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Green Hills Software
Embedded safety and security software solution provider
Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software is the worldwide leader in embedded safety and security. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178 RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership comprised of NSA & NIST) to EAL 6+, High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Our open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply embedded, absolute security and high-reliability applications for the military/avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions. Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom.
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- Santa Barbara, California, 93101
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GHS-3P-MULTI-IDE — Green Hills Software MULTI Integrated Development Environment
The MULTI® development environment has been in use by thousands of developers for three decades and is the industry’s unrivaled integrated development environment to create, debug, and optimize C, C++ and Ada code for production-focused applications. It brings together (...)
GHS-3P-UVELOSITY — Green Hills Software u-velOSity Safety RTOS
The µ-velOSity™ Safety RTOS is the smallest of Green Hills Software's real-time operating systems and was designed especially for microcontrollers. It supports a wide range of TI processor families using the Arm® Cortex-M or Cortex-R cores as a main CPU or as a co-processors (...)