IT has now been officially announced that it’s at the invitation of the Secretary of State in Council that the Viceroy is going home on leave and that His Excellency sails from Bombay on April 10. An attempt has been made in the Legislative Assembly to find out the exact nature of the subjects that are likely to be discussed between the Viceroy and Lord Birkenhead, but it has so far only succeeded in eliciting from the Home Member the general and by no means informing statement that “the more outstanding matters regarding the affairs of India would undoubtedly be included among the subjects of discussion.” He would not even admit that the report of the Reforms Committee presided over by himself was one of these subjects, but left it to the members to judge for themselves whether it was one of the important outstanding matters. This deliberate attempt to keep back from the Legislature information to which it was certainly entitled, unjustifiable as it was, was probably not without a purpose. That purpose was to deprive the Legislature of an opportunity of expressing its considered opinion on the outstanding issues to be discussed at the conference. If this, however, was the object of the government, that object is bound to be defeated. The Muddiman Committee’s report is about to be published, and it is inconceivable that the House will not be afforded an opportunities of discussing it this month. On some of the other matters, such as the Bengal Ordinance, the Assembly has already expressed an opinion, while it will have an opportunity during the next three weeks of discussing the rest.
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