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Explore our new Unlimited+ plans

Save more with online exclusive offers! Upgrade your existing postpaid plan, switch to Vodafone Qatar or get a new Unlimited+ plan here! Simply choose from the options below.

Explore our new Postpaid+ plans

Save more with Online Exclusive Offers! Available here only, you can upgrade your existing number to Vodafone postpaid OR simply choose a new number to get these offers.

New Unlimited+
New Postpaid+

Lots of Postpaid plan benefits title

Our Postpaid plans offer more than just unlimited local calls and data; they include a host of additional benefits designed to complement and enhance your lifestyle. From exclusive discounts to 24/7 customer support, these plans are crafted to meet your needs. Experience a well-rounded mobile experience tailored to fit your daily life.

Lots of postpaid plan benefits image

Lots of Postpaid plan benefits title

Our Unlimited+ plans offer more than just unlimited local calls and data; they include a host of additional benefits designed to complement and enhance your lifestyle. From exclusive discounts to 24/7 customer support, these plans are crafted to meet your needs. Experience a well-rounded mobile experience tailored to fit your daily life.

Lots of postpaid plan benefits image
Need a call for postpaid plans title

Activate your Instant SIM

Step one for postpaid plan activation Step two for postpaid plan activation Step three for postpaid plan activation
Activate your Instant SIM
Insert SIM, scan QR code & choose your Unlimited+ plan
Scan your QID/passport & complete verification
Read and sign the Terms & Conditions then you're all set! Your plan will be activated.

Have more Questions?

If you have more questions about our New Unlimited+ Plans, please refer to our FAQs. To know our latest Home Internet offers, Postpaid Plans or to bring your number to us, simply WhatsApp us.

Looking for Home Internet or latest devices?

We have a plan for all your needs