The Best Firewood for Home Heating

Preparing and Burning Wood for Quality Heat

Man splitting log in half for fire wood with ax Man splitting log in half for fire wood with ax
Connor Walberg / Getty Images

Finding Firewood

If you are looking for firewood to cut, you need a wood source that is relatively close to your storage area and easily accessible by your vehicle. If you have a place to store and season the cut wood, inexpensive wood can be found nearly anywhere trees are being removed because of storms, right-of-way clearing, or logging. Places to look for wood include sawmill yards, national forests, logging and arboricultural operations and even your own property. The old saying, "the best firewood is free firewood" has some merit if you have the desire and equipment to process it and a place to store it.

Many urban firewood users purchase processed wood because of its convenience, availability, and deliverability. It takes a lot less room to store the wood and is usually processed to fit the fireplace or stove. Processed firewood comes at a premium cost associated with its preparation, handling, and transportation. You should acquaint yourself with the value of firewood in your area and pay a fair price. You can find plenty of great dealers online and in the phone book.

The Easiest Wood to Split

Various woods have different splitting characteristics which are important to consider. Some woods split with little effort while others can be tough, stringy, and difficult to split. Splitting enables the wood to dry out faster and reduces the size of the sticks to stove or fireplace size. Some wood has to be split to use in a stove.

Tree species to avoid because of splitting difficulties are elm, sycamore, and gum. Tree species especially easy to split are most conifers, oaks, ash and hard maple.

Woods with interlocking grain like elm, gum or sycamore are to be avoided and are difficult to split even with a mechanical log splitter. A couple rules of thumb should also be remembered: green wood will split more easily than dry wood and softwoods will generally split more easily than hardwoods.

How Wood Burns

Every species of wood provides different quantities (BTUs) of usable heat when burned--we will discuss this, further in the next section. Heating efficiency of firewood depends on how that wood progresses through the three stages of burning. 

In the first stage, wood is heated to the point where moisture within the wood cells is driven off and the cells are drying out. As the wood is losing moisture, it is chemically changing into charcoal, which is famous for its volatile gasses and liquids. Stopping the process at this point is where the charcoal industry packages their products.

In the second stage, actual flames burn off the volatile gasses and liquids to the point at which the charcoal has lost most of these volatile fuels. Much of the wood's fuel energy is lost during this stage and premium wood burning systems can improve their efficiency.

The third and final stage occurs when the charcoal burns and produce visible, glowing embers. This is called "coaling." At this point, heat is radiated from the burning bed of coals. Different species of wood burn and expend energy differently throughout these three stages.

Good firewood species should be dry, should burn through the second stage without sparks with a minimum of smoke production, and should spend a long time burning in the third "coaling" phase.

Wood That Burns Best

The heating potential of wood depends upon the increased density of that wood. A wood's density is genetically determined by the tree species. Dense or heavy wood contains higher heating values, in British thermal units per unit volume, than lighter wood. A British thermal unit (BTU) measures the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.

Most of us don't realize that air dried wood will produce about 7,000 BTU’s per pound. Regardless of the species, all wood burns with the same value. The complication here is in the density variation between different species, which can be significant.

As an example, one unit of heavy oak wood will produce roughly as much heat as two units of cottonwood when measuring BTU output. Therefore, lighter woods like cottonwood and willow will produce the same heat per pound as the heavier oak and hickory woods. This means that a greater volume of cottonwood is needed than oak to produce the same amount of heat.

Also consider that some species of wood start easier than others but give off more smoke and more sparks than others. Easy starting wood is not necessarily the best wood to use for heating. Remember that different species of wood will last longer and have better coaling qualities than others. It is important to consider these factors when selecting firewood.

The Needle and the Leaf Debate

Then comes the issue of burning needled conifers and softer wood species. Harder wood species that are very dense, and typically called hardwoods, are the firewood of choice in North America. However, not everyone has access to wood from the Eastern hardwood forest. Conifers and softwoods have served well in those regions with limited hardwoods but the limitations are overcome with proper preparation and appropriate wood burning systems.

On the positive side, conifers are easier to ignite because they are resinous. Still, these softwoods tend to burn rapidly with a high, hot flame and burn out quickly, requiring frequent attention. Finding a wood heating unit that can store this quick heat and distribute it through time is critical.

Red cedar and other trees with high-resin will often hold "moisture pockets" which can be both irritating and dangerous without the proper burning hardware. When heated these trapped gasses will pop and cause sparks. This can present a significant fire risk, especially when burned in open fireplaces without screens.

Hardwoods will burn longer but less vigorously when compared to softwoods. The wood is harder to start and conifers are often used to kindle the wood burning process. Hardwoods make the best fuel because they tend to produce more coals, a process called "coaling", that lasts longer than softwoods. A well-seasoned oak makes an excellent fuel because it produces a uniformly short flame and provides heat preserving coals.

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Your Citation
Nix, Steve. "The Best Firewood for Home Heating." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Nix, Steve. (2023, April 5). The Best Firewood for Home Heating. Retrieved from Nix, Steve. "The Best Firewood for Home Heating." ThoughtCo. (accessed March 8, 2025).