The Virginia Division of Immunization's mission is to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with vaccine-preventable diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers (IQIP) program is a quality improvement program for healthcare providers enrolled the Virginia Vaccines for Children (VVFC) program. The goal of IQIP is to increase vaccination of children and adolescents with all Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccines by reducing missed opportunities to vaccinate and improving immunization delivery practices at the provider level.
CDC’s IQIP program can help make provider practices more efficient and ensure children and adolescents are getting the vaccines they need when they need them. IQIP works with VVFC providers to implement strategies to improve immunization workflow and help create a culture of on-time vaccination.
Benefits include:
- Saving time by ensuring children and adolescents are vaccinated on time so more visits do not have to be scheduled for catch-up vaccinations
- Saving money because staff resources are not devoted to catch-up and follow-up activities
- Allowing tailored quality improvement strategies that best meet needs and workflow
- Using IIS data to better assess on-time vaccination coverage and individual patient vaccination needs
- Assisting in meeting HEDIS measures for children and adolescents
Virginia Immunization Information System Quick Guide
Virginia Immunization Coverage Assessment Tool (VICAT) **Coming Soon**
Increasing Appropriate Vaccination (The Guide to Community Preventive Services)