts capitalize on the many advanced technologies and networking skills of the company.

John is the author of IBM's "Get Connected" program which is driving the expanded use of the Internet both within the company and as an Internet-based communications model for other companies. John also serves as the primary spokesperson for IBM's activities relating to the development of the Global Information Infrastructure, or Information Highway.

John has been with IBM for 28 years. After 15 years in various sales, marketing and management positions, he helped found and pioneer the IBM Credit Corporation, today the largest computer leasing company in the world. He was subsequently the chief financial officer of various business units of IBM and was also vice president of operations for IBM's Computer Integrated Manufacturing Business. In 1992, John became the vice president of marketing for personal systems and was responsible for creating the ThinkPad brand. He then helped found the personal software products division of the company and was worldwide vice president of sales and marketing for OS/2 and LAN Server.

A frequent speaker at international conferences relating to developments on the Internet, John is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a member of ACM, the WEB Society and the Internet Society. He is also a nominee for trustee of the Internet Society. He earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Lehigh University, an M.S. in Management from the University of South Florida, and also holds an L.L.B. in law.

John has served on numerous boards including, The Opportunities Industrialization Corporation, The Financial Executives Institute (Atlanta Chapter), Housatonic Habitat for Humanity, and is currently a member of the board of Terisa Systems. He is a founding member of the Advisory Council of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and a founding member of the Global Internet Project.

John has been an avid computer hobbyist for nearly twenty years. While at home or traveling, he uses an IBM ThinkPad with Lotus Notes to correspond with customers, colleagues and constituents.

Wednesday 8 May

Keynote Presentations

Chair: Robert Cailliau
CERN - Switzerland

Tim Berners-Lee (11:00-11:45)
Director of the W3 Consortium


Tim Berners-Lee graduated from Queen's College at Oxford University, England, with 1st class Honors in Physics in 1976.

He spent two years with Plessey Telecommunications Ltd a major UK Telecom equipment manufacturer, working on distributed transaction systems, message relays, and bar code technology.

In 1978 Tim left Plessey to join D.G Nash Ltd, where he wrote among other things typesetting software for intelligent printers, a multitasking operating system, and a generic macro expander.

A year and a half spent as an independent consultant included a six month stint as consultant software engineer at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. Whilst there, he wrote for his own private use his first program for storing information including using random associations. Named "Enquire", and never published, this program formed the conceptual basis for the future development of the World Wide Web.

From 1981 until 1984, Tim was a founding Director of Image Computer Systems Ltd, with technical design responsibility. In 1984, he took up a fellowship at CERN, to work on distributed real-time systems for scientific data acquisition and system control.

In 1989, he proposed a global hypertext project, to be known as the World Wide Web. Based on the earlier "Enquire" work, it was designed to allow people to work together by combining their knowledge in a web of hypertext documents. He wrote the first World Wide Web server and the first client, a wysiwyg hypertext browser/editor which ran in the NeXTStep environment. This work was started in October 1990, and the program "WorldWideWeb" first made available within CERN in December, and on the Internet at large in the summer of 1991.

Through 1991 and 1993, Tim continued working on the design of the Web, coordinating feedback from users across the Internet. His initial specifications of URIs, HTTP and HTML were refined and discussed in larger circles as the Web technology spread.

In 1994, Tim joined the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS)at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). as Director of the W3 Consortium which coordinates W3 development worldwide, with teams at MIT and at INRIA in France. The consortium takes as it goal to realize the full potential of the web, ensuring its stability through rapid evolution and revolutionary transformations of its usage.

In 1995, Tim Berners-Lee received the Kilby Foundation's "Young Innovator of the Year" Award for his invention of the World Wide Web.

Tim is married to Nancy Carlson. They have two children, born 1991 and 1994.

Rob Glaser (11:45-12:30)
President and CEO - Progressive Networks, manufacturer of RealAudio

Emerging Multimedia Technologies and their Application for the Intranet



Mr. Glaser founded Progressive Networks, makers of RealAudio, the leading multimedia delivery system for the Internet. RealAudio is fast becoming the defacto standard Internet audio technology. He was recently featured in Newsweek magazine as one of the leaders in the future of the Internet.

Mr. Glaser previously held the title of VP of Multimedia and Consumer Systems at Microsoft where he focused on the development of new businesses related to the convergence of the computer, consumer electronics and media industries. He has spoken at Comdex and numerous other industry sponsors throughout his years in the computer industry.

Thursday 9 May

Closing Session (14:30-16:30)

Chair: Jean-François Abramatic
Conference Chairman
INRIA - France


Awards Ceremony

Awards will be offered by Mme Isabelle de Kerviler, Vice-Mayor in charge of Economic Development, Mairie de Paris

Awards Chairman:

Robert Cailliau

At CERN since 1974, involved in document processing since 1975, Head of Office Computing Systems 85-89. Proposed with Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 a hypertext system for access to the CERN documentation, which leads to the World-Wide Web.

Involved in various projects with the European Community to promote the use of the Web in Europe.

Started the series of International World-Wide Web Conferences by organising the first one at CERN in May 1994. The conferences are now run by the IW3C2, of which I am co-founder (August 1994) and member.

Application of the Web in schools is one of my serious interests.

ACM 1995 Software System Award with Tim Berners-Lee for WWW.

Keynote Presentation

James H. Clark
Chairman of Netscape Communications Corp.


Jim Clark received a Master of Science degree in Physics from Louisiana State University in New Orleans in 1971. As a Physics graduate student, he received the Annual Gold Medal award from he Research Society of America in 1971. He received Ph. D. in Computer Science in 1974 from the University of Utah. His Ph. D. thesis work concenrated on building special-purpose hardware for 3-D graphics, headmounted displays, three dimensional input devices and interactive techniques in 3-D. His thesis was the first implementation of what is today known as "Virtual Reality". He received an honorary degree, Doctor of Science in June 1995, from the University of Utah.

He taught as an Assistant Professor at the University of California from 1974 - 1978 and as an Associate Professor at Stanford University from 1979 - l982.

He founded Silicon Graphics in 1981 and served as Chairman of the Board. His goal in starting Silicon Graphics was to make 3-D graphical computer systems that were as inexpensive and realistic as possible but were always capable drawing pictures interactively and in real-time. The initial technology to achieve this was the "Geometry Engine", which he patented at Stanford in l981. He also invented the Graphics Library (GL), which is the graphics interface language used to program SGI's computers.

For the first six years of the company's history, he served as the Chief Technical Officer. He was instrumental in convincing Silicon Graphics to pursue affordable desk-top computers such as Personal Iris and the Indigo. In 1988, he pressed the company to embrace "multimedia" technology, integrating audio and video in to the company's product line. In recent years, he has been outspoken about the convergence of the consumer electronics and computer industries through shared technology in the form of a Telecomputer. He forged the deals with Time-Warner and Nintendo to pursue this convergence

Clark left Silicon Graphics in March 1994 to undertake a new venture in Intemet-based commercial and consumer software applications, with the team of young programmers who wrote the widely-used Internet software tool "Mosaic" at the University of Illinois. The new company, Netscape Communications Corp., is now underway in Mountain View, California.

Clark has lectured extensively at universities and conferences worldwide, sharing his experience and insight in technology leadership and business development.

IW3C2 Address

Ira Goldstein
Executive Vice President & Chief Scientist - Open Software Foundation


Dr. Goldstein played a pivotal role in the founding of OSF and provides overall guidance to its strategy, programs and research interests. He directs OSF's Cambridge and Grenoble research facilities. Previously, Dr. Goldstein was R&D manager for Hewlett-Packard's Technical Systems sector. While at HP, he managed research on user interface technology, graphics hardware, artificial intelligence, computer languages and operating systems. Before joining HP, Dr. Goldstein was a scientist at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center where he worked with Alan Kay on Smalltalk and Danny Bobrow on AI-based personal information environments. He has also been a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he developed the first generation of assistants for Logo programming technology and the first Frame Representation Language. In 1986, he was selected by Science Digest as one of the nation's top scientists under forty. Dr. Goldstein holds a B.A from Harvard University in pure mathematics and a Ph.D. from M.I.T. in applied mathematics.

Dr. Goldstein is supported by OSF sponsor endowment. He is principal investigator on a Scalable Operating System contract with ARPA CSTO and a Distributed Real-Time contract with Rome Laboratory. He is also principal investigator on a research program in Hypermedia Browsing Technology for Wide Area Information Environments with ARPA SISTO.

WWW6 Announcement

Christine Quinn
World Wide Web Coordinator - Stanford University


I have recently (as of February 1996) been appointed coordinator of the Stanford World Wide Web. A hefty job, since there are a least 200 servers around and three times that in folks doing the web. Still, a noble effort, you must agree.

I have been leading folks to the web whenever I can - including teaching them how to think about their site, how to design for the web, how to do some intermediate html stuff and finally how the Stanford web should be redesigned. That last part is my current struggle. If you have ideas on this (and I *know* you do) feel free to send them along.

I have been responsible for initiating web sites for

among many others. Although most of these groups are on their own now.

Here's a comprehensive list of my web projects

Christine A. Quinn

Bebo White
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Computing Services


General Information

SLAC Webmaster (included in the CERN History of the Web)
Listserv/Majordomo Administrator
Netnews Administrator
Co-Chair, SLAC Web Users Group (SWUG)
Co-Chair, 6th International WWW Conference (April 7-12, 1997 - Santa Clara, CA)

Research Interests

Computational Physics/High Energy Physics
Networked Information Retrieval
Programming Languages
Technology in K-12 Education

[Plenary Sessions] [Invited Speakers] [Paper Sessions] [Panel Sessions]
[W3C Sessions] [Industrial Sessions] [Poster Presentations] [BOFs]

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Created: 10 April 1996
Last updated: 22 May 1996