Announcement – Covid 19
Greetings Church family.
Yesterday the government advised the cancellation of all indoor meetings of over 100 people due to the Covid 19 crisis. Most larger churches are heeding this advice and many smaller ones are as well. Our stance is that we will continue with our Sunday services at both St Stephen’s and Trinity for now. If the advisory changes or we have any cases appearing in Timaru we will halt our Sunday services and seek alternative ways to worship and fellowship.
We understand that you may be anxious at this time and may choose to practice social distancing by staying away from church for a time. That is perfectly acceptable. Our sermons are recorded each week and are available here: https://www.timarupres. . And if you are anxious and would like prayer or just a chat, please make contact with Rory or myself through the church office (686 0981) or call the prayer chain (684 5878)
If you do come to church please remember to follow some basic protocols such as washing your hands regularly, coughing into your elbow and avoid physical contact (eg hand shaking, hugging).
In trying times like these I find comfort and strength in Jesus’ words from John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”.
We will face this together with faith and courage in our Lord Jesus Christ.