Nutrition Facts Yuca Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits By Malia Frey, M.A., ACE-CHC, CPT Updated on September 19, 2024 Medically reviewed Verywell Fit articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and nutrition and exercise healthcare professionals. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Learn more. by Mia Syn, MS, RDN Print Verywell Table of Contents View All Table of Contents Nutrition Facts Health Benefits Allergies Adverse Effects Yuca Varieties When Yuca Is Best Storage and Food Safety How to Prepare Yuca To understand yuca nutrition, it's important to distinguish between different types of yuca and their common uses. Yuca is the root of the cassava plant. It is often boiled or fried like a potato and consumed as a snack or side dish. The root vegetable is not to be confused with yucca, an ornamental plant often used for medicinal purposes. If you're wondering whether cassava root is too starchy to provide health benefits, you'll be pleasantly surprised to learn about its nutritional value and potential. Yuca Nutrition Facts The following yuca nutrition facts are provided by the USDA for 1/2 cup (103g) of raw cassava root. Calories: 165Fat: 0.3gSodium: 14mgCarbs: 39gFiber: 1.9gSugars: 1.8gProtein: 1.4g Carbs Yuca is a starchy vegetable with 39 grams of carbohydrates per half cup. The majority of carbohydrates in yuca come from starch. Just under 2 grams are from fiber and 1.8 grams come from naturally occurring sugar. Fats There is very little fat (less than half a gram) in a half-cup serving of raw yuca. However, keep in mind that yuca is often cooked using added fat. Protein Yuca provides very little protein, with 1.4 grams per half a cup. There are trace amounts of 18 different amino acids in yuca. Vitamins and Minerals Yuca provides choline, vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium. It is exceptionally high in potassium. Health Benefits Yuca has several health benefits as part of a plant-based eating plan. Here are some reasons to give it a try. Protects Heart Health A cup of raw yuca has 558 milligrams of potassium, providing 16% to 21% of the adequate intake level. Potassium plays an essential role in regulating blood pressure and reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease. Yuca is also a great source of vitamin C and folate, two vital nutrients for heart health. Choosing yuca and other tubers (like potatoes) in place of rice or wheat flour can boost daily potassium intakes for better cardiovascular protection. Promotes Wound Healing There are about 42 milligrams of vitamin C in a cup of cassava, and one root has double that amount. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and precursor to collagen, a key component for skin integrity. Getting enough vitamin C is known to promote wound healing. Choosing yuca, along with a variety of fruits and vegetables, supports your body's repair system following an injury or infection. Improves Eye Health To improve the vitamin A status in countries that rely on cassava as a staple food, scientists have produced fortified varieties high in carotenoids. These yellow genotypes benefit public health for all ages, especially regarding vision and the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, which are well-established advantages of adequate vitamin A intake. Prevents Iron-Deficiency Anemia Similarly, cassava may be fortified with iron to help reduce malnutrition, particularly iron deficiency. Adding iron to cassava, which contains vitamin C, boosts plant-based iron absorption. Iron deficiency anemia is common in women of childbearing age and children. It can lead to a host of health concerns including birth defects, infant mortality, impaired cognitive function, and poor immunity. The nutritional fortification of the cassava plant can make yuca a staple food with more to offer beyond high-energy starch. May Aid Breast Milk Production Starchy foods, like bread, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, rice, and pasta, are often recommended to help boost milk supply when breastfeeding. Cassava is another complex carbohydrate option that's a rich source of starch and energy. Cassava leaf sauce and tubers are commonly used to increase breastmilk supply by women in the western region of Sierra Leone. Although no studies definitively advise yuca for breastfeeding, its nutritional makeup is promising for this benefit. Allergies In addition to being eaten as food, cassava root is commonly used to produce starch (substituting for potato or corn starch) and pharmaceutical tablets. It's a common ingredient in baby food processing because it is widely believed to be non-allergenic. However, isolated cases of allergic reactions have been reported, including in 2003 in Mozambique, 2004 in Brazil, and 2007 in Spain. Cassava allergies have been shown to produce anaphylaxis and are believed to be associated with latex allergies, but more widespread studies are needed to confirm this connection. If you suspect an allergy to yuca, visit an allergist for further testing and evaluation. Adverse Effects Adverse effects to yuca are not likely unless it is consumed raw and proper preparation methods are not used. Like many plant foods, cassava contains some naturally occurring cyanide. This can lead to neurotoxicity at high levels. To release cyanogenic compounds, cassava should be soaked and dried in the sun, grated and roasted, boiled, or fermented. After processing, yuca is safe to eat. Yuca Varieties Various yuca varieties have been produced to promote certain beneficial characteristics, including nutritional (such as vitamin fortification, or taste) and agricultural (higher yield or disease resistance). Generally, there are two basic species: sweet and bitter. A study in Uganda found that most local farmers grow between one to four varieties on their farms, while others may grow up to 14 varieties at a time. Names of the different varieties vary by location and can be based on the region where it is grown, taste, cooking properties, maturity periods, or a range of other descriptors. When Yuca Is Best Some—but not all—grocery stores sell yuca in the produce section of the market. You'll find yuca near other root vegetables like potatoes, turnips, or yams. Look for a reddish-brown, club-shaped vegetable that is firm and solid and has few blemishes. Keep in mind that the bark-like skin is removed before cooking, so dirt or mild blemishes are not a problem. Storage and Food Safety Yuca should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark place where it will keep for about one week. Before preparing yuca, wash thoroughly under running water. Once peeled, yuca can be kept in the refrigerator submerged in water for a few days. Peeled yuca may also be wrapped tightly and frozen for several months. How to Prepare Yuca Yuca has a starchy taste and texture similar to that of a potato, but it is slightly sweeter and nuttier than a potato. The most common way to prepare yuca is to fry it. You can also make baked yuca fries, providing a healthier alternative to French fried potatoes. You can also mash or roast cassava root. Yuca can be ground and used to produce baked items like bread and chips or boiled to make tapioca. Traditional African dishes using yuca include fufu (a dough made from cassava flour and served in soup) and chikwangue (pounded cassava cooked in banana leaves). 12 Sources Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Cassava, raw. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements. Potassium: Fact sheet for health professionals. Taleon V, Sumbu D, Muzhingi T, Bidiaka S. Carotenoids retention in biofortified yellow cassava processed with traditional African methods. J Sci Food Agric. 2019;99(3):1434-1441. doi:10.1002/jsfa.9347 Narayanan N, Beyene G, Chauhan RD, et al. Biofortification of field-grown cassava by engineering expression of an iron transporter and ferritin. 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Local varieties of cassava: Conservation, cultivation and use in Uganda. Environ Dev Sustain. 2018;20:2427-2445. doi:10.1007/s10668-017-9997-6 Produce for Better Health Foundation. Yucca root. By Malia Frey, M.A., ACE-CHC, CPT Malia Frey is a weight loss expert, certified health coach, weight management specialist, personal trainer, and fitness nutrition specialist. See Our Editorial Process Meet Our Review Board Share Feedback Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? Helpful Report an Error Other Submit