Studio's logo
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Creative Expression through Games

Our mission is to teach skills revolving around video game development such as computer science, game design and art in order to help usher students into the game development industry.

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Past Events and Projects

base motif for Studiobase motif for Studio

Student Run Studios

Each year, Studio splits into teams of students who work through the winter and spring quarters to put together an indie game. Students can apply to be team leads to pitch their idea to the club and have people join them to bring their game concept into reality! You can see past projects at
base motif for Studiobase motif for Studio

Tutorial Tracks

No prior knowledge required! Studio offers the following workshop tracks: Introduction to Game Programming, Special Topics in Game Programming, and Creative Track. The Intro Track introduces students to the Unity editor. The Special Topics Track dives deep into specific game development areas officers are excited to share about. The Creative Track focuses on non-coding skills and how to incorporate them into a game project workflow. You can find tutorial content on our GitHub.
base motif for Studiobase motif for Studio

Game Jams

Game jams are a beginner-friendly way to get right into making a game of your own! These game-focused hackathons typically span 48-72 hours and revolve around a specific theme. Studio facilitates team formation for Ludum Dare (a global game jam) and also hosts in-house game jams such as our summer and winter break game jams.
ICPC's logo
large motif image for ICPClarge motif image for ICPC

Mastering Algorithms and Competitive Programming

Our mission is to promote algorithmic thinking and help build proficient problem solvers.

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Past Events and Projects

Codesprint FlyerCodesprint Flyer


CodeSprintLA is UCLA's own Competitive Programming Competition organized by ACM ICPC. Competitive Programming is the activity (some call it a sport!) of writing programs to solve computational problems. You must be clever with your algorithm to solve the program in a given time limit. Individual or teams compete to solve the most problems!
ICPC Project A* FlyerICPC Project A* Flyer

Project A*: Competitive Programming Workshops

All you need is a passion for problem-solving! Whether you are completely new to competitive programming (or even CS!), or a veteran coder we have a learning opportunity for you this Fall. Introducing Project A*, our weekly algorithm academy! Our Intro to Competitive Programming track will cover all the essentials from the bottom up to get you started in competitive programming. The Advanced Training track will delve deeper into more complicated data structures and algorithms to help you compete at the highest level.
Advanced Interview Prep FlyerAdvanced Interview Prep Flyer

Advanced Interview Prep

Are you ready to bring your coding interview skills to the next level? Are you worried about the upcoming fall recruiting season? Do your CS 32 algorithm skills feel rusty? 🤔 💭 Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! ACM ICPC is hosting an ⚙️ Advanced ⚙️ Interview Prep workshop that’ll let you in on all of the secrets to acing your next technical interview. In this workshop, we will be going over advanced algorithms and data structures asked in even the most difficult phone and onsite interviews! 🖥️
Design's logo
large motif image for Designlarge motif image for Design

Form Follows Function

Our mission is to design, manage, and support the visual identity of ACM at UCLA. We create the club's branding, event banners, and more elements, while also doing workshops to teach UI/UX to the UCLA community.

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Past Events and Projects

ACM Winter General MeetingACM Winter General Meeting

ACM Rebranding

We are finishing up our main project of rebranding ACM at UCLA including the logos, wordmarks, motifs, banners, and complete visual identities of each committee. The rebranding project started to correct the pain points of our previous branding, and position ACM at UCLA to appeal to a larger audience.
UI/UX Workshop Series FlyerUI/UX Workshop Series Flyer

UXLA: UI/UX Workshop Series

Come join ACM Design's second workshop series of the quarter, UXLA! UXLA will cover core aspects of the UI/UX process. Come join us for our first of four workshops, Intro to UI/UX 💡 This week, we will cover the higher level goals of UI/UX, define terms like "user research" and "wireframes", and analyze companies that use good UI/UX practices!
Design Tapas FlyerDesign Tapas Flyer

Design Tapas: HTML/CSS

We are continuing 🍢 Design Tapas 🍢 this quarter - Come join us this week for a fresh dive into HTML/CSS for beginners! This technology is all over the way we interact with Internet and is essential to know for any web development - a couple of our officers will be demystifying this secret to constructing websites and making them look awesome through code!
Cyber's logo
large motif image for Cyberlarge motif image for Cyber

Cybersecurity Made Simple

Our mission is to create a community in which both experts and beginners alike can grow in the field of cybersecurity skills and knowledge. We want to make cybersecurity simple and accessible for everyone.

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Past Events and Projects

Image of forensics event flyerImage of forensics event flyer

Cyber Academy: Web Auditing x Bruinwalk

ACM Cyber collaborated up with the Bruinwalk team to perform a security audit of Throughout the quarter, members learned about web hacking and security vulnerabilities which culminated a hands on experience to audit the source code of the famous website! Teams were awarded bounties for finding bugs on the website allowing the team to patch these vulnerabilities.
LA CTF 2023 mountains logo GIF.LA CTF 2023 mountains logo GIF.


LA CTF is an annual Capture the Flag (CTF) cybersecurity competition hosted by ACM Cyber at UCLA & Psi Beta Rho. LA CTF is open to all skill levels of cybersecurity! Whether you are tackling your first exploit or have professional experience, there will be challenges just right for you! There will be a variety of events ranging from the competition containing jeopardy-style cybersecurity challenges to talks from UCLA professors to fun events such as typing competitions! If you are interested in attending, join the Discord to stay up to date with the latest information about LA CTF!

Psi Beta Rho

Psi Beta Rho, also known as PBR, is UCLA's competetive cybersecurity team! We are a group of students who are passionate about learning more about cybersecurity and competing at CTFs. PBR attends a variety of different cybersecurity competitions throughout the year by we primarily compete in capture the flag (CTF) competitions. Psi Beta Rho is open to all skill levels. Whether you are just launching your cybersecurity career or are already an experienced professional, PBR is for you!
Teach LA's logo
large motif image for Teach LAlarge motif image for Teach LA

Learn It, Teach It

Our mission is to provide equal access to K-12 CS education in the Los Angeles area. We do this by teaching classes, running workshops and events, and writing software!

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Past Events and Projects

Teach LA members with a class they are teaching.Teach LA members with a class they are teaching.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Classes

Teach remote classes on Scratch, Python, Web Development, App Development (w/ React Native), and AI/ML (w/ ACM AI Outreach)! No prior CS experience required, and we like all majors!
Students and instructors from an eventStudents and instructors from an event

Speaker Series & Events

Help run one-off virtual events like Day of Code (with ACM-W), “What CS in College is Like”, “Diversity in CS”, “Bias in AI & ML”, or “Hacking for Good!”! Here, we especially value diverse experiences, including CS backgrounds and majors.
Screenshot of Teach LA's passworks projectScreenshot of Teach LA's passworks project

Dev Team

Write educational software to make teaching easier, either by developing interactive web applications called “Learning Labs” (e.g. Passworks Lesson), maintain our free online code editor, or bust out your design skills on our website. No prior dev experience required!
W's logo
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Starting Conversations about Diversity in Tech

Our goal is to promote diversity in tech through mentorship, networking, and professional development opportunities. We’re a safe space for everyone interested in computer science. :)

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Past Events and Projects

Flyer for student panel with title "From Idea to Prototype to Business" and the speakers' names Flyer for student panel with title "From Idea to Prototype to Business" and the speakers' names

Student Panel Series

We invite current and past students to share the wisdom they’ve gained from a variety of experiences, including entrepreneurship and the Grace Hopper Conference!
A large gathering of WESP participants outside B-Plate the cafeteria.A large gathering of WESP participants outside B-Plate the cafeteria.


The Women in Engineering Stayover Program is our annual event (pre-coronavirus) put on with WATT and SWE to showcase what UCLA Engineering (and UCLA Dining) has to offer to prospective students!
ACM W members hanging out at UCLA.ACM W members hanging out at UCLA.

Mentorship Program

Our year-long mentorship program pairs underclassmen/those new to CS with upperclassmen who can offer advice on everything from internships to favorite spots in LA (pre-COVID, at least).
AI's logo
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Learning Machine Learning

Our mission is to grow and develop a community of students interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at UCLA, Los Angeles, and beyond. Our initiatives aim to serve everyone who has an interest in AI regardless of background, including people with no prior experience or knowledge in AI and non-CS majors.

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Past Events and Projects

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AI/ML Workshops

This fall ACM AI is offering three workshop series: Beginner Track, Advanced Track, and Applied ML. Beginner Track is an introductory course that teaches fundamentals of machine learning and assumes no prior background in AI. Advanced Track is a more advanced machine learning course that covers more advanced deep learning topics and is designed for students who have already previously taken Beginner Track or have prior knowledge of machine learning fundamentals. Our Applied ML workshops series covers practical skills needed to apply machine learning theory to real world problems and is designed for students who already have knowledge of machine learning fundamentals.
base motif for AIbase motif for AI

You Belong in AI! Podcast

You Belong in AI! is a podcast on diversity in the field of Artificial Intelligence. We feature industry and academic leaders in AI from a diverse range of backgrounds to come and talk about their work and the importance of diversity and inclusion in AI. You Belong in AI! is available on all major podcast streaming platforms.
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Video Game AI (Collaboration with ACM Game Studio)

ACM AI’s projects team collaborated with ACM Game Studio to develop AI for a fighting video game that would match the skill level of the player. This project made use of reinforcement learning, an advanced machine learning technique used to teach agents to act intelligently in complex environments.
Cloud's logo
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Building the Future in the Clouds

ACM Cloud is committed to providing resources to build a strong intuition of the architectural foundations of the modern cloud environment through project-based, hands-on experience.

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Past Events and Projects

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Distributed Systems Workshops

Our weekly Distributed File System Project series provided a hands-on introduction to distributed systems. Each week, participants explored concepts like cloud computing, system architectures, process communication, and security while building and enhancing a distributed file system. Starting with setting up a basic file server, they progressively implemented features such as client-server communication, naming services, consistency models, fault tolerance, and security measures. View the drive of resources and the slides.
Image of Cloud AWS WorkshopsImage of Cloud AWS Workshops

Amazon Web Services Workshops

Our Amazon Web Services Workshop Series provided a comprehensive introduction to AWS, featuring weekly sessions on key topics such as cloud management, scaling, continuous integration and deployment, databases, serverless technologies, and infrastructure as code. The GitHub repository includes all code examples, slides, recordings, and guided project steps for you to get started with AWS.
Image of Cloud GCP WorkshopsImage of Cloud GCP Workshops

Google Cloud Platform Workshops

The Spring 2024 Google Cloud Platform Workshop mini-series provided a comprehensive overview of GCP, featuring sessions on computing and databases with Google Cloud. View our GitHub repository here.
Hack's logo
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Move Fast, Build Things

To empower the community by providing the means to build amazing things and explore what is possible through code!

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Past Events and Projects

Image of Hack Sprint FlyerImage of Hack Sprint Flyer

This is our weekly Python workshop series on Wednesdays @ 6-8 PM PDT, dedicated to giving you an accessible introduction to Python. Our goal is to teach you the essentials of the programming language itself, as well as some of its practical and cool applications, such as task automation and web development! No prior Python experience is required, but basic programming knowledge is recommended.
Image of Hack off the Hill flyerImage of Hack off the Hill flyer

Hack Kitchen

Hack Kitchen is a virtual coding puzzle competition that encourages creativity in technology. Coders will participate in a 8 hour MasterChef style tournament, where each round will consist of a wacky coding puzzle and some for your favorite Gordon Ramsay references. To accommodate for time zones, we will be offering 2 sessions of Hack Kitchen.
Image of Hack Fam flyerImage of Hack Fam flyer

Javascript Chats

JavaScript is one of the most popular languages that people use outside of academic settings at UCLA. Come out to JavaScript Chats with ACM Hack, a weekly discussion on intermediate/advanced JavaScript. This series aims to deepen your understanding of the language’s features and designs. We also plan to cover frameworks and related topics.