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They/Them 20+

God I love “We’re enemies, but we’ve been enemies for a long time, which is sort of like being friends.” Great trope.

Especially when it comes with a side of “this OTHER enemy isn’t being your enemy in the right way. I will help you defeat them, so that I can go back to being your primary enemy, your correct enemy.”

um... recs please?

Perry the Platypus and Doofenshmirtz


obsessed with how fixable society is, on a structural level.

obsessed with how all you need to do is throw money at public education and eliminate most standardized testing and you will start getting smarter, more engaged, kinder adults. obsessed with how giving people safe housing, reliable access to good food, and decent wages dramatically reduces drug overdoses and gun violence. obsessed with how much people actually want to get together and fix infrastructure, invent new ways of helping each other, and create global ways of living sustainably once you give them livable pay to do so. obsessed with how tracking diseases, developing medicines, and improving public health becomes so much easier when you just make healthcare free at point of use.

obsessed with how easy it all becomes, if we can just figure out how to wrench the wealth out of the hands of the hoarders.

i've lived in four different cities in my adult life and talked to literally tens of thousands of people about politics and the change they want to see in the world and the overwhelming majority of them wanted life to be better, happier, easier for everyone, and dreamed of that world. the only people who didn't think that way were A) really obviously in need of mental/medical care, or B) rich.

wanting universal free healthcare, well-funded public education, and social support for all people is the most unbelievably normie opinion that exists, even among people who have lots of bad or misguided opinions about other things. when you feel alone, know that the reason you feel that way is billions of dollars are being spent to obscure the fact that you are in the majority.


Slow burn but it's written by an impatient person

This doesn't affect the speed of the developing relationship at all, but does make for a very passive aggressive narrator.

“They looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment...again. Notably, they were not kissing.”


Slow burn but it's written by an impatient person

This doesn't affect the speed of the developing relationship at all, but does make for a very passive aggressive narrator.

“They looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment...again. Notably, they were not kissing.”


i feel like the term “dogwhistle” is becoming increasingly misused and it’s going to become dangerous at some point

dogwhistles are used as plausibly-deniable signals to other members of the in-group to signify the person as a member, while remaining at least somewhat inconspicuous to outsiders. they are not a general “oh i recognize this as terf/nazi/hategroup bullshit, therefore it’s a dogwhistle”.

“1488” is a dogwhistle. “Wombyn” is a dogwhistle. “Globalist elites” is a dogwhistle. Calling trans women “TRAs” is a dogwhistle. Saying “total jew death” or “biological males don’t belong in women’s spaces” are not dogwhistles, they are just the explicit rhetoric of neonazis and terfs, respectively.

i need people to learn to differentiate between “this is a dogwhistle” and “this is outright bigotry” because i am tired of seeing people say “omg dogwhistle” to terfs outright saying trans women are men. please. at this point it’s just giving them more plausible deniability.


I love the idea of dead gods. Not in the sense of “hey i killed something supernaturally strong” but in the sense of “i killed it and it’s still a god.” It is still worshipped. prayers are still answered. miracles are performed in its name, even as it lies pierced by a thousand swords and burning with chemical fire. even as it drifts through vacuum, decapitated and bleeding molten rock. in cosmic spite of being shot through each eye and hurled into a plasma reactor, it still radiates the power of the divine in a way that primitive death cannot smother. the nature of godchild is not so simple as to be tied to the mortality, or immortality, of any living being.

In science that's called a whalefall :)


If a worker who isn't the owner says ANYTHING similar to "I'm not really supposed to do this but-" and then does something that helps you, under no circumstances inform the business, including through reviews. You tell them that the worker was polite, professional, the very model of customer service and why you like to go there. You do not breathe a word of the rulebreaking.

Employee-customer solidarity

Even if they don't- Your review can be the thing that wrecks someone up accidentally;

"Janie was so helpful when I wanted to buy a new washing machine on Friday, she stayed with me for half an hour and wasn't pushy at all, we had a good laugh about our cats' silly antics and she got Adam and Suzy to carry it to the car for me- 10/10 excellent service, I'd come back any day!"

-But Management has a policy that workers should spend no more than 10 focused minutes on any customer at a time, and that they should always try to upsell the insurance and the higher price model, so Janie was breaking policy.

-And they aren't supposed to have their phones on the sales floor, so now Janie is going to be quizzed on whether she was showing photos of her cat to a customer.

-Adam is a warehouse worker and shouldn't have been in the front-of-house at all, Suzy is a porter, and store policy is both to use a trolley to move heavy items, and that only the porters should do it, so now Janie is in trouble for pulling Adam off-task, Adam is in trouble for walking through the shop floor, and Suzy is in trouble for poor handling procedure. Maybe the store even has a paid delivery service that Janie was supposed to upsell as soon as you said "I can't put this in my car without help", so this was all against policy.

Your review should always be as bland as possible, "10/10, five star service, will shop here again, thank you to Janie at the Town Street branch" You NEVER know what was technically a rule-break, capitalism is not your friend, the review process is part of the panopticon.



Quietly losing my mind over the fact that Elon Musk has straight up orchestrated a coup of our executive branch and like....I don't even know what, if any, system we have in place to fix this. Like... He's just taken control of the money and locked out the actual appointed officials. What the fuck.

Nazis are taking over my government, and like, not even just the Nazis we fucking elected! And I'm...making hamburgers? Because somebody has to make dinner? I just feel completely unhinged.

I think that's how random civillians generally feel in these situations. Someone's gotta make dinner.

If you're wondering, there is plenty to be done about it, and plenty being done about it already, even if it's not happening instantly in a way you can perceive.

Reblogging because this is an excellent article that both tells you about some of what's being done and breaks it down in a way that will help you understand and think about future action. Please read!


sometimes a theme recurs in your work without your permission. and sometimes it reaches a threshold where you're like. well now i think this is saying something about me against my will. don't know what though

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